"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Celia Fenn - The energy is really becoming intense - 31.01.2022

Just one day out from the 2/2/2022 Aquarius Gateway Portal.
The energy is really becoming intense as Golden Solar Light and Diamond Codes flood the Planet. There is a major Sun Spot directly facing Earth and many smallish solar flares are being ejected, with the chance of a big M Class or even bigger X Class flare possible.
That would certainly be something at this powerful time.
Meanwhile, you may be feeling the effects of the Solar energy, I know I am!
As the Light Codes activate the Pineal gland they transmit the Light to the DNA which also lights up. Like a Christmas tree! But this extra radiance can put pressure on the body and particularly the nervous system. You may feel anxious, irritable, a bit ungrounded or very excited and not quite sure why!
Just breathe deeply and connect with your Body. Allow the radiance to simply flow and feel how it is lifting your frequency and your consciousness as you come home to the New Earth and to who you Are!
Body, Soul and Spirit!
Have a wonderful Monday everyone!

Carta Astral 222 - we are experiencing the union of our Mind with our Heart - 31.01.2022

Dear family, this is the most recent image of the Sun. All the clearer regions you see are solar spots (active regions with a certain magnetic complexity that could generate an explosion - or a flare-), in the top right Here is the solar stain that generated the flare M1 Class. 1 that did have associated a Coronal Mass Eyewitness which in the next two days will cause an increase in the Kp index to 5-6, but because of the size of the mass eyewitness, the truth is that I think we will reach Kp7 if no other magnetic interaction divert his path. In addition, in the last 24 hours there have been 5 significant Class C calls, but the reality is that the general activity of the solar spots has not decreased in the last 48 hours.

In addition to the sensations you may be having in the Heart Chakra, for a few hours you might also be feeling gastritis, burning and/or pain in the mouth of the stomach, pain in the teeth and bones, a lot of fatigue, dryness in the eyes and all the mucus of the body, difficulty to focus, circulatory problems (the veins may be slightly bulged, have eye spills, or even may see your veins more blue and fatter than normal), it is also common to change color on the skin (as if there were bronze ado because we are exposed to higher radiation solar although we do not see it in the form of light, as it happens in the tanning beds), and we can have insomnia (the glandula that seizes the sleep hormone "believe" that is daytime and does not produce it the same), intranquility and irritability. Generally, there may be a complete hormonal disorder because our glands and their functions are governed by the amount of electromagnetic energy we receive from the Sun.

The quantum (subatomic) effect of this phenomenon is that solar particles (mostly protons) adhere to the electrons of our atoms and move them causing greater agitation in them, or greater vibration. By increasing our vibration we become a state of energy closer to the frequency of the wave than the particle and that is why our Consciousness expands, our thoughts materialize faster and our emotions they step up. The expansion of our Consciousness makes it easier for us to understand more (because we experience three-dimensional reality from a higher perspective, as if we saw a playwork from the stage and not from the front row), and by increasing our layer city to understand what we define as “possible” increases exponentially. Our thoughts and our emotions are energy in the form of a wave, and these waves travel through space with greater ease and speed because the "external environment" is more compatible with them, that is why our thoughts are m landing faster and we can feel ours magnified emotions just like each other's emotions. We have always been able to communicate telepathically between ourselves and even with other species, the problem is that the message wasn't arriving so easily and not so fast because the media wasn't making it easier. Now until we can "mount" on WiFi communications signals to communicate between each other without having to have an electronic device through, you just need to know how to choose the router that has less resistance. And of course, believe it... because I assure you that many of you hold telepathic conversations with other people and ignore them or throw them away thinking it's just your imagination.

One of the most transcendent effects of this process we are experiencing is the union of our Mind with our Heart. In the binary polarized system we live in (still, but it’s just that system that’s crumbling down due to frequency incompatibility), the Heart moved to the background because we were conditioned to “defend” for everything and everyone. Ever since we were taught to compete in schools they divided us and made us believe there is never enough for everyone. The vibrational frequency of our heart, and the frequency it creates through our heartbeat is more compatible with the increased vibration we are experiencing now (have you ever wondered why heart cancer is extremely rare? ) and that's why we're reminding that we're not really here to destroy each other. "Waking up" is realizing that the tale told by the conscious rational mind is a mechanism of defense with which we were conditioned to defend ourselves from aggressions that actually don't exist. When we remember this, we flow again with the Universe because the limits of separation, and what we believe "impossible" disappear. Trust the divine plan, trust yourself and also trust others, for we will all find our way back home.

