"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - Allow yourself to unhook from everything outside & Wisdom is arriving within us - 20.08.2024

If you can do it multiple times a day - five, 10 minutes, you'll be amazed how much more balanced you will feel overall in these balance-challenging times. The balance point just keeps moving and it's a little bit like we're on a ball and we're having to keep finding the center of gravity. But there are some extraordinary energies around that, and even with all of the stuff that's playing out, there is an incredible lightness of being and freeing of the shackles of some of the old ways and the old programming, happening faster than ever before. So drink it in, but in order to drink it in, you're going to have to take time to go within and to unhook from everything outside you, just for minutes a day at a time, and to give yourself permission to do that. Because there is where your power lies, and that's what we're all coming back to slowly but surely.


The wisdom to see and know your next level. This is very different from trying to manifest or vision your next level, or wishing or hoping for something to happen. No. This is literally landing in your power and being able to access a new level of wisdom that you will probably have earned. It's the arrival of wisdom within us that we've usually had to work to get to, or that’s usually taken months or longer.

It won't just be bestowed upon you or dropped upon you. You may have had to go through some tough times to get here. For example, it could be that you've been struggling in an intimate relationship for a year - whatever form your relationship takes. And after a year of struggle, you suddenly wise up and understand either how to have a breakthrough in that relationship or what you were healing and can now let go of, and it lets you soften in that relationship. Or you go, "Ah, I've been trying to make this fit, and I'm being shown it doesn't quite fit the way I want it to."

There's something lovely about hitting those moments, because the struggle in you can stop, and you suddenly go, "Ah, I now see and know what I need to do next."

Watch the full August Energy Update here: 

-Lee Harris

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