"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cobra - Urgent Message to the Surface Population - 30.07.2022

A very powerful triple Mars - Uranus - Lunar Node conjunction is coming on July 31st and August 1st:

The Cabal is trying to use this energy to create a new world war.

They are still trying to escalate Russia / Ukraine conflict into a wider war between Russia and NATO, and therefore meditation for peace between Russia and NATO is still necessary:

A new rapid escalation is coming right into July 31st /August 1st window between USA and China due to Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan:

Therefore the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to do the following meditation hourly at every full hour from now on until the end of August 2nd in your time zone:
1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation to stabilize the relationship and bring peace between China, USA and Taiwan.

3. Invoke the violet flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns in all galaxies in this universe, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

5. Invoke Galactic Goddess Pleroma, Isis, Doumu and Guanyin. Invoke the Goddess energies from all corners of this universe to descend upon the skies of mainland China and Taiwan, and to send pink energies of cosmic love to both mainland China and Taiwan. Visualize a pink Flower of Life sphere wrapping itself around mainland China and around Taiwan, maintaining eternal peace and harmony between these two regions.

6. Visualize the pink-colored light of cosmic love emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun and going through your body, into the center of the Earth. Visualize this divine pink light filling up your physical, plasma, etheric, astral and mental bodies. Now, raise both of your hands, palms facing forward. Using your hands, send the divine pink light to all high-ranking politicians and military officers in mainland China, USA and Taiwan, so that they may choose to maintain peace and harmony between the two regions.

Goddess wants peace, and peace it shall be!

P.S. Very important operations of the Light Forces are taking place behind the scenes, I will report about that as much as I can and when I can.

Original Post:

A QUICK NOTE #1923 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Major understanding phases in progress" - 30.07.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Divine Forces are acclaimed.
Organic decreases in activity.
Breaths are diminished.
Pumping in decreasing.
Silvers delivering packages in soon linear.
Toxins in dissolving.
Major understanding phases in progress.
Negative fermentations decrease.
Friend Island in intensive adjustments.
Friend Island in old pattern falls.
*Lemurian Pearls in Bearers reconnections. Reverb at 85% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!)

A QUICK NOTE #1922 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Neural processes accelerations in progress" -29.07.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Neural processes accelerations in progress.
GNA tuning extended.
Blame tables decrease.
Violents are diminished.
Astral bodies interact positively.
PVSE astral groupings are specially called.
(*Tube B - - Recorx): Final cauterization in progress: 97% (not countdown).
*Emissions: Special Projector anchoring at 91%. (Not countdown).
*Emissions: Special Projector reverb at 91%! (Not countdown).
Angelic Counsels increase.
Silvers are approaching for specific new packs!
Ashtar+++++++ConctSuperEleven +++++++ Active in Physical 1. Reverb at 78% (not countdown).
*Lemurian Pearls in Bearers reconnections. Support at 86% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!)

Celia Fenn - Uranus, Mars and North Node astrological conjunction in Taurus - 31.07.2022

So... the buzz right now is about the Uranus, Mars and North Node astrological conjunction in Taurus, happening today 31st July, at the same time as the Lions Gate energies.
What that means is that there is a lot of powerful energy around the issues of home (whether it be your home or the Planet) and finances that is really becoming intense right now. The North Node signifies the destiny of your soul on Earth, which means that whatever issues are coming up now have a very deep impact on who and what you are.
You may find the energy is highly charged and aggressive as people struggle with these energies in their lives.
Best advice is to seek your center and your tranquility, knowing that this will pass, and that the energy wallop that you are experiencing right now is to help you to realign your path with your Soul and your Destiny.
If you feel uncomfortable right now, then it means that on a deep level your soul is guiding you to realign before the Lions Gate and the new Time Spiral that initiates at the 8/8.
Follow your inner guidance and know that all will be well. This is a big transit and we have to step up by going within and finding our answers in the place of inner Peace and Tranquility, our true "Home" while on Earth.
Have a peaceful and tranquil Sunday everyone!