Natalia Alba - Sun codes helping us build our shoulder wings - 31.01.2022

Beloved Ones,

As we approach the 2/2/22 Angelic portal, we can clearly feel the cosmic support to help us in our inner work of body synthesis. At this time, our Central Sun supports us with the recent solar flares that we are receiving. Flares that are Sun codes meant to bring unity, so we can use these frequencies to work on the second layer of our DNA, the one that represents duality, as well as our concept of time and space.

This is a very powerful time for us to begin choosing, consciously, where we desire to dwell, and once we have set our most pure intention to where is our chosen place within this transition, begin the inner work of DNA healing and reconnection. Otherwise, we may wish to move forward, but if we do not begin by shifting old patterns inwardly, even if we think of stepping out of the old, internally we will keep being programmed to repeat the same old habits, and hence obtaining the same old results.

Sun codes that hold the key to opening our 6D and 7D wing portals, by helping us build our shoulder wings, as it is where physical unity begins. Shoulder portals that correspond to our feminine and masculine essences. Unity is not a mental concept or something we achieve by simply unifying our feminine and masculine essences, as well as dark and light ones. The process of body synthesis is a long and conscious one that involves a lot of DNA work and above all, patience and self-discipline.

The reconnection of our shoulder wings is vital to open ourselves to a higher form of communication. Wings that were literally cut, from our DNA to our physical body, to impede us be the lovelight beings that we are in nature. It is now our choice to claim our wings and begin this inner work of reconnecting what is originally meant to work as One.

We have a very powerful month ahead, in terms of healing and expansion, as once the energies are anchored on earth, are available for us to align with them and embody them consciously. However, for us to be able to do this inner work, first we need to prepare our bodies, cleansing and purifying them, so they can be ready for the new earth's energies as well as the ones that like during this portal, are coming from our central sun and many other dimensions, as they cannot coexist with old frequencies that no longer resonates with our current state of being.

I will share more about the 2222 portal as it approaches, Beloved Ones.
Until then remain into the Illumined Essence of your God Self.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba

Amanda Lorence Update - 31.01.2022


Q: How long does this period last?
A: my guess, but ONLY a guess but I have a bit of data in terms of other energies that take us out of it…so a guess is between 4-6 weeks. Each have to experience it in their own timeline and own reality and way, but it’s been much a collective timeline presentation.

Jason Estes Update - 31.01.2022


We are now at 5800 data points and heading up very fast there is a metaphorical eye of the needle of truth you are going to be going through one of the best ways to do this is start at the earliest age you can remember and begin to move yourself through it as things come up with this send love to and forgive this goes for things you see others doing to you aswell as things you have done to yourself or others as you do this understand that you choose to be here in this moment and you are worthy of being here don't let the noise tell you otherwise we must forgive our past and let go of it if we hope to have a future for otherwise we only build the past into the present and loop within the same dynamics and games with very low chance of growth while this time on earth may have been painful it was full of lessons embrace and apply them and be ready for what is to come ::hugs::

From comments:
"The next few days until the 2nd Feb, the golden era, the energies are going to be huge - you can feel the chaos ramping up daily"
Jason: "yeah with all set to happen in feb the template of it will be pretty massive + pre purge and the spikes def going to be a time of major reflection 😊"

A QUICK NOTE #1866 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Time grid keeps disintegrating" - 30.01.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Specials are relocated immediately.
Shadows are recognized and adjusted.
False flags remain what they are.
Time grid keeps disintegrating.
Buddha Columns are reintegrated where they should be.
Misfits at *Point 1 are bypassed.
5th layer opening! "*Sinus Virus" acting! 96% (not countdown) - Next >>>> 4th layer Opening.
*Base 23T Sector 6/9 in depopulation: 56% (not countdown). Zetas invited to withdraw. The Light Celebrates! Next >>>> 7/9.
*Central Sun Flash imminent - 85% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
P1 in Data Collection. Next >>>> Analysis.
Order Bearers are reborn.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Cobra - The Legacy of Isis Astara - 29.01.2022

On this day, four years ago, Isis Astara has left the physical plane.

Her essence is still with us, and people can connect with her through her teachings:

The moments stay in the akashic records, and they will never be erased.

