"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jason Estes Update - learn to handle your momentum vs let it handle you & worry journal - 31.12.2023


We did it!!! we crossed (7.2M)+1m data points the games now on and as you learn to handle your momentum vs let it handle you you will find lots of gifts coming online one of these is instant manifestation prayer is a powerful thing and worry is prayer for things we don't want so over these next few days i recommend building a worry journal you can set your timer for 5mins then write down your worries and insecurities get them out of you look at them and then begin to work on them by accepting the worst case scenario and see if your still alive this will naturally remove the fear that binds that worry or insecurity once you accept it then you can begin to add logic back and really discover your power from here you find the parts of you who want this outcome and do remembering unity work on them once this is done you can choose to remove it from the list or if you feel you need to work on it at a deeper layer you can revisit it the next day and keep going being aware of your wounds is a huge win in this world it doesn't make you weaker it makes you stronger because if your wounded and you don't know it you may lash out in the worst moment and destroy something or someone you love as we learn this new power we have we also get to learn a new level of responsibility ::hugs::

this is the remembering unity doc for those who are not aware of the process ❤ ::hugs::

source - facebook

Celia Fenn - December 31st : Look Back in Gratitude

Yes I know that 2023 was a tough year for many. As a 7 year it called on us to stand firm and exercise spiritual Mastery.
Yet there were many things for which I feel grateful.
It is important to look back with gratitude. this is the only way to prepare the way forward.
Be present in Peace and Harmony.
And look forward with Love and Joy.
May 2024 be the year that we create Miracles together!

source - facebook

I ask apology - Happy New Year

Cosmic Gateway - The Final Clean Up - 31.12.2023

From Lisa M Harrison 
Telegram Channel 

"This one ran long, 2 hours and was left on a great note with a share of confirmation from Alisha Brache. The last update of 2023 and I believe we can leave the year behind us on a good note. Have you or those around you been sick since Solstice? Violent and unexpected purging or flu like symptoms for a few days? There is a reason for it and it should be welcomed. Also White Dragon showed up on Wednesday and she was not alone, with a very positive message. Original templates/blueprints are activating all over, personal and collective. We are in for a very wild 2024."

Purchase the Replay via the link below

Thank you my dear Soul Sister Lisa & the Beautiful Soul Family
Eternal love & Gratitude

YouTube link below

source - facebook

My Note:
I can confirm this. I'm very rarely sick, but I managed to catch it now. Technically, I bathe in tissues, I barely slept and I have never been so badly affected by a flu. Most of my family  members has already gone through the "cleansing" at the solstice and Christmas.. now it's my turn - it seems that this is how I will end 2023.
Take care and be gentle to yourself 

Judith Kusel - Message transmitted for 2024 and beyond

You are on planetary levels now going through a total dismantling of the old paradigm, but in an escalated scale. The Intergalactic Federation has decided to increase the ascension acceleration, as all those souls who were involved with this process are now fully awake and they are now literally paving the way for the new humanity, in the New Lightbody form, and all are, like you, asked to lay down the foundations of the New Golden Age.

With this the dormant energy centers and dormant extraterrestrial technology, which was stored in many places in the earth, and in sacred sites, are now being fully activated and will start to make their presence felt, even as they are programmed to now lift off, like a space craft and merge with the New Earth, as was master planned millions of earth years ago.

It is so that those souls whose Divine Imprint has merged with that time, consciousness merging, will now awaken in much higher measures, and they will then be able, through accelerated shifts and accelerated consciousness shifts, to not only assist with the process of anchoring in these technologies and knowledge into the New Earth, but will be the custodians and forerunners of such, as has happened when Atlantis fell, and the High Priesthood of Atlantis dispersed beforehand over the earth, to hold the knowledge sacred. Yet, this goes back to the time of Lemuria, Avalon, the Lion Kingdom and Elysium.

During this time, it is vital to understand that all is dissolving of the old structures and forms on all levels of society as well as technology, agriculture, eco-management, health services etc. as all will collapse of the old, and only those methods will remain which are life giving, life enhancing, and work energetically towards a great holistic way of life, simple and true. It is the return of the deep respect for Lady Gaia and the New Earth, and working with her, and there will be no need to strip her of any resources, nor to destroy and damage.

Humans will communicate with animals, birds, insects, trees, plants, seeds etc. and work with them as one. With great love. They will communicate with the elementals and work with them and communities of light will be norm, where everyone’s unique talents, gifts and abilities, serve within the greater community and where all work together as one.

