"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - huge clearing of the solar plexus of the Earth - 11.08.2024

There has been a huge clearing of the solar plexus of the earth on the day of the Lion portal and with also that of fear based energy as well as the all ego based lower body, density.
It is anchoring in balance, harmony and the brother-and-sisterhood unity consciousness, as well as the golden ray of wisdom and full access to the Cosmic Tree of Life again.
As the solar plexus also holds the fire energy, it warms the heart center and opens it wider, so much cosmic love and illumination is pouring in.
Therefore all will surface, even from the deep unconscious, which still needs to be cleared, especially the lower ego.
I was called to the sea today, and as I arrived, the dolphins immediately showed themselves. I have never seen such huge pod of dolphins before and my higher guidance had told me this would happen two weeks ago.
The dolphins were riding the waves, jumping out of the water, swimming in circles: Sheer exuberant joy!
They told me that with the clearing so much had been removed and is being removed, that the living waters of life can flow freely again, and that the frequency and vibration of the waters has is now rising into the 7th dimensional frequency once more. The dolphins and whales are now anchoring in this angelic frequency with the sea turtles.
The living waters connect to the songs of the earth and the solar system, and galaxies, and universe and with this rising of frequency, as the golden crystalline energy of Africa is fully activated again brings about the full tuning in, of whole new Solar Crystalline Lightbodies, not only of ourselves, but tuning us into the New Golden Age. The waters act like tuning forks and tune us in.
My heart and soul are just overflowing. I cannot find words to express the rest of what has been shown to me.
All I can say is that we are now in a much higher dimensional frequency band, than ever before!

Photo: Judith Kusel

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