Original Post:

Carta Astral 222 - Solar flares - 29.01.2022

Look no further, this is a recent picture of the Sun and if you pay attention to the top almost in the middle, there is a brighter glow, that glow is a M1.1 Class callout that happened a couple of hours ago, so there probably was n sense dizzy (like drunk or drugged) for a few minutes, in addition to that you may also be feeling greater activity in the Cardiac chakra that is expanding to be able to drive a greater amount of electromagnetic energy in the form of electrical impulse (or in on the way). This activation of the Cardiac chakra could have caused them since yesterday a feeling of tensions or pain in the chest, stitches in different parts of the sternon, palpitations, double heartbeat, passenger tachicardias, reflux and internal heat from the b Stomach goose down to the throat (as if they had fire inside), besides headache, ear buzzing, very tired and high sensitivity to cold. They can be emotionally sensitive and have sudden mood swings between sadness and euphoria; besides feeling nervous and feeling something big is about to happen.
If this so-called Class M1.1 has a Coronal Mass Eyeliner, in the next 72 hours we will see an increase in the KP index if nothing diverts the plasma in its trajectory. Remember that if your symptoms are very strong, it's best to go to the doctor to discard any problems that require attention. Solar activity will continue to increase as we get closer to 2025 (which is the point of maximum solar activity although apparently this cycle accelerated and that is why the Ascension process also accelerated) so we will be re every time feeding a higher amount of energy for Integrate. Stay well hydrated, trust the divine plan and fear not, all is well.

(google translate)

My Note:

We had 4 solar flare within 24 hour

New sunspot AR2936 has rapidly grown into one of the largest active regions of young Solar Cycle 25, quadrupling in size in only 48 hours.
Big sunspot AR2936 just produced a long duration M1-class solar flare. The slowly unfolding explosion peaked at 2332 UT on Jan. 29th and may have hurled a CME toward Earth.

Alex Myles - End of Venus Retrograde - 29.01.2022

Venus, the Planet of Love, stations direct today, after being retrograde since December 19th, however she will remain in the shadow phase until March 1st.

Over the past couple of months, since Venus entered her pre-retrograde shadow phase, we will no doubt have noticed that our entire vision of love has been shaken to the core. Our beliefs and values will have been questioned and we will likely have felt major internal shifts occurring as we realise that all that we love, believe in and dream of, may not be manifesting exactly as we hoped.

Despite how soul shattering this may feel, every single thing that has taken place is for a higher reason and it may not be until Venus enters Aquarius on March 6th that we receive full clarity. Over the next few weeks we will begin to gain fuller insight into why we have gone through this emotional rollercoaster and the reason certain things have abruptly been brought to our attention.

Relationships that have felt stuck or confusing will have been tested, and if any dynamic is unaligned we will now be wanting to take action and either break down walls and fix issues so that the love deepens or realise there is no other option but to let go and walk away.
Since this retrograde began we will have received some pretty sharp lessons, mainly surrounding who we value and whether they value us in return. We will start to see where we have created myths or illusions, focusing on our perceived potential of certain people, rather than the stark reality that all is not how we might have hoped.

We have clearly seen where we haven’t been showing up authentically, or where those we care about are emotionally unavailable, distant and not showing up for us. We will also be noticing how we have been too busy focusing on receiving love from others and have been failing to give love, attention and care to ourselves.

Relationships where we have felt insecure, confused, neglected, rejected or abandoned will have been brought to our attention and we will see that we have healing work to do so we no longer look externally for acceptance and validation.

Underlying issues with self-love, self-esteem and self-worth will have arisen so that we continue the challenging process of full acceptance and unconditional love for ourselves, and regularly start taking time out for essential self-care.

We will also be seeing where there is a need to put boundaries in place, particularly if there are unreciprocated feelings or where we have been giving far more than we have been receiving, and allowing people the opportunity to manipulate or take advantage.

Venus delivers us a reality check and helps us clearly see who is harmful for our emotional or mental health, so that we can distance from those who aren’t healthy to be around.

It is highly possible we will have looked for clarity or validation within connections that are unstable or have caused us to feel worthless or under valued. If that hasn’t been forthcoming we may now be realising we are emotionally exhausted after giving all that we can, and it is now time to burn a bridge or two.

This chapter has been incredibly heavy, particularly if we have been resistant to change rather than surrendering to Venus’ wisdom and guidance.

We have been doing a lot of deep thinking and reassessing over the past few weeks and now it is time to rest and rejuvenate our energy to allow the changes to integrate on a cellular level. We are going through a major transformation where emotional wounds are surfacing and healing, so it is vital to give extra love, compassion and kindness to ourselves during this period.

The New Moon arrives in a couple of days and it will be the turning point we need to release old, repressed and stagnant energies and fully focus on planting seeds to start anew. We will be feeling recharged and ready for new beginnings by this point, and life will suddenly switch from chaotic to harmonic almost overnight.

Dr Schavi - Time Vibrations - 27.01.2022

Time has sped-up due to Earth/Gaia’s increasing electromagnetic frequency as “She” moves further into LIGHT and vibrates faster.

One minute seems like a few seconds.
One hour is like only 30 minutes.
One day is seemingly only about 8 hours.
One week is approximately 3 days.
One month is 2 weeks.
One year is about 4 to 6 months.

All of these time frames vary—sometimes being even a bit less time and sometimes more because time is a spiral. It is not linear.

