"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

Welcome to August. The beginning of this month is very strong both in terms of events and energetically. I feel as if everything is starting to speed up, chaotic, explosive, and anything can happen at any time, not only in our lives, but also on a global level.

The quiet period is over, our Sun is again shedding high M and X solar flares. This week there was a kp7 geomagnetic storm that knocked me out for 3 days with headaches and fatigue, but I could barely sleep, I was in a kind of meditative state while my body tried to rest. Since the energies do not affect everyone in the same way, there are some who do not feel them and experience everyday life in the same way. Some people are emotionally unstable at this time, some are spiralling negatively, and some people get excited and go into happy mode. And there are those whose physical body reacts to this with pain or even sleepiness, but there may also be people who are very active during this period. The point is to pay attention to ourselves, who needs what in these periods not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually. It's okay if we suddenly change from extrovert to introvert or vice versa, but definitely checking in and create time to ourselves.

The other thing I noticed is that people, colleagues, friends, family or loved ones, suddenly turn out of themselves for 1-2 days and show a side that was "hidden" until now. My mom told me a story about her co-worker who had a sudden change of heart, but unfortunately I also experienced this from my friend. He never criticized the food I put on the table, even if I "messed it up", but this week, for the first time in our relationship, he said that "naked fish" is "disgusting". He never said he doesn't like unbreaded (uncoated) fish, since I've made fried fish in the past, and his favorite is sushi, where the fish is also "naked". He got very offended about this food, he got totally angry about this. So my advice is to try not to take it upon yourself if someone changes "suddenly" and apparently for "no reason". We know that the strong energies effecting our behavior, clearing out old stuff and our mind and emotions can´t cope with it, as well as the removal of the Lurker are also in progress, and I think everyone reacts to this process differently.

If possible, let's not get involved in arguments, don't let intense emotions sweep us off our feet, rather try to find a diplomatic solution and leave the situation with grace. This period is not easy for anyone, because our most deeply buried, denied and wounded aspect comes to the surface, which we do not allow ourselves to see. Let's be understanding towards ourselves and others, but don't allow ourselves to be doormats and not burn those bridges that we shouldn't. If you feel like you are being swept away by the wheel of life, take a bird's eye view of the fact that you are going through an evolution and try to find friends or community that will support you during this time. We are never alone, we have ourselves, our spirit guides, our higher self, are with us 24/7 and support us tremendously.

These energies also have a powerful effect on our Earth, and in this case volcanic eruptions, extreme weather conditions and active earthquakes and tsunamis can occur. E.g.: 5.2 earthquake that struck northwest of Los Angeles on Tuesday night and followed 270 aftershocks.

A 7.1 earthquake occurred in Southwestern Japan on August 8 and a tsunami warning was issued afterwards. It is not known whether it was a natural or "man-made" earthquake, but unfortunately in both cases the damage is great and human lives can be lost.

The wind of change, i.e. the toppling of the dominoes of the matrix, can be felt on many fronts. In my weekend vibezz article last week, I mentioned that while the vast majority of people are paying attention to the Olympics - distraction - huge movements are happening in many parts of the world.

The Middle East conflict flared up again - Iraq, Iran vs. Israel.

The stock market has been manipulated and controlled for a long time, yet the emerging crisis sent the stock market to a historic low on Monday in Japan and this rolled out to other countries as well.

Bangladesh's prime minister flees country and resigns after deadly protest

And there was a failed Taylor Swift concert in Austria, where they wanted to commit a terrorist attack and the young generation turned this delayed concert into kindness and support each other. 

Well, it's a bit "suspicious" for me, how can a young teenager have such a valuable "weapons" without support - I think they are the scapegoats.

In Europe, there is a big gap between "radical Islamists" and Christians, and I think the Cabal's plan is to incite these two layers against each other and to promote as much upheaval and civil unrest as possible.

But to be have a good news too, human kindness and creativity are limitless. Recently, more and more people are "leaving" small gifts accompanied by a small note in various cities, in central places with a lot of visitors, e.g. crochet figurines to bring joy to someone who finds them.

I think it's a very good idea, especially in these "thunderous" times and at such times, human kindness, gestures and actions can make people's day easier and more beautiful. These will be the authoritative ones when someone acts from the heart and love, where small kind gestures are worth more than money. I hope this initiative and other positive actions spread like wildfire in the world and not because of fame and media attention, but really out of love. The world needs more and more positive and uplifting actions. 

What else could I end this post with than a song whose message is more relevant than ever - Humanity. Whatever comes, let's not forget our humanity.

I wish for everyone a good weekend, stay safe and grounded, be happy and in kindness :)

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