"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

We are well into August and although the sun's activity is relative quiet, strong and new energies are still flooding the Earth. The Super Full Moon was recently and it brought quite intense energies and it took our body a few days to integrate them. This period was not really productive for me either, as I was tired and although I only had a slight headache, the dream period turned out to be quite strange and chaotic.

Last week, in my previous weekend vibezz article, I announced a free cross-stitch picture giveaway here on my blog, which I worked long and hard to make it possible. Usually, if an idea pops into my head and I think it's good and doable, I implement it, like this one. Unfortunately, not all of my ideas are fruitful, as was the case with this one. Since the application deadline ended today with the publication of this article, there will be no draw, nor will there be a winner advertisement, since no one applied.

We can say that it turned out to be a complete disaster and failure. During the weekend, I was still optimistic, I trusted the outcome of this whole case to the "Universe", and I believed that this picture "is" and "will be" owned by someone. But as the days went by, especially when I checked my e-mails, I began to lose faith and it became more and more clear that no one really cares and no one needs it, even though many of you read the article.

This week I took the time and looked for the fault and the reason within myself. It occurred to me, maybe no one applied because you think I'm a fraud, scam and unreliable, maybe because you don't like the picture I chose, or you don't like my hobby at all and it leaves you completely cold. Maybe I just not in a right community. I'm not going to lie, it was bad and yes, I had moments of crying as I processed my feelings and my failure. I asked "why", but only you know why, all I got was "you don't need it" and I respect and accept that.

I renamed the wolf picture to LoneWolf as we perfectly suit for each other because we both left out of the cold. I planned to still give it to someone for free, as this was the original intention, but maybe that's why it didn't work out and maybe it's time to think about myself now I'd rather advertise it for sale on different platforms. Maybe the "Universe - Source" has other plans for the picture or me, who knows...

I decided that this was the first and last free cross-stitch giveaway on the blog and social media. From now on, I will give them for free and with love only to those who really care about me, appreciate my work and the time I spend on creating such a picture and really would like one, and have been in my life for a long time.

I honestly admit that it is not a cheap hobby, since each kit can cost 30 up to 100 + euros, which I pay, as I support these artists and the companies that made it possible for them to create tangible things from vision and inspiration. It is takes several months of dedicated work to do embroidery work; and the value of the finished pictures, depending on the size, can even reach several thousand euros, because it is made by hand, not by machine. I am grateful that this hobby is still alive and blooming today and has been a part of humanity for thousands of years. I am grateful to my mother, who supports me with her words and encourages me and I can always show her how far I have progressed with each of my works.

Of course, I will publish the finished pictures in the future on my blog, Instagram and Facebook as I did with the previous ones and the upcoming ones will be advertised for sale on various platforms. No matter how unsuccessful it was this idea of mine, it didn't stop me from sewing and I want to continue, just as I started a new one. How long? This only my Highest self know.

I'm not angry or sad and I'm not disappointed anymore, I'm learning from my mistakes, I accept the end result and I'm grateful that I could achieve this little project. This failure will not affect the operation of the blog or writing of my own articles. As I weave words, I like to weave with earthly materials. Creation and self expression is a great thing and this is mine at the moment. Someone resonates with it and someone doesn't, someone appreciates it and someone doesn't, as we say Hungarians "tastes and slaps" means "There's no accounting for taste or To each his own ". Everyone has their own taste and preferred hobbies, not everyone has to do the same thing or value the same thing and that's the beauty and our differences. That's about it.

I have a new article about love and words out this week,

and soon I plan to do a new article of my own, specifically about entering the artist's journey, sharing my own learning experiences.


This week, a series of pictures allegedly related to a Ring of fire portal stirred up a lot of dust in social media. Some people believe that something really happened there, but there are also those who suspect an AI image. Whatever it is, it reminds me of Dr. Strange's passages and if it's really an AI image, why should millions be deceived because of the views? Why does someone have to be so influence-seeking for a few minutes of fame?

With the advent of AI and photoshop, the digital world has become a "lying and manipulative trap" that deceives people, and we seriously have to rely entirely on our intuition to know what is true and what is false. Seriously, where did the credibility go? It is not the right way to deceive and take advantage of the gullibility of millions of naive people, because this also separates us from each other. The picture is beautiful, believable, it could even be true, because there are so many things in this world that have no explanation. But it would be great if honesty and truth were trendy again and we could finally get out of this deception and manipulation we are involved in.

I think we are different from the elite - cabal - who need such tricks in all areas of life to stay in power. One day it will be revealed how much we have lived our lives in a spider's web of lies and manipulations, without knowing anything about the truth that could have set us free. How many lies we believe, since the Matrix reinforces us to their lie. A lot of people have the philosophy that "I believe it when I see it" and based on that they only believe their eyes and don't think logically or believe their heart. In today's media, everything that is "for the eyes" is already a lie, since they can play anything for us with the help of AI and show us anything with the help of blue beam or even more efficient technology. Here, the possibility of "I believe it when I see it" or "I experience it" will no longer be enough, as it is easy to fool our earthly senses - think of magic tricks, special effects in movies, etc. It takes hard intuition and vision with the heart to cut away the visual cobwebs and lies. How long do we want to live in lies and deception?


While the announced "sky event" was postponed, and the Cabal's war efforts did not have much success, they again reached out to their viral plan and are mocking the people who still believe in the media with Mon(k)eypox. A lot of funny memes have been created, and I really hope that humanity has learned from the previous pandemic and does not fall for the NWO's efforts again.

Here are meme gems, as humor and laughter are the best medicine for "diseases".

This week's music for the weekend is the song Tears for Fears - Shout remixed by Albert Marzinotto, which I think turned out very well, although I also really liked the original song. 

Have a great weekend and next week :)

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