For now there will be unity, and harmony, as souls will finally understand, that no one is greater or more than any other, and that everyone his or her own uniqueness to live out and share with the greater whole with love. There will be leaders yes, but these leaders will have serve the community, with great wisdom and there will be mutual respect, as leaders will be chosen for their wisdom, their loving service and their ability to be visionaries who lead the people to ever higher degrees of unity and oneness.

When all work together as one there will be only the desire to lovingly live every single moment of one’s life with joy, in joy and to co-create beauty in all its forms and expressions and harmoniously so. To honor the soul in one another, and to live soul empowered lives. To adhere to the Universal Divine Laws and co-create within them.

The Temples will rise again, the Sacred Healing Places, and vibrant, radiant health will be the norm and when anyone is out of synch for even a second, immediately the holistic healers will be able to energetically and with great love heal these. There will be Temples of Sound, Temples of Love, Temples of Light, Temples of Joy, Temples of Beauty and Harmony, Temples of Celebration of Life, as much as the sacred groves will be reestablished, the sacred temples of nature and the sacred Temples of Knowledge, both esoteric and universal.

Note that this is vast transition from the lowest forms of life and life expression in the highest and many souls, once fully anchored in the fifth are already choosing to ascend into the original seventh. Thus from 2024, huge changes will occur in all forms of life, as animals, birds, insects, and all life and life forms are already ascending into the New Earth and a lot of the seeming extinct species are being reintroduced and new species from other galaxies and star systems. The waters will be crystal clear again, the air, the fires and the earth.

There will be crystal abodes, where the liquid crystals are then transformed into building material and as this manifests into more solid form, there buildings will exude huge energy and indeed will amplify consciousness levels and allow multi-dimensionality to prosper.
Teleportation and bilocation will become the norm, as telepathy becomes the norm.

Computers etc. will not be necessary anymore and the new humanity will be able to access information and knowledge directly from the Universal Energy fields which holds all information and such information will be downloaded directly into the higher mind and higher heart, so that it can be applied instantly. Teaching methods will be to lovingly guide the student to apply their innate soul genius with great love, and to access ever higher degrees of knowledge through the same knowledge.

2024 is a catalyst year and thus it effects dramatic changes in all life and life forms and indeed a huge acceleration of consciousness levels and access to multi-dimensionality in all forms of life and living.

At this moment the Universal Counsels and the Intergalactic Federation and Counsels are all over-looking the process of not only the planetary ascension, the New Earth and New Golden Age, but simultaneously the New Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy and the Universe and counter systems.

The new is birthed on all levels as the Universe now is lifted into the New Creation.
(Counsel of 12 and 24 who work at 352 levels of Divinity.)

Judith Kusel
source - facebook

Celia Fenn - 2024 : Roses, Dragons and Diamonds - 30.12.2023

Archangel Michael declares 2024 to be a significant year in our Transformation into the New Earth, and calls it the year of the Rose.
This is because of two things : the Rose is the symbol of the Galaxy, with its spiral shape, and also the symbol of the Divine Feminine.
In 2024 we will focus on reclaiming our place as Galactic Beings of Light as we connect with the Golden Solar Light and the Diamond Light Codes. We will remember more of our Galactic journeys and we will integrate this into our lives as Masters in the New Earth.
We will also connect more powerfully with the Dragon Energy, as 2024 is also the Chinese year of the Dragon. Dragons are powerful protectors of the Divine Feminine and our inner "treasures" of Abundance and Love. As we connect with our inner Dragon energy as it emerges, we will feel more powerful and more able to stand our ground.
As the Dragon energy emerges on the Planet, we will also see and feel powerful transformations as the Earth begins to settle into her new patterns and grids to express the New Earth, and also as she lets go of the old and releases what is no longer needed.
The two important energies will be the Golden Solar energy of the Christ Consciounsess, and the Diamond Light Codes, which are closely connected to the Water Plasma energies of the Galaxy.
It will be a year filled with sparkly magic and power, but gentle power that we focus on Love, Kindness , Support and Self-nurturing.
On the lower levels things will continue to collapse and disintegrate, but we need to focus on where we are going and on building a strong sense of community and circles of light that keep us strong and clear as we build the New.
2024 is after all an 8 year that requires us to be strong and to demonstrate our inner power in all that we do.
Have a beautiful New Year and Be Blessed in 2024.

source - facebook

Cobra - Short Situation Update and Ascension Conference in Phoenix - 30.12.2023

The Light Forces and the Source are clearing the primary anomaly and the primary Lurker with full speed.