Every cosmic event affects time frames.

For example, a “Co-Interactive Region (CIR)” is due to arrive into Earth/Gais’s magnetic field by January 29th or sooner.

This is when fast and slow-moving high solar winds converge and send shock waves to our planet.

The “Heartbeat of the Earth” (“Schumann Resonance”, “Vibration and Amplitude”, “Power”) registers at sometimes elevated levels and sometimes at very low levels in a day’s time frame when the technology which registers its inner and outer field activity is adequately working.

Often, as has been discussed previously, when the cosmic events are extremely high, technology cannot register their impacts to our planet.

This is when charts show a completely wide black patch and the words “black-out” are used to explain the lack of information.

Solar flares at low levels (“A-Class”, “B-Class”) or medium levels (“C-Class”) or strong levels (“M-Class”) or the most powerful (“X-Class”), coronal mass ejections, surging comets, and more—all cause time frames to speed up or to slow down as our planet spins on “Her” axis.

All planets and their Suns and Moons are conscious.

They have molecular structures, cellular memory, DNA imprints—just as we do.

If these orbs could speak in human language forms, they could relay all of the experiences of the entities that have inhabited them over billions of years (as mankind calculates time).

Thus, their “language” is the vibrational energetics that they produce which has been revealed to the ancients and the potential experiences accorded to them which has become the HAPETSEBA (“The Story of the Soul in the Heavens”—the Kemetic system), JYOTISH (“Godly Light”—the Vedic system), and ASTROLOGY (“Study of the Stars”—the Greek system).

All of these systems work and intertwine with each other, even though the human languages used to express the information is different—Medu Neter, Sanskrit, and English with its many Greek phonemes. (In fact, English is known as a “mongrel” tongue in Linguistics because it is comprised of so many phonemes from other languages. It is the ultimate word “mosaic”).

The sky (heavens, space, cosmos, etc.) is continually changing.

There are computer systems which show how the sky looked in certain places in various historical periods as the transforming rhythms “danced” along the “cosmic stage”.

The stories of the “yugas” (“ages”) is told.


Dealing with the quickening of the space/time continuum can be overwhelming when people do not realize its occurrence and attempt to have “business as usual” regardless of the “Shift of the Ages” that is happening.

In order to anchor to and acclimate to the dynamic changes brought on by LIGHT AND SOUND TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION, it is necessary to be discerning about what involvements are truly assisting in personal consciousness elevations and which are perhaps actually toxic and of low vibrations.

Is it a job?
Is it a relationship?
It is an organization?
It is a philosophical principle?
It is a lifestyle?
It is perhaps all of these?

Mercury Retrograde will definitely cause self-reflection on all of this, and it will come to closure on February 4th (after its beginning on January 14th) but still play-out its post-shadow for a few more weeks.

As the first Mercury Retrograde of the year, the concepts thought about and decisions made will play a major role in the coming months, and the Solar Eclipse on April 30th will add to the newness.

Solar Eclipses offer new opportunities for growth in many areas, especially according to the natal house upon which they occur.

Both Solar and Lunar Eclipses have an approximate six-month span of heightened energy or peaks, and then the changes they offered gradually settle more solidly into our lives.

These changes will happen at a quickened pace, however, because of the speeding-up of the space/time continuum as earlier discussed.

The human physical vessel’s molecules will spin faster, and cellular memories will be brought up, tossed out, and new cells will thrive.

Even those persons with low levels of consciousness will be given an opportunity to change focus.

Yet, their free will still exists, and consequently, they can employ it advantageously or not and either be blessed or not.

This is where timelines and dimensions again come into vogue.

According to how a person’s thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are sent forth into the “Cosmic Spiritual Particle Stream”, determines whether a timeline or dimension of joy or of struggle occurs.

This, therefore, is the notion of the “Two Earths”.

Our planet is steadily receiving LIGHT and is leveling-up, and those who are leveling-up with “Her” are being transformed in amazing ways.

There are still “Light Activation Symptoms” to contend with, but when we realize that they are the “third stage labor” of a profound “re-birth”, and when we use spiritual and natural paradigms for comfort, then we have an easier “labor” towards crystallization.

The “Music of the Spheres” as the movements of the cosmos are often referred to, are fast-paced tones in this current “Now”.

We must learn to harness their and our own ENERGY (Life Force), FREQUENCY (rate of transformation), and VIBRATION (oscillation or movement of the energy), and as was revealed to the Physicist Nicola Tesla: “If you want to know the secrets of the universe, you must think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

Let us realize that we are the energy; we are the frequency; we are the vibration.

We are the Light of the LIGHT.

We can shine brighter or choose to dim.

We can work with this quickening time or refuse to acknowledge it.

