"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - reality is a complex simulation - 13.08.2024

A group of physicists led by former NASA scientist Thomas Campbell is researching to prove the theory that reality is a complex simulation, revealing the deep connections between consciousness and the cosmos.

Solar planets and stars send Earth pulsating energies as we face the dissolution of the last layers of the Veil of Forgetfulness and Dormancy of consciences.

Jupiter in conjunction with Uranus in Taurus, from April/May this year is reverberating the Celestial Invitation to go places we've never been, which may seem liberating or terrifying. And as unsettling as it is, the goal is to get you rid of things you’ve grown over — whether or not you’re aware of.

Know that the two planets bring an elevated perspective to resolutions through an expanded perception, encouraging actions needed to start a new chapter in your life.

This is why feeling of “strangeness” can increase: you can no longer resonate with environments, career and people, until the pressure comes out and something releases you.
Jupiter is the Higher Consciousness and Uranus is the Meta-knowledge of the Universe, which transcends 3D reality and enables you to receive information from 5D consciousness.
Now add the energies of the Conjunction between Mars and Jupiter, Saturn retrograde in Pisces; Mercury retrograde and the powerful Pluto on the cusp of Aquarius, meaning this is a highly “destructive” moment and anything can happen.

To the world, renowned astrologer Andre Barbault describes 2030 as an evolutionary landmark between the 2000-2100 centuries, for an abrupt conscious shock to Humanity revealing itself strongly in 2025.
The order these days is: RELAX, REVIEW, RE-STRUCT, REFLECT.
A New Path

“Today is the beginning of a new series of experiments on your ground. Just relax in the Unconditional Love of the Universe

Allow yourself to be guided to a more joyful and peaceful way to be in your current situation.
Expand your thoughts to encompass compassion and kindness for those who are not yet awakened. Embrace a new way to look at and see your world as it transforms and changes. Become what you want your world to be and it will follow suit. “

"Sometimes humans can create/imagine a contempt to move themselves from a challenging or undesirable situation.

It can be much easier to get angry than to admit to yourself (and others) that the ego has taken control. "

“The Universe is asking you to examine your motives more deeply ... Your ground plan is moving toward a more transparent and peaceful time, with no space or time for dissonance. “
“Your world is changing in ways both visible and imperceptible. If you just stop and listen for a moment you'll start to understand. “ ~ Creator by Jennifer Farley (Snippets)
Wilma Capuano

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