In clearing the surface, the Light Forces have encountered two ancient Illuminati networks, controlled by Black nobility and primarily made of Draco and Reptilian entities in human bodies. These two networks are anchors for the huge part of the primary anomaly still extending throughout the Solar system until the heliopause:

The first of those networks is located in India and it firmly established control upon Indian subcontinent after the Draco defeated Aldebarans in a nuclear war in the area of current Rajasthan about 5000 years ago. Since then, Indian Illuminati network has controlled India through dark priesthood network, and it is still the deep force of control behind Indian politics, emanating from certain Indian Black nobility families.

This network is already being cleared, with Resistance Movement and Agarthan and other special forces emerging to the surface from Patala:

The second network exists in subsaharan Africa and is even older, originating in Atlantis. Main anchor of this network in near lake Kivu. Clearing of this network will start after the Indian network is almost completely defeated.

All this will be happening behind the scenes and there will be no apparent progress until Pluto enters Aquarius on January 21st. After that, things will become more interesting again.

There are signs that the financial system is coming closer and closer to its collapse:

And the Cabal is preparing their places to hide:

They are still trying to reinforce the quarantine:

But at the same time, networks of tunnel systems worldwide are becoming mainstream knowledge:

We had a short workshop in Delhi, India on December 20th. You can read the workshop notes here:

The purpose of this workshop was to strengthen the network of Light in India.

Light Forces are asking Lightworkers in India to start creating cintamani Flower of Life grids around major cities in India to bring Light to those cities, improve quality of life of their inhabitants and to help purifying the air, which is in some locations so polluted that it is dangerous for health. People who activated Flower of Life cintamani grid in cities in China have noticed significant improvement of life quality and air quality in those cities.

Lightworkers in India can also investigate and heal the timeline of the Baroda family, which is the key to healing the situation in India:

Also, a network of cintamani stones needs to be placed in ancient temples where Devadasi tradition was practiced, in Durga temples and in locations of Mughal palaces. All those places will be then reabsorbed into the planetary network of Light.

After Pluto enters Aquarius there will be a lot of intense progress, and for this reason we are announcing an Ascension conference in Phoenix, Arizona:

Phoenix is a very powerful double Ascension / Goddess vortex and many interesting things happened in the area:

You are more than welcome to join us on February 3rd and 4th.

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:

Weekend Vibezz

 How quickly this week has passed and here we are at the gates of 2024.

2023 was quite a mixed bag, lots of ups and downs, like a real rollercoaster. Unfortunately, not much happened on the physical level, we didn't really experience a real breakthrough, this year was more about internal events, letting go, cleansing and healing at all levels.

Despite the physical slow happenings, a lot of powerful energies have arrived and are arriving at the energetic level, and I think that next year we will bathe in us even more powerfully to prepare us for the big solar eruption and the physical-spiritual transformation. If you look back to yourself in the beginning of the year and to the current one, many of us seem to see two different characters and this is not yet our true self. We still have a lot of work to do - a lot of work on ourselves to finally find our true self under so much trauma and pain. 

The biggest challenge is erasing old programs and beliefs, because according to my experience, it is very easy to pick up and fall into bad habits, but it takes more time to program and keep new and better ones.

But realizations come naturally and we are supported to break free from the prison of the mind and the programming of the matrix over generations. But this is not an easy task, since every minute of every day we are bombarded with information and frequencies (visible and invisible), if you break away from this 3D cage, things and people will pull you back. But if you solve and heal something in your life and inside yourself, you help and heal the collective, showing us the way - since we are all collectively in this game. We are all warriors, and if you have nothing to be proud of or if you feel like you haven't achieved anything in this reality, think about this - you survived another year here and now! I know you are tired like all of us and I know there are days when you would give up but you are still here and for that I thank you! 

But I don't do anything in particular - a lot of us can say in response. This is not true, simply by being here and existing, you balance the invisible scale, because there was no balance for a long time. The frequency that your soul emits, and just that you walk among people, generates an invisible and yet visible ripple. That's why it's important what we radiate from ourselves, what we do, speak, think and wish, because these determine which timeline we experience collectively and how bumpy our path to the end of the game will be.