We can bathe in SOURCE LIGHT—individually and collectively.

In order to see clearly, veils must be removed—layer by layer. LIGHT is helping us to do this.

So, relax.

Breathe deeply.

Bear down.

Get ready to push out into the “re-birth”.

Original Post:

Celia Fenn - healing and rebalancing of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine - 30.01.2022

As we move towards the 2/2 Aquarius Gate on Wednesday, the energy and frequency is rising! A large M Class Solar Flare has just sent waves of Light Codes to the Earth.
All of this is helping with the healing and rebalancing of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.
The Divine Feminine flows are back online within our bodies, and we are healing our Ancestral lines as we discover who we really are.
Not only are we Soul and Spirit, but our body is also a Sacred Creation. It holds within our DNA a record not only of our lifetime that is transferred into our Soul Records at death, but also the history and lifetimes of all our ancestors.
Our body is a Living Library of the story of Earth.
We are indeed Magical and Powerful Beings, and we know how to connect with our Angelic and Galactic Families because we have been Shamans and Galactic travellers on Earth before. It is encoded in our DNA.
Mary Magdalene taught her followers to honor their body and to keep their frequency high, because of course the body functions best at the frequency of Unconditional Love. That is why the Cathars were known as the "pure ones", because they recognised that to keep their frequency and consciousness high they needed be mindful of the choices that they made on a daily basis and to honor their body, soul and spirit.
These are important and awesome times! The incoming powerful Light Codes are helping us to remember who we are and prepare for our new lives as Magical Co-creators in the New Earth!

A QUICK NOTE #1865 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Terrans entering in main realignment zone" - 29.01.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Solar Revelations continue.
*21+++++++ Approved and intensified in transcendental crossover and - Neutron.
Positive intentions increase.
Awakened board expands.
Vibrational qualities increase.
Sorting continues to accelerate.
Infrassom C3 3/7 in deactivation over T-Zone: 94% (not countdown). Next >>> 4/7.
Mirrored Anti-Love. (Reflection at 96% - not countdown).
Cetaceans in uploading process (PHASE 3) 12% (not countdown). Terrans preparing for receipt.
Attention! Local Allies receiving credentials. Reverberation for Systemic Allies. Download started - STAGE 2 >>> 98% (not countdown).
Portals continue to expand.
Terrans entering in main realignment zone.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

James Gilliland - Phoenix Rising in The UFO Community - 29.01.2022

Phoenix Rising in The UFO Community

It seems as if a nuke has been dropped on the UFO community. It is becoming like a reality show. Truth is, it has always been, like the show, Survivor with extreme competition, backstabbing with a jungle of traps and pitfalls. I call what is now unfolding the uncivil war. We wonder why we have not had contact within the UFO community. Why don’t the ETs land and join the conferences? Fact of the matter is contact with spiritually and technologically advanced beings on the whole has never been welcome. The good old boys club want to keep it nuts and bolts constantly bringing on their experts most of which have never even seen a UFO, had contact and are extremely jealous of anyone that has. There is also the extreme cover up of the fact that we have been going back and forth to the moon and mars since the 60’s and have been in contact as well as working with ETs before then with German technology.

It goes into an even darker area which ties into Satanic/Luciferian groups that have infiltrated the community at the highest levels working for some time with Reptilian/Grey and other species that do not have our highest and best good in hand. They control Hollywood and many of the heads of power in today’s civilization. Ask yourself why is the majority of the UFO community, the good old boys club, still talking about Roswell, asking “do UFOs exist”, acting as if we have never been contacted controlling the narrative with their planned opposition puppets? Why is it all you have seen is a fuzzy tic tac, distant lights with police cars chasing them? Scientists’ claiming we cannot reach distant stars, they are too far away when in fact we are traversing galaxies in hours. They show you barren deserts, a dusty red planet most of which was actually filmed on Earth? Why are they hiding the contacts they do have, are they negative factions, the dark fleet aligned with the Cabal? Were there agreements made not in our highest and best good?

Sounds like a conspiracy? Only if you live in a bubble insensitive to what is unfolding before your very eyes. This is a subject most cannot comprehend. Pedophilia, child sacrifice and sex trafficking tie into this. It is rampant within the controllers, what many refer to as the Global Elite who have been suppressing free energy and healing technologies for hundreds of years. They are known as the war and disease profiteers who are in the process of being held accountable. Mentioning them is a career ender. Hollywood, the UFO community, even conferences will black ball you.
This is the very reason why spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders cannot work with the majority of leadership on the planet and are not working within the UFO community other than a very few and those few are a threat to the controlled narrative. There is very little support for those having contact with spiritually advanced races in fact there is extreme opposition seen and unseen.

