"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Dimensions - 20.08.2024


Scientists of Quantum Physics have already found the existence of 13 Dimensions and they continue to dig deeper because they know there are many more. 38 Dimensions are mentioned in esoteric studies, which have several sublevels within each one.
In the microcosm of the spiritual spark we can have 64 bodies living in "parallel worlds". This is what the potential of Divine DNA energy makes possible.
We live in a Universe called Nebadon ruled by Guardian Michael/Miguel.
The human being is Consciousness in the frequency in which it vibrates.
For Higher Dimensions to be attained depends on the individual level of Consciousness in alignment with Pure Source Energy.
The Earth is contributing to make the 3D quantum leap available to the resident souls with the change of the pulse in their Heart in the Magnetic Nucleus and its spatial shift in the Cosmos accompanying the ascension movement of all the Universes that have already begun the evolutionary sacred migration according to ignition Determined by Gods Plan.
“The merging of higher dimensions causes cycles to change.
Each day of your lives now can be a new starting point; how much can you bring to manifestation to live as a Higher Dimension? " (Pleiadian Celestial Blue Star)
With the constant Waves of Great Change, it's important to remain centered and Calm.
It is possible to raise and maintain the Frequency by releasing what emotionally overloads and sustains the false self.
It's not about suppressing or burying emotion, but letting it flow through the energetic process of Releasing by observing and Breathing into it in moments of Stillness.
Allowing yourself to dissolve you doesn't prolong your suffering.

Doesn't it get signals and synchronicities like before?
Understand that some phases are designed to slow you down and your mind reset your belief systems, perceptions of the world and your identity, eliminating the effects of indoctrination and conditioning you have received.
this "break" can be frustrating and take you to another level from the Dark Night of the Soul to Healing.
Have Patience and Gentleness with yourself by staying anchored to the Purpose that has been illuminated in your Path, and so not begin to doubt yourself by falling into old patterns of behavior that lead to an attitude of Undeserving Blessings, Healing, Abundance, and the use of innate Talents.
With every new change and wave of energy, you are getting a chance to start over.
This authentic power of liberation and expansion emanates from within you, from your original divine DNA.
Listen to your Heart.

When you seek another perspective during a difficult phase, you begin the process of “searching and maintaining inner Calm and Peace. ”
Remember when you made "first contact" with the higher dimensions and beings. You have seen reason and meaning in everything that exists and is to come.
Know that:
• In the Third Dimension: there is fear for the fragility of survival in a reality that maintains the illusory separation between body and spirit.

• The Fourth Dimension: a transition, connects darkness to light reducing the perceptive impact of Duality. When deciding to protect yourself using the virtues of universal law, experience the elevated frequency to transcend the limitations of the human mind.

• The Fifth Dimension provides access to many timelines through a more fluid crystal body. The higher self is integrated for an existence in Oneness of Consciousness and constant evolution. There is no need for possessions or status, there is no competition or comparison, no painful reactionary emotions
Wilma Capuano

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