Many have left, and many will no longer be with us by the end of the story, but many will come back new and old, as this chapter will end soon and there will be no more films of this nature in this universe. In the universe of free will, anything can happen, maybe that's why we are where we are, and why so much has happened - we get so much experience and achievement points for it. As my spirit guide said, we will be leaving the nursery soon.

What will it bring and what will happen in 2024? Somehow I feel that many changes will happen - in us and around us. The battle for our souls and Earth is not over yet, so don't take off your boxing gloves just yet. I think that everything will speed up and become more unstable even chaotic as the old matrix disintegrates more and more. 

Perhaps more truth will be poured out on humanity in the next year, and more and more people will rise from the crowd who want and can do to make this place a better space. I hope that many more people will come together in various fields to provide solutions to existing problems together, and people will wake up in a grand scale. 

Let's admit that it's hard to exist among family, friends and people who doubt us and simply call us crazy because they don't want to and don't see that most conspiracy theories are actually confirmed. But believe that your perseverance will pay off, because as soon as the mainstream media and the celebrity world suddenly start to shout the truth, and the many things we have been saying for many, many years are confirmed on a physical level - everything will change. Instead of the attitude "I told you", let's be more supportive.

Let's walk with an open mind, because the deception is so great that the truth that we could have known can shatter from one moment to the next. Be careful and listen to your intuition. Let's strive for peaceful and innovative solutions, let's talk openly and honestly, and finally put aside the differences and try to work together for a peaceful and loving new now. Because sooner or later, humanity has to realize that it is easier together, not divided. The horses also pull the cart in one direction to get somewhere.

I would also like to thank everyone for their attention throughout the year - 


I wish you a very Happy, Loving and Abundant New Year. 

We will continue next year :)

Natalia Alba - New harmonic frequency - Pluto moving into Aquarius - 29.12.2023

Beloved Ones,

As we gradually move into this New Year 2024, we get closer to the Aquarian Age, which actually starts around 2400 CE (Common Era or Anno Domini). However, we are already seeding what will become an Era of harmony and rehabilitation of old values.
A New harmonic frequency that is represented by Pluto moving into Aquarius, and many other events outside of our planetary confines that are marking the end of an Era.

Our new destination is within, as Guides share many times, for it is our chosen frequency the one that determines where we are going, and what we see on the outside. There is no destination to be reached, for all is already within us. We just need to shift our focus inwardly.

2024 is the year of Monadic integration, the embodiment of our Golden Aspects, which as you know comprehends from the seventh dimension to the ninth one, as I previously shared, although as we step into this new year, Guides expand into the essence of 2024, sharing this will be too the year of multiplication which is the result of embodying the monad and moving into more illumined dimensions.

As you know, 2023 has been the year in which many have moved into the soul levels, opening their fifth-dimensional body portal, or fifth chakra, which is connected to the fifth-dimensional aspect of us, and starting to move forward, into the sixth-dimensional levels.

During 2024, we are now heading into the embodiment of the Monad, healing and opening our eight chakra, its corresponding eight DNA strand, and thymus, also called the Higher Heart, as the physical part of our body that connects to the monad.

The blue color of our fifth-dimensional portal, together with the golden one would be the spectrum that we will be working with, to bring this activation to fruition. Although it will shift to crystalline white, as we continue evolving into higher dimensions.

Many are ready to continue embodying higher aspects of themselves, and it is precisely when we move into the Monad, that we can descend more light, wisdom, and power, multiplying that which we previously expanded. It can be abundance, more love, peace, or anything else we need for ourselves or reality, for God's Light sustains and expands all if we are aligned to it, and allow it to work through us.

A process that is too represented by the number eight, the universal frequency of this year 2024, that emphasizes the abundance of love, and assistance, that our planet is receiving, and that we too are descending from it, as the more spiritual life force received, the more consciousness to expand into higher illumined dimensions.

Multiplication is the process of conscious replication, by which we allow our God Self to act through us, replicating in our physical reality, what sustains us and All. Guides shared the metaphor of our beloved Jesus to explain what they mean by multiplication.

Jesus in one of the biblical texts was precisely multiplying the fishes, five breads, and wine. Notice too the importance of number five, for it is from the stabilization of this number that we start multiplying.

What Jesus did was to align with his God Self, allowing God's Light to multiply the sustenance required to feed everyone. This is a symbolic metaphor of what occurs when we allow our Unified Self to act through us - creation, expansion, and multiplication.

Multiplication is an alchemical process for it is when we first open to the soul, embody the monad, and move into the God Self, healing all distortions, that we finally are ready to step into this process. This is where we are gradually heading, into the perfection of who we truly are, as divine beings.