This is all coming to an end due to the benevolent off world civilizations as well as inner Earth civilizations involved in the awakening and healing, or planetary liberation of Earth. A process well underway which is loosening the grip of the controllers, those controlling the narrative. The Earth crew claiming to represent these spiritually and technologically advanced planetary liberators are falling apart. They are falling victim to their own unhealed traumas as well as the unseen negative influences. While they are attacking each other the dark hearts are cheering and the Spiritually Advanced beings are smacking their foreheads saying common children this is not the way, this is not what you incarnated for. Many say they are behaving this way on behalf of Spiritually and Technologically advanced beings, Ascended Masters etc. This is totally illogical. Advanced beings do not involve themselves in power struggles or petty bickering. Self-righteousness is not self-mastery. The only reason these confrontations have such a charge is because it is attached to unfinished business, wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences. These traumas may be past lives, even lives on other planets with other civilizations, traumas from the great wars, Orion conflicts, confrontations in other dimensions. The bottom line is it is safe to say this behavior is not supported or authorized by spiritually advanced beings. Only the ego needs defending as well as the need to be right.

There are also the unseen negative influences, reptilians/greys, hybrids, a host of regenerated species, even technologies that can influence negative behavior. They are real, they are powerful, and if you have chinks in your armor they can get in and trigger emotional outbursts, negative behavior, division a host of unhealthy interactions. Many of these negative factions actually created the traumas in the past, fear of it happening again actually opens the door to manipulation. We are in a war of consciousness, it is a multidimensional war, a temporal war and there are only two ways to get through it. Heal and ascend. For many this is not their first rodeo this all happened in the Orion wars where councils were infiltrated along with other positions of power eventually taking the lives of millions. Let’s not repeat this scenario.

Create a firm foundation in spiritual law and behavior, do not stray out of it. Always be the observer of self and your environment which has many levels. Observe the actions of others before you tie your cart to their horse. Better yet, get your own horse. Make your own connection to God/Creator/Great Spirit. Ask yourself is this connection loving, joyous, beneficial. Is it empowering myself and others? Is this connection overpowering myself offering the ability to overpower or trespass on others. If so DO NOT GO There where there will be a price to pay. Most important is it creating division? Unity is the ultimate weapon and the way out.

Make your own contact, the skies are full during the planetary liberation. Just be sure to qualify that contact, make sure any internal communication is coming from Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders, always apply spiritual discernment. As we have always said, just because you are dead does not mean you are enlightened and just because you’re an ET does not mean you're benevolent. Always ask yourself with brutal honesty, what is my come from, what is my goal? Is it fame, fortune, the need for attention I did not get in the past? By their fruits and their behavior they and their channels will be made known. Also by their associations past and present.

Real self-mastery is having the ability to observe self, release the need to defend or be right and stay on the path to unity, service to others without adding to the uncivil war. The entire planet will rise like the phoenix from the ashes. It will be interesting to see who is still here. Those choosing the upward spiral operating within Universal Law in service to others will continue. Those choosing the downward spiral in disunity and self-service will not. It is all about choice and personal responsibility. We are in accelerated times and do not have the luxury of division and againstness. Be kind to each other, forgive, be kind to the planet they are waiting for us to rise to the occasion. The powers that were are collapsing.

James Gilliland

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Jason Estes Update - 5500 datapoint and the shadow of silence layer purge - 29.01.2022


with the latest wave we have now hit 5500 data points per hour, this major increase can cause us to feel irritable and exhausted can also lead to sickness and depression as we are asked to look more deeply each hour its important we add more time of reflection and self work for the body and the mind we also have the pre purge happening now and the shadow of silence layer all of this stacked up can feel like too much and lead to a sense of overwhelm and while it can be a challenge it is not impossible remember you have what it takes within you and you always did the data points are information and if you do find yourself breaking down understand that this phase is about that and what ever you discover is forgivable and you can overcome it as long as you are alive you have what you need and are capable of completing what you came for ::hugs::

Amanda Lorence Update - Dreamtime - 29.01.2022



I explained in 2021 to be MORE aware of your sleeping Dreamtime, that it would become a major form of communication, consciousness to consciousness throughout the world in the future.

Our communication in Dreamtime is increasing now more than ever and will keep increasing. Dreamtime will be a major communication system to advise people all over the world what is happening or about to happen. Also it’s a SUPPORT system, from your consciousness or from a Soul to a Soul for any people in fear or confusion as we go. I can’t emphasise enough to pay attention NOW and ONGOING to your Dreamtime, encouraging your children and family, friends to share their dreams. Awakened and unawakened will be shown, taught and supported in their dreams VERY CLEARLY and many will have similar dreams to each other. We will bypass to a degree the physical communication system where the mind can interfere and distort the truth, and we will be bypassing mainstream media to share data in Dreamtime of what’s to come or what is happening.