Carta Astral 222 - feeling like in two dimensions - 30.07.2022

Oh looooove! (Omgggggg) Who else is feeling like in two dimensions at once and the body "electrified"? This could still be the integration of Cosmic Radiation wave from 4 days ago, but the truth is, it feels like a different vibration. The Sun is “suspiciously” quiet, and it is that after it bends the pole and officially begins the ascension period toward the peak of its activity, it is so inactive may be an indication that something bigger is forming (though and it's not necessarily like that).

In addition to feeling like in two dimensions, they could also feel that they lack balance, lose gravity and their head floats like a balloon; they may also have headaches, ringing in the ears or static energy, dificult to focus, itching skin and the throat and very thirsty. Depending on how adapted your nervous system is already they might feel “electrified”, have uncontrollable body tremors or even anxiety attacks. In addition, they may feel very tired, powerless and eager to isolate themselves from everything and everyone. It’s possible that their senses are sharp and intolerant to loud or sharp noises and are disturbed by light as well. If you feel disconnected from everything and everyone, or like you don't have sense, it's also normal when we're under the influence of such a high frequency because it's as if we're being catapulted to another higher vibrational frequency all at once. Don't worry, that feeling will also pass, it's just a temporary effect.


FM144 - FINAL PREPARATIONS - 24.07.2022

First of all, I'd like to point out that I answered a few questions from the comments section of the last update at the end of this post.

Then I would like to go into the subject of the incarnated Chimeras very briefly, since this is apparently of interest to many readers, before I say something about the current situation.

So, in my last update, I mentioned that the Chimera is now walking on the surface of the Earth. A few days later, this was confirmed by 2012Portal, where a Chimera subfraction was mentioned, which has infiltrated the surface population:

Until now, it was known that the Chimera is strongly linked to the negative military. However, it seems that there are also strong connections to other Cabal controlled areas, such as the entertainment industry. For example, it is nothing new that many so-called "Stars" have a bizarre obsession for spiders:

Note: There is an embedded Instagram reel in the following article that leads directly into a kind of "spider island". Please watch this reel only with energetic protection as well as cleansing and disconnection afterwards, as it has a negative influence on the subtle levels (negative Dark One technology to influence millions of unconscious viewers on social media). If in doubt, just read the article and skip the reel ...

For this, let's go back to the time around Atlantis for a moment. When the fleet of the Dark Ones landed on the planet at that time, the Light Temples were infiltrated by contacting mentally weaker, more manipulable Lightworkers (who had already been energetically manipulated beforehand) to betray and physically overthrow the Keylightworkers. So, some Lightworkers basically have sold themselves to the Dark Ones, sometimes directly to Chimera spider queens, in order to secure themselves high positions and wealth during the upcoming Dark Age.

These "traitors" have absorbed many Soul Parts of highly creative Starseeds (I will come to the topic of stolen Soul Parts at the FAQs at the end of this post), which are still active today in many Illuminati artists within the entertainment industry. So, the talent of many so-called "Stars" on the surface is not their own at all ... it is stolen, and this for many, many incarnations.

It's also the case with many artists that at the beginning of their career everything is still relatively innocent, positive and highly creative in order to build up success as well as a large fan base. Then, as soon as they're at their prime, that positivity disappears. Everything becomes darker and more satanic, as now the Dark Ones take over to push their toxic messages into the masses.

And as mentioned before, some Cabal members have sold themselves directly to Chimera spider queens as a host. It is a kind of symbiosis ... the spider queen can temporarily disconnect from the host and move anywhere through the Earth's quarantine via etheric tunnels to draw creative as well as sexual energy from the surface population on any place of the word. This energy is then given into the host, making the artist incredibly appealing to the masses. Thereby, the artist earns vast amounts of money, which in turn goes to the Cabal and is used for their black projects.

However, there are also actual incarnated Chimera beings in this domain, mostly male specimens, who usually act as handlers/managers for these artists in the physical world.

