"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Every DNA echoes a melody - 27.08.2024


Our DNA sings. Each person plays and has their own unique melody. in research in the field of physics (torture fields) the Russian scientist P. Garyaev discovered that DNA nucleotides – the essential molecules for life present in all living beings – are a type of text with information.

And each nucleotide, which is a "letter" in the genetic text, has a certain frequency spectrum. If these frequencies the human ear could pick up, the molecules would be like Notes of a beautiful harmonious music.

But there is also chaos that disrupts Harmony, if DNA is disturbed by transgenetic manipulation, cacophony takes control. The laws of Beauty and Harmony are violated, and the physical begins to suffer.
Scientists from Garyaev's group conducted experiments: genetic information was read from a drop of a saliva taken kms away from the person subneted to emotions of images and sounds.
He demonstrated how emotions can directly affect the functioning of cells: the frequency of DNA contained in the saliva drop was severely influenced to the same extent as the person's mind.

Man is an open substance of information-energy, and its existence depends upon the quantity and quality of information in the soul collected in present life and previous incarnations. The function of each organ depends on how the cells have been programmed energetically.
The consciousness of every human being is a fractal of this energetic information field.
The human brain has been damaged by years of negative, inferior thinking.
But cosmic energy information channels replace information from disturbed organs, synchronizing with reference frequencies to restore the original organic matrix, divine DNA.
The purpose of Man is to develop his Consciousness by developing the ability to communicate through his Pure “frequency signature”.
The Universe reflects exactly what it transmits: thoughts, feelings, beliefs, reactions. Changes in your physical reality depend on how you evolve to stay in your Best and Highest vibrational state through Journey on Path: the practice of Inner Work.

Vilma Capuano text based on translation of articles from Biotech Labs

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