This is what truly means to embody Christos Consciousness, for one thing, is talking about the process and another doing the daily inner work to truly be devoted to integrating it.

This is where many ascending souls, who do their daily practices and have a loving heart towards All beings and living forms of consciousness, are achieving, for we have finally, despite all the tactics not to, moved into a more unified state of being.
May you continue moving towards the Light, growing in love, wisdom, and power.
I wish you a blessed 2024, filled with infinite love, abundance, and joy, Beloved Ones.
Thank you for your love, and assistance to All one more year.
Always a gift to share this conscious path with all of you.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
source - facebook

Judith Kusel - we are in the process of a huge shift which will gain momentum in 2024 - 29.12.2023

"We are nearing the end of 2023 and we are in the process of a huge shift which will gain momentum in 2024.
This was on the beginning and the only way we will be able to navigate the unknown now expanding within us, as well as outside of us, above, so below, within, so without, is to go deeper into the heart-space and allow our inner guidance, our inner navigational systems to lead the way.
I am transcribing my journals at the moment for my book on Greece and Egypt and came across this journal entry made on the 16 June 2019, which seems so relevant for this moment: “As long as we try to grasp what is happening now with our minds, we will fail. It is only the heart and soul who see the Truth and can expand into it.”
More than this, it’s the soul which merges with the Monad, the Soul Group and the expanded merger with the Cluster Soul Groups, which will now lead us through.
I see this like being on a spaceship and exploring a new solar systems it has never entered before and where the old navigational systems cannot function. So the consciousness of the pilot and that of the Spacecraft now use their expanded consciousness, not only of their own soul, but that of monad, plus the Universal knowledge stored in Universal Energy fields, and then through this combined knowledge, and deep intuitive knowing, move into the unknown, and in the process, they discover latent abilities within themselves, they had not used before, yet can access now, and this allows them not only navigate the unknown, but lead to new and exciting discoveries.
They discover a new planet and now start a new life and new beginnings on this planet, and start co-creating from the heart and soul and with great love, new life, new life forms, applying their inherent knowledge and then are joined by other souls who join them on this journey of discovery, and in co-creating the new!
This is indeed what happened in the beginning on this planet, and we now are the pioneers who are co-creating the New Golden Age, in the newly created New Earth!
What a tremendous gift of Love!
Yes, there will be moments when it feels as if we are a bit lost at sea, or when we enter the vastness of new infinite space, and when all which we ever felt we knew, is not applicable anymore and we need to pave new and ever higher ways of life and living.
Yet, the beauty of this is, that when we are being challenged, our soul genius is activated, and suddenly ideas come, creativity flows, insights, and solutions, and more than this, our hearts ever expanding in love and with love, we lovingly create the new, ever in the highest loving service in the highest and best ways, for the greater good of all.
The greatest insights, the greatest visions, are all really remarkably simple. We only make things complicated by trying to label everything, and then try to fix things, when in truth there is no-thing to fix, nor to label, but rather to intuitively explore with great love, allowing ourselves to be stretched beyond the beyond, and be inspired by new possibilities we never even dreamt of before!
Let us be open to the totally new – and leave the old behind forever! And this includes all aspects of life and all we have ever lived before!
I am inspired!

Judith Kusel
source - facebook

Judith Kusel - powerful activations of the ancient energy centers & being prepared to take quantum leaps in consciousness - 28.12.2023

The Southern Hemisphere is buzzing with intense and immensely powerful activations of the ancient energy centers within her, as this was all programmed to happen, with the full anchoring in of the New Earth, thus a huge merging occurring.
This mainly because the Southern Hemisphere is very ancient and these centers are mostly hidden and very carefully guarded.
Things are going to happen in the north that will bring about the full powers of these ancient energy centers to help steady the ship, as the Southern Hemisphere is able to be in two worlds at once, meaning already ascended into the New Earth, while holding the old through disintegration.
More I cannot say, as these energy centers are beyond our ken, as they originally were created in the 7th dimensional state and thus operate on much higher vibrational frequency band.
Africa, South America, Antarctica, Australia and New Zealand and the islands south of the equator, will and are having more and centers activated and this is hugely accelerating the ascension process and awakening within those souls living there.
Deep down the tribal people have always had a deep inner connection to the Great Mama and the secrets she holds. This was never shared with the uninitiated. It later became watered down, yet the souls who first created these centers have incarnated and are busy remembering and are being activated.
We are being switched as agreed we agreed to be.
More than this, reading this will trigger more.
Things are going to happen which will stun but at the same time it will be that your soul will not be surprised but will know.


