"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - New Moon in Virgo September 2-3 2024

On September 2nd or 3rd depending on where in the world you live, we have a New Moon at 11°04' Virgo. See where that falls in your chart and don't forget to set a new intention for the new seed you want to plant in your life.

This is a perfect time to declutter your home, any negative self-talk, your day-to-day habits, and your energy. Simplify and purify is the message here. Stand in your authenticity and integrity, and always choose love as you state of being and answer to complex problems. Remember to use the Infinity Wave which many are finding works miracles to resolve seemingly intractable situations.

As we shift into higher frequencies which many of us are feeling, recognise that we always create from energy. Jupiter at this New Moon is conjunct the dwarf planet Altjira, the creator god of the Aboriginal people who believe that everyone exists in Dreamtime as well as in 3D, and our existence in Dreamtime is the more real and important. It is from here that we create our everyday reality. Altjira is also linked to our ability to shed any unhelpful social programming which has held us back, and this works well with the cleansing and clearing energy of Virgo.

This sense of Dreamtime where we create from our imaginations works so well with our free 15 minute meditations on Sundays at 7pm UK time. We have always created from energy all the time, it's just we have been largely unaware of it, but are increasingly moving into a time when we become much more conscious of how we are building an architecture of light which forms our future reality.

Many people can see this grid or web of light around the Earth in our Sunday meditations which is thrilling, there is a lot of telepathy going on in the group. All are welcome to join, no Zoom links or tech, we just join together energetically, imagining that we are connecting with our hands and our hearts.

So set a clear intention that this is for your highest good, the highest good of all and the highest good of the Earth. Feel love, joy, compassion, gratitude, peace and joy. Know that the vortex of energy becomes stronger every week, and feel that expansion in your consciousness as we do this.

'We are welcoming in an expanded consciousness of love' in these meditations, and changing the quantum wave structure to a higher timeline with every session.
Blessings to you all, thank you all for being with me on this extraordinarily accelerated evolution for humanity.

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