"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

A girl in the Universe - Energy expansion - 25.08.2024

I'm sure you're thinking it, or someone may have asked you when are these energies changing? As you know, they aren't lessening, only getting stronger until we transition.

This weekend was the perfect example of energy expansion. Nothing significant came in via our solar weather, but our Star Nations kept the energy foundations the highest yet.

We even have the comatose energies here now for the ascending humans. These are to keep everything calm and keep us as comfortable as possible as they continue to rise higher.
How did you do over the weekend? Did you feel the sleepy energies come in? Did you feel the bliss?

Today, we have a chance for more Solar Flares, both X & M. Sunspots, all ready to react but are quieter than they should be.

We have Flux Energies to move into higher alert levels. These may cause even more of the itchy skin and scalp. Coconut oil seems to help greatly.

We are in the Ascension Gateway. We are ready to move forward in the blink of an eye.
The enormous incoming energies from our teams will continue to come in.
You continue to work intently on your remembrances.

You've upgraded your body, soul, and inner self by transmuting those things that were no longer needed to make way for all the new upgrades within.
Body upgrades and energy downloads, changing the YOU that you were six months ago into nothing like the YOU of today.

With all the learning, encouraging, understanding, and growth you have gone through, and all that you still have yet to BECOME as you move into the next part of the Starseeds Journey. You are changing by the moment.

I just wanted to take a moment and remind you that you, dear one, are AMAZING.
You are watching a world change around you.
And you haven't stopped to waiver. You keep moving forward no matter what comes your way.
This is why you are here.

This is you reconnecting to your Divinity.
You are a part of Source, the Light, the Meaning, and the Manifestation in absolute form.
You are Powerful, Enlightened, and holding your light higher and broader than ever before.
You Are One
You Are Love
Remember that when things start to change around you.
It's time to remember who you truly are.
Shine it out for all to know, feel and see!

Much love and light,
-SA Smith

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