We are now being prepared to take quantum leaps in consciousness, and to fully start anchoring in the New Golden Age, inspired from deep within, and with loving intent, in the highest and most loving ways for the highest good of all. 
As our consciousness rises with leaps and bounds, we will now be able to access higher levels of Universal knowledge and need to now apply what we access.   
This now means not only laying down the foundation stones for the New Golden Age, but also to start applying this knowledge.  
More than this breaking out of whatever we perceive as possible and step into the realms of impossibilities. When we do this, even greater portals will open as we access ever greater degrees of knowledge and apply this. 
2024 is going to lift us beyond the possible, into the seeming impossible. 

Photo:Judith Kusel
source - facebook

Eceti & James Gilliland - ECETI News #72 - Dec 27, 2023

It’s another home alone at Christmas. Seems a reoccurring pattern. I remember all the family would visit my folks in California who have since passed every Christmas. I would stay home with the excuse of I can’t leave the ranch the pipes will freeze and someone has to feed the animals. I would stock up on food and spend much of the time in deep meditation, take long Epson salt baths and go for a walk through the forest, snow shoes required. During that time, I would work on releasing the past, forgiving anyone necessary and dive deep into my shadow side seeing what came up to clear. The more I spent time in spirit especially in communication with the higher dimensions the less I desired contact with humanity. I could see how wounded and trapped most of humanity is, how socially engineered, most not even knowing who they are completely detached from their heart and soul. Very few even knew why they incarnated. Sadly, most were caught up in the monkey trap seeking love, acceptance and approval outside of self. The socially engineered completely out of touch with heart and soul trying to impress other socially engineered people. I always loved the saying who would you be without your story? A humble God/Goddess in service to others if you knew the truth.

Spirituality has become fashionable filled with spiritual egos reciting cliches they heard on Facebook but that is their story. Who would they be without that story? Our personal problems all come from the be lie f we are a person separate from the whole seeking outside of ourselves what has always been within. Your story is what keeps you from the is that is all that is within. We are multidimensional beings, which aspect of self on the vibrational continuum do you want to be your story? Are you Pleiadian, Orion, Sirian, Arcturian, Andromedin, were you raised on a ship in previous incarnations? Do you wear that life as a badge be lie ving you are special? What if you believed you were nothing? Nothing to be acknowledged, nothing to defend, just the observer? The only reason anyone has any power over you is because you want something from them. What if you wanted nothing? What if you were just there, in the moment sharing or choosing not to share without any attachment or need to enable someone else’s story? Imagine how your friends and family would react to that? They will do everything to put you back in the box, their projection of who you are. And that is why I stay home alone for Christmas loving every second of it. Not that it would’t be nice to share with another on the same page. Right now, it is like finding a needle in a septic tank. Just kidding, kinda, it is a very dysfunctional planet in process and I have lots of friends on functional planets.

Something to ponder.

Be well and happy holidays whatever you wish to call them.

James Gilliland


People are being affected in a major way by negative influences during these shifts. Here is a link to clear yourself and loves ones. https://youtu.be/i25YHBvrU6Q

ECETI Stargate Official YouTube:

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 25.12.2023

Preparations begin for a new Bretton Woods and new age: Merry Christmas

You can read the full report here:

Jason Estes Update - pressure & resentment bank practice - 26.12.2023


We had a spike and are now at (7.2m)+900k we are now starting to get a taste of what the +1m will be the best way to describe the 1m+ world is that it will feel like your being shot out of a cannon every 3 hours and the biggest thing you will learn is how to adapt and carry momentum so it doesn't carry you because we are so close to this massive leap its important to start working on this today we also want to really begin to get to know our bodies and how to support them because the momentum will be pushing on the bodies hard and this can cause extreme dehydration exhaustion and headaches take it easy rest often and really ask is this me or the pressure in me that is moving me if its pressure do your best to bring yourself back into driver seat ::hugs::

Q:  is it our progress that is moving the data points at this time or is it the energies coming in?
A: our progress is what makes room for the rest but now we are playing a masters game as the 22 people who gated are voting on the speed and intensity for everyone else its kinda wild to see this time happening right before our eyes!

