"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - Full Supermoon - 17.08.2024

We're building to a very powerful Full SuperMoon at 27°15' Aquarius on the 19th. The energy is electrical, seismic, combustible and eruptive, explosive even, and could make many of us feel restless, edgy and anxious. You may be feeling this particularly if you have any planets or angles between 25°-29° of the Fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius.

This is also the energy of truth coming to light, revelations in the bright light of the Full Moon, shocks, surprises and awakening. It is even the energy of Kundalini activation. As our consciousness rises , it causes anything born of lower frequencies to start to collapse, to be unveiled, as the energy that once supported them diminishes. All must 'come to light' as this happens.

So although this is uncomfortable to live through at the 3D level, it is a necessary process for us to evolve. Keep focusing on a more loving and compassionate world as the destination.
This is an extremely complex Full Moon as I detail in the video, with three T-squares, and also the contradictory energy of feeling an expansion in some areas of life, largely where Jupiter is falling at 17° Gemini, but in another area of life where Saturn is falling at 17° Pisces, things may be contracting or you feel that this area of life (the house area where 17° Pisces falls) is coming to a close or is the ending of an episode in some way.

If you have any planets or angles around 17° of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) you may be feeling this restlessness and change particularly strongly.
Overall with so much complexity in our outer world, go inwards. The more crazy it gets on the outside, rather than being swept up in the drama and scattered fearful energy, drop into your heart, into your breath and shut your eyes. Simply watch your breath with 100% attention. Love the feeling of your breath breathing you, and see if you can very gently slow and deepen your breathing. That's all you have to do. After a few minutes of doing this, check in with how you feel having done that.

Do you feel calmer, more peaceful, more inner-focused? Can you do that a few times a day, keep coming back to self? That is all we need to do to start to change our focus of being from living from the outside in to living from the inside out. It all begins with the breath which every single person can do, for free. Keep it this simple.
Many of us are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and finding it hard to focus. The breath is always the go-to place, and is the start of reconnecting to you sovereignty.
Blessings to you all.

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