"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - OLD SOULS IN THE UPDATE - 23.08.2024

"Let's listen to the voice of the Great Elder within us, who has lived for so long, who has seen and experienced so many things. " ~C.G. Jung
Old Souls are different from childhood. They do not follow rules with the crowd because they try to understand everything for themselves, always open to new spiritual knowledge, where is the sharpness of the eternal Truth.
Ancient souls are intuitive and they come into this world with the capacity of empathy, sensitive to the pain of others, becoming spiritual advisors.
You need moments of Silence, Stillness, distancing yourself from others, to recharge your energy field in inner Source.
Currently, the integration of the energies of Solar Plasma Waves are intense to incorporate the abilities of your Higher Self, without further resistance, contribute to the transformation of consciousness on the planet.
Ascending Souls, Ancient Souls and Starseeds are in the process of abandoning mental conditioning and blockages from trauma of this and other lives in order to strengthen Compassion and Love for Self: which is the pillar for Knowing Remembrance, Merit for Receiving Gifts and Manifestation Blessings.
Physical and emotional pain can be painful during this phase of breakthrough on the Path.
"Being open to ""unlearning"" is absolutely essential for true learning to take place. Often, what we think we know is what really blocks us from learning. ” ~Goethe
"The truth is revealed only when you give up all preconceived ideas. " ~Shoseki
Open up, fearlessly, to Release the karmic grids and traumatic emotions to be Free and exercise the Sovereignty of your Power to touch the Inner Peace that has always existed within, in the Fire of the Temple in the Sacred Heart!
Inner Peace does not need to be created, you just need to meet it.
Wilma Capuano

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