Q: will the sphenoid adjustment help with headaches?
A: yes that can help also work on your back and neck muscles 

source - facebook


Today, we are experiencing the first Full Moon of Winter, the Cold Moon.
It looked full last night, but it will actually hit its peak tonight, 12/26 at 7:33 pm EST. However, it may continue to look full through Thursday.
It's a special Moon keeping our long winter nights illuminated and bright.
As you probably already know, the Full Moon has magical properties and can be felt within the human body.
Like the tides, the moon pulls on the water in our systems, causing us to act in ways we wouldn't necessarily do.
Some people find they're more clumsy. Others say they're more adventurous during the full moon.
Some find themselves running to the bathroom constantly. While others have found their system has synced up with the Full Moon.
How you feel during a Full Moon can be as unique as you are. I know you've heard of Full Moon Fever.
Anyone who's worked in a hospital or with the public will tell you that on the night of a full moon, some of the strangest and most magical things can happen.
Then add into that all the Ascension Bliss energies that are here, and you have one amazingly strong and magical day.
One that is made just for you.
Take a moment today to close your eyes and feel into the energies.
Then, ask your team what they'd like to show you today.
You might be surprised what pops into your head.
Take care of yourself in these energies and your pets, too.
In these more considerable energies, they need extra water, love, and possibly different foods.
Everything is coming together now all around you.
Allow yourself to walk fully in your light and share it out as far and wide as you can, with love of course.
Keeping your vibration at a high, healthy level and being mindful that your thoughts, words & emotions are all aligned are the keys to this time.
Have a Magical Day, Divine One!
-SA Smith
source - facebook

Cosmic Gateway - Childrens - 26.12.2023

As part of my own journey, years of research, observation and supporting women.
Understanding the human story of Descension & Ascension how children were conceived in the past and what is now resurfacing on the planet as an Ancient way returning as we move into a New Earth Paradigm of 5th Dimensional Consciousness and Beyond!

This reshapes everything we have known in our recent history of possibilities on the conception of a child/children ~ We are now factoring in things such as light conception, interdimensional conception, Parthenogenesis, Hybridization of Galactic Genetics.

We also look into the spiritual components of Energetics of conception amounts Divine Counterparts and how the process is purely based on Energy and Frequencies to be able to birth the child into the physical world from the higher dimensional realms or from other Star Nations.

We will be exploring how this happens in-depth, the different components and how this changes pre-natal care, birthing and also conscious parenting.
Finding this text changed everything for me...

In the words of Thoth who was conceived through interdimensional conception and as a result became immortal and lived on Earth for thousands of years –

“You may find that having a baby can be a doorway into immortality. If you really do love someone and that person really loves you—if the love between you is true love—then you may have another option available, in terms of ascension through sacred marriage and interdimensional conception. Through your union you re-create the living holy trinity on Earth.”

Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volume 2 – Drunvalo Melchizedek

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Alisha Braché
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Natalia Alba - Full Moon at 4 degrees Cancer - 26.12.2023

Beloved Ones,

We have a very harmonic and healing Cancerian essence reining in our heavens between today and tomorrow. A Full Moon at 4 degrees Cancer to help us heal our wounded hearts and soul.

To help us in this personal mission, we have Chiron direct, for those who resonate with these phases, together with Neptune already direct too, and Jupiter doing the same at the end of the month, starting the expansion and seeding phase that we are stepping into, for the ones who are on this personal micro cycle.

The Cancerian Moon sextile Jupiter creates a very loving atmosphere for the ones celebrating this season. Joy is always within, and when we are aligned, we are always in the purest of joy, for it is our natural state of being. The moon also trine Saturn, giving us the strength to commit to our spiritual practices, for habit creates self-mastery, as Guides remind us many times.

This is also a time, especially with Chiron and Jupiter co-creating with Cancer, to focus on healing our right and left shoulder blades, for it is where unification begins. Above all, a time to work on soul retrieval, as it is with Cancer that we start self-synthesis, ending our polarity integration journey with Pisces, the last stage of our ascension journey.

It is now a passage for us to see beyond this season and focus on what our bodies are asking of us, at this time, as many times we too are immersed in the joy of this season, and we lose sight of what is truly necessary, and vital for ourselves.

Cancer helps us reconnect with our emotional body, with our true feelings, learning to embrace what we feel and act with integrity, as there is always more ways in which we can be ourselves, as self-acceptance is a long-term journey.

