"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - ACCOMPLISHING THE MISSION - 14.08.2024

"Be aware that thousands of souls voluntarily incarnated on Earth (Star Seeds) are present on major social networks to bring knowledge of all kinds to help humanity move out of the hypnosis that controls, enslaves, the collective mind."

An acquaintance or friend of yours may be one of them: cosmic beings that use the internet, or any medium of mass communication, to help Awaken consciousness.

They do it discreetly, do not seek fame, wealth, do not want to appear as an idol of the masses, nor appear on television, is a Group currently composed of less than 10% of humanity, and can be defined as Messengers, Channelers of higher vibrations, bringing the light of Knowledge, trying to make them people understand love and respect for life.

That does not mean that they are perfect people, without problems to solve, they are normal people but with powerful creative energy, people who have lived intensely in this world to understand it fully,

But who have resisted all sorts of mental distraction in the matrix, without being Awake, until they have matured and reached the moment to connect and become aware of who they are and what they came to do.

Maybe you are one of those evolved cosmic beings that live here as humans, maybe that's why you read this article so carefully... Or do you still believe in coincidences? " ~ Massimilian
"We must have the courage to choose enlightenment, to take responsibility for our own evolution and the progress of humanity." "~ Dr. Steven Greer

“The joy that you give is reflected in every soul around you, for every generous person who receives it responds with Joy. Choose the people in your life based on how they make you feel.” ~PortalChildrenofLight

“You have a sacred flow, like the current of a river. Allow this flow to take you effortlessly to where you need to be. Let go and allow yourself to be held in your river of light. "~Christine Day

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