And just a little tip…all dreams of divine pure nature FEEL GOOD within the dream. To get the higher consciousness dreams in the first place, focus on being happy, of higher vibration in your daylight hours. If a person is in fear, worried, stressed etc, dreams highlight that fear running (it’s your consciousness trying to show you to help you see your fear or behaviour). If a person goes to bed in fear or anger, astral plane dreams can easily be given to you as you’re then very susceptible to the menacing astral planes if you’re running a fear or low energetic frequency. Those dreams are menacing so the thing to do is increase your vibration in the daytime and work through any underlying fears. Then those type of dreams will simply stop as your sustained vibration is higher than the astral planes.

Pure divine consciousness dreams giving you DATA for your ease, for support or what’s to happen in either your solid reality or the world reality, FEEL GOOD.

Always a good idea to record them or write them down as come morning, you may forget the intricate CLEAR detail given to you. Sharing dream data as we go will prove to everyone that your PURE CONSCIOUSNESS is communicating to you and others.
We are in such exciting times now!

So much love
Amanda Lorence
28 January 2022

Carta Astral 222 energy update - 27.01.2022

Dear family, for more or less 6 hours we are under the effect of a wave of incoming cosmic radiation that may be causing them prickly headaches in the head in different areas, tingling on the scalp, sensation that they ca minan insects, a head "chill" or more density on one side of the head than the other. You almost regularly feel more on the right side (where is the Silvian Fissure in the brain which is just the top of the right ear), the Crown, and the back of the head.
Regardless of the patterns that is following that energy in our physical bodies, the entry of this particular wave was very strong (look at the image, this is how cosmic rays reach us, it's a NASA recreation), so Many could have experienced some of the two most intense reactions that we can experience when we receive the first impact of these rays (because these in particular act like a laser beam and is also why it is felt more in some places than in others). One of these two reactions is the vasovagal syncope characterized by causing a decrease in heart rate (the tachycardia felt afterwards is because the heart is trying to regain its rhythm), sensation of imminent fainting, vision tunnel, dizziness, cold sweats, dizziness , nausea, feeling hot, lowering blood pressure (lasts only a few minutes). The other effect is false hypoglycemia which are: tachycardia, weakness, trembling, anxiety, excessive hunger, irritability, headache and tingling or numbness in different places of the body (can last up to 12 hours). Although it is unlikely to happen to them, they can feel a reaction this strong, plus they can also feel like they are moving in slow motion or that they are not in control of their body.
On a mental level, these waves of cosmic radiation can cause you to feel like you’re “going crazy” (because new neural connections are activated due to increased “electricity”), but also a lot of epiphanies and discharges of information, as well as the inner certainty of feeling a connection with a force superior, in addition they could also have vivid or lucid dreams, and even have visions (last only a few seconds and are like short scenes that pass through your mind without knowing where they came from and without being thinking or elaborating for yourselves) of your future or of previous incarnations.

The most important thing, if you happen to have a reaction this strong, is to stay calm and be aware that it is only energy and that your body will recover. Either way, if you feel that your symptoms are very strong or increasing in intensity, it is never too late to check them out by a doctor to make sure everything is well (whether you choose to pursue treatment or not, have the ce make sure everything is fine it will help them stay calm). Drink water, rest and sleep as much as you can. This too will pass.

Amanda Lorence Update - timeline of chaos - 27.01.2022


Please take what resonates and discard the rest

Whooowee! Can you FEEL the energy within YOU? As we RISE higher in ENERGY FREQUENCY, so we witness the 3D and 4D become more of Chaos. I’ve spoken of this timeline of chaos in many videos last year. Remember, wirhin any chaos is an underlying DIVINE order, a grander design of God/Source. Not seen if immersed within a chaotic timeline or perspective. But seen as the witness to a holographic reality.

Expect more unrest, unsettled people, stressed people, and ‘fight modes’ as the energies increase. For many the human mind is finding it hard to deal with these energies, whether awakened or not. Because there is a faster and faster SPIN within our cells. The photon light we are absorbing increasingly creates the faster spin. It takes time to stabilise and adjust to it so allow everyone their own journey and ease, or lack of ease. Everything has to play out over perceived time, in order for more to awaken their own perfect way or see their own energy emission given out to ALL. Each will in time become ENERGY RESPONSIBLE. There is also much role play out there…that people may not see, and just react TO, yet it’s all designed as catalysts for the masses.

