"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - Loving our bodies & create and share sacred arts - 17.08.2024

Loving our beautiful bodies is not something our society has encouraged us to do. The older I get and the more people I speak to, the more it is clear that our relationship with our bodies - whether it is to do with the vitality of our body, the fitness of our body, the age of our body, or the appearance of our body - can be a challenging thing for many people, which is a real shame if you think about it because without these bodies, our souls would not be having this experience of life that we are having right now.

- From I Love My Body Musical Medicine Mantra MP3


Apparently, many more of us will be feeling inspired to create sacred arts, rituals, or perhaps even share our creations in bigger ways. To me, dancing is a sacred art. Whether you do it by yourself or in a group, you're moving energy through your own body; you're moving energy with a community. “Arts” could literally be what we traditionally know as the arts: poetry, painting. But really, anything where you are working with energy - the land, nature, cooking - and bringing art to the world. There are so many ways that we do it. But the word "sacred" is key here.

You might suddenly be seeking out sacred art and sacred rituals. You might be beginning to turn to them and recognize their power. Or you might be sharing this with other people in bigger ways. Maybe you are a sacred artist - you are someone who creates sacred rituals - and you suddenly feel called to do that in a bigger way. "You know what? I'm going to have a group of six people come to my house twice a month, and I'm going to hold a sacred ritual." Or maybe you're someone who puts things out online and you want to do it in a bigger way. Sharing your creations in bigger ways is going to be a theme for those of you who resonate with the sacred arts already. And turning toward sacred arts - things that allow us to feel connected to ourselves, our souls, each other, and spirit - that's going to be a big theme.

Watch the full August Energy Update here: https://www.leeharrisenergy.com/aug-2024-energy-update

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