"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Lighter energy incoming to break up some of the harsher density we´ve been moving through - 14.08.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,

Did you feel the influx coming in early? I could feel a surge of frequency and almost could hear it just a free hour ago!
The veil between worlds is very thin at the moment. Today was one of those days feeling quite floaty, dizzy & very sensitive to the big energy influxes coming through...
As I mentioned, August will bring a new fresh & lighter energy than many have been experiencing over the past few months.
That geomagnetic storm really helped to clear out losts of old shedding energy
Today feels like a bit of a turning point
As we all know, we are much more expansive than just in our physical reality in the here & now.
During different stages of the Ascension process, we can be very active in our multidimensional field and less physically embodied in the present moment.
When this occurs, in our current reality, we can feel a sense of disconnect. We feel tired, uninspired, boredom as everything seems to lack lustre.
This isn't the time to make big moves and decisions as everything feels a bit upside-down and unclear.
It's during these times we can feel a bit stuck or flat. We are more impacted by the collective density because of this.... Which is in a state of confusion, uncertainty, and lots of fear.
It's during these times that dedication to our own personal practice, meditation, writing, and creativity really helps to stay centred and within our own energy space
I've been shown night after night that many people are working on missions to help these shifts that we will be going through as many events will be occurring between September through November.
Therefore, our multidimensional work will lessen, and we will come back more our consciousness back into this reality because that is where we will be needed the most.
It's been a tireless effort as going into the same places each night. I often talk about how the other aspects of my consciousness have had very little sleep or rest. So it's only fitting that we compensate here. As it seems that not much is happening in comparison, that's about to flip
Have you been experiencing something similar?

Much Love
Alisha Braché

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