Guides invite us to utilize this time to purge all that needs to be released, healing deep soul wounds that emerge when we are undergoing a process of soul retrieval and self-synthesis. As it is after clearing all past wounds that we move into the next level, our soul portal, for it is with loving Cancer that we start healing the higher heart, healing the astral dimension, and false connections, and opening our heart to the fifth dimensional levels, where the harmonic-angelic dimensions begin.

It is with Cancer that we heal miasma, miasmatic cords that still keep us attached to others, and false emotional connections, created from an egoic space. Resolving emotional blocks is what allows the new to enter, for we cannot seed when our past harvest is still growing.

This is a time to let go so the new can enter. A phase to empty ourselves from the old, so a new consciousness can flourish, for this is a passage for us to rebirth again, within this endless cyclical Divine wheel, resurrecting into the illumined beings that we always were, and that we always will be.

I wish you all a healing and loving passage, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
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Celia Fenn - 27th December : Full Moon in Cancer - 26.12.2023

The Full Moon coming in so quickly after the Solstice and Christmas continues to bring powerful transformative energies.
Cancer is a water sign, and so this may be an intensely emotional time for some people, and so hold yourself in self care and love. But, it can also be a very gentle and flowing time, in which you can express your creativity and hold light for others who may be struggling at this time.
To me, Cancer is also the sign of the High Priestess who carries power and mystery. We can use this Full Moon to connect with the ancient power and mysteries that live within us.
But also, the Sun is now in Capricorn, and so is Pluto, the planet of transformation. Pluto recently moved into Aquarius but has come back for one last go-around. Anything unresolved or that does not belong with you in the New Earth energy will be released now. This can be difficult for some, so be aware and step into your Mastery to handle any issues that may come up between now and January 21st when the Sun and Pluto move into Aquarius and a whole new set of transformative energies around Community and Collective Creation begin to be felt.
Have a gentle and peaceful Full Moon everyone!

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Cosmic Gateway - The beginning is here - 24.12.2023

The time is now! We are all here to birth conciousness through our highest expression & frequency and to co-create a New Earth Reality Together

For many years we've witnessed the old world crumbling and falling apart... This had been millennia in the making.... While on this Ascension journey we've all witnessed our personal lives falling apart our relationships, our families, our children, our personal identity
Often when things are falling apart it can feel as though your whole world is shattering into a million pieces... This is actually cracking the heart wide open to feel love again To truly be ready to experience divine love in its purest form

Here is this reality, the strongest soul are the ones who endure the most horrific life experiences right from the time we enter into this lifetime... Most of us are tracked & monitored by the opposing team.... We endure so much traumatic experiences... Especially as children, the whole purpose of inflicting pain on a young child is to try to break their spirit so that they forget who they are, what their mission & purpose is.

Trauma if not addressed, is a self fulfilling prophecy of self sabotage, victimisation, violence, anger, jealousy, projection. All this keep us trapped in perpetual looping...
This prevents us from truly opening up our hearts to receive divine love & all the beauty the universe wants to shower upon us!
For the past 8 years I've been shown the Event, aka The Solar Flash, aka the spitting of the realities....

Since then I've had so many dreams which have echoed the same message... When the time comes we must be able to purify our hearts we must find forgiveness for those who have hurt us, those who have betrayed us or inflicted harm in any way consciously or unconsciously.

It's those who have played the role of the villain or perpetrator that have taken on the most difficult role to provide an experience to show us the polar opposite to what we are in our truest expression

We are Lightbeings, Light Bearers, Light Warriors from all Realms, Dimensions & Planets.
We all came here to liberate ourselves, our loved ones & humanity...
We can feel something huge is building up in the collective... The Sun is firing up

This energy conciousness that is flooding the planet right now can do one of two things... Place people into Alignment, bliss & joy or it can completely unhinged others.
The choice is up to you ... Stay in your centre, stay in your zen zone & remember to come back to your heart as it always leads you to exactly where you need to be.
Each step of courage, strength, vulnerability, authenticity opens doorways towards liberation

Great love for self, your beloved and humanity at this time...

See December Energy Update:

Lisa M Harrison:

Debbie DuBois:

Much love & appreciation to everyone right now!
May the True Chris Consciousness uplift you & restore love, balance & unity in your heart

Wishing everyone Merry Christ Conciousness 💫🙏🙌
Here is an update & important message for the Holiday season from my heart to yours 💫🙏🙌💞

Sending a huge amount of comic love to you & your family during the festive season
Alisha Braché
Free Resources available via the website:
Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training

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