Be the calm in any storm…hold the Light. At this TIMELINE, we’re NOW not designed to immerse in ANY outer chaos, but we ARE designed to hold the higher frequencies AND…more importantly BRING IN more higher frequencies into our field, our body, mind… into Mother Earth…AS OUR SOUL, and GIVE that SOUL ENERGY OUT as energy to the whole. To ALL. The more we choose to BE higher frequency energy, the more we are GIVEN MORE energy. And so we rise more and more based on choosing the higher frequency timeline that is here. And a choice.

We each create…regardless…based on our thoughts, words, deeds, actions. We can choose to create the new or create more of the old vía our focus. If we give energy to something, it’s like saying YES to it, whether we want it or not, so we create more of it in our own reality. There are vast multiple realities. So there’s no right or wrong choice for anyone. Just choices, again and again, in every moment for every ONE. We are creating…either more polarity and division, or we are choosing to create FROM a the Unified Field, which brings in Unity, inclusivity, equality…for every Being! We are ALL creators.

The energies coming in aré mind blowing. So look after yourself with kindness and love, and look after your energetic field well. Choose what to give your energy to and how long for. In this way you can either maintain and/or expand into higher energetics that are we are here to consciously create with. Via our own expansion into more of our consciousness.

So much love, always
Amanda Lorence
27 January 2022

Cobra - Message to the Surface Population - 26.01.2022

In a desperate attempt to keep the hold of the planet, the dark forces are reinfecting the three key energy vortexes on the surface of the planet with as much dark anomaly as possible.

There three vortexes are: Bukavu in Congo, Ljubljana in Slovenia and Santa Monica/Los Angeles in the US. These three vortexes were the main entry points for the Archon invasion of 1996.

Their main focus now is the Ljubljana vortex, which they want to use as the energy pivot to crush Europe into totalitarian Great Reset.

Therefore the Light forces are asking everyone who feels so guided to participate in a meditation to heal that vortex every day at 6:45 pm UTC:

Focus of the dark forces is expected to shift from Europe to the US just before February 20th at the moment of the Pluto return for the United States, and we will organize a meditation for the Los Angeles vortex then.

Also, meditation for peace between Russia and NATO is still very much needed:

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

Original post: 

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 24.01.2022

Worldwide Arrest Warrant for David Rockefeller Jr. as Khazarian Mafia Take Down Continues

You can read the full report here: 


Celia Fenn - healing and reactivation of the Divine Feminine energy flows - 26.01.2022

So, as we move towards the Aquarius Gate and the 2/2 2022 Portal, energies remain high.
What is being experienced very deeply right now is the healing and reactivation of the Divine Feminine energy flows within our DNA.
You may feel this as strange surges of feeling and emotion as these magnetic energies are brought into full activation in your body.
These are different symptoms to the electrical and nervous system energies that have previously dominated. Now you may feel an "emptiness" as the Feminine flow asks you to rest and slow down. You may feel very emotional and sad as you suddenly connect with all the times when you did not love yourself enough to say no and create boundaries.
But mostly, this beautiful energy is helping you to know yourself as a beautiful, loving and compassionate being who is connected to the Source and empowered as a Co-Creator of Reality.
This emergence of the Divine Feminine power is an indication that you have found the frequency of the New Earth timeline.
Breathe deeply and open your heart!
This is a miracle of healing! The Divine Feminine is anchored and Divine Love flows through us once again.
More Miracles will follow!

A QUICK NOTE #1864 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Ascension clock set to Solar Alignment in progress" - 25.01.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Epic crossings in progress.
Ascension clock set to Solar Alignment in progress.
Stellar proximities increase.
Quantum mergers increase.
Sensor protocols activated in multilayers.
Celestial orchestra is heard.
Bells alert for awakening.
Combinations 1111 1212 1414 necessarily increase.
Attention Vanula, the Source Potions! *RejuvD BOOSTED >>>>> 88% (not countdown)
Defragmentary movement in progress: 89% (not countdown)
Time revelations continue.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Jason Estes Update - 25.01.2022


Welcome 1st group to the Noise as we clear the shadow of the silence layer everyone else should be joining us around the 10th-14th of Feb remember that the whispers and the false connection to source are going to be much louder and truth doesn't need to be loud or force you so take the time needed to be with the truth and make choices from there if people are being forceful or loud pause and really hear what they are saying then work on that within yourself we don't need to change others simply need to be an example of the change ::hugs::

Jason Estes Update - 24.01.2022


Data points at 5200 now per hour we are also headed into the purge next month on 18th while this can seem like a scary time the light raising is key to us getting out of the illusion fully and coming home as a race to our true origin have faith and be a strong example in the coming storm our time is nearly here now ::hugs::

"Feb is going to be an eye opener for many
Jason: yeah i agree things are now perfectly placed for Feb to be a major turning point"