By the way, there are strong references to the Chimera in the movie "Edge of tomorrow" (heavily influenced by the Cabal), where the so-called Alpha and Omegas represent the male spider beings as well as the spider queen. The drones represent the energetic spider-beings, which can be found all over the place within the Earth quarantine:

There are many reports from Starseeds which have seen these energetic spiders above their bed after waking up. These beings will disappear after a few seconds; however, it is important to energetically cleanse and protect the room and yourself after such an encounter. I have already written something about this topic in this post:

So, let's move to the current situation. There are now several dates circulating about when the Event or Liberation might take place. CoBra speculates in a time range around 2025:

SSRF sees a Golden Age dawning after the year 2025, although they are not directly talking about the Event. And before that, they expect a devastating World War 3 wiping out 50% of the world's population (which I don't see coming):

Apart from that, I have heard from 2 other sources who are very much in contact with the Light Forces as well as the Source, that when they currently try to get information about a date for the Event or an evacuation, they always get "2 years" time frame as response (before that there was never any response at all). So, I don't say 2025 will be the date, no one can really say, but it seems that the next 2 years will be extremely decisive, and that after this timeframe we should definitely see serious changes for the better on this planet.

But until we are there, the Dark Ones will continue to do everything they can to create as much chaos as possible on the surface. It is currently the case that the incompetent politicians in the West were not placed there by chance, be it a Biden, a Johnson or a Scholz in Germany. They are already telling the population directly to their faces that they might freeze and starve during winter.

The Cabal wants to provoke a civil uprising in the West, similar to the one in Sri Lanka, where the citizens are supposed to chase the politicians out of the governments (in the Netherlands we already have the farmer protests). After that, they can start their Fourth Industrial Revolution, where everything is controlled digitally from one large center and even governments have lost their importance.

Furthermore, attempts are still being made to escalate the Ukraine conflict (call for Mass Meditations already online):

From another source, which has already proved to be trustworthy in the run-up to the pandemic as well as the Ukraine conflict, it was passed on that people should have finally completed all preparations concerning food supplies, black-outs etc. until September. August should remain relatively quiet, but in September something is supposed to happen, which will again lead to the fact that, for example, traveling will be hardly possible and so on.

Furthermore, this source says that there will also be a military escalation between Russia and Poland in the near future, which however, and this is an important point, should also not lead to a world war. There will be an attempt to trigger NATO collective security, but those member states that are still close to Russia will refuse to enter the war (presumably Eastern European countries like Hungary or Turkey). Moreover, we seem to be heading towards a point at which the U.S. Army will eventually withdraw from Europe, as they will be busy in their own country. This would mean the end of NATO.

Moreover, this source sees Russian troops in Central Europe in the near future, more precisely in Germany and Switzerland. However, the Russians are not waging war against the respective countries. In Germany, Russian troops will be deployed to prevent a civil war and maintain order as well as basic supplies for the citizens. In Switzerland, on the other hand, they will work side by side with the Swiss army cleaning underground Cabal facilities. My guess is that the American military, meanwhile, will do exactly the same in their own country.

This statement, by the way, is confirmed by an U.S. Army source. So, the American military apparently has a scenario on the screen where Russian troops will be stationed in Central Europe in the near future.

I can't give any exact dates on that, but as things are coming to a head and as mentioned before, we seem to have some kind of time window until 2025.

To finish this post, I've added some answers to the questions from the comment section from the last article:

"The question is, what would be the most effective way to get together these Soul fractals so that the Self gets start to get healed and manifest as a whole it's natural balance through knowledge, beauty and abundance? But doing it totally by its own (not expecting for some external intervention), is there any possibility?"
"How can lightworkers and affected starseeds who have been sacrificed by the dark forces in previous lives get their soul parts back?"
"How can a victim return those soul parts?"

As long as the Earth Quarantine exists, there are 2 ways to retrieve one's Soul Parts. First method: If you are not clairvoyant yourself, you have to ask a clairvoyant Lightworker, whom you trust and who is familiar with this subject, to retrieve the parts.

Second method: You do it yourself during one or more mediations. If you have not been clairvoyant before, you have to train yourself to be.

Starseeds whose Soul Parts were stolen are usually strong Lightworkers; otherwise the Dark Ones would not have been interested in them. This means that these Starseeds have certain abilities (including clairvoyance), even if they may not be active at the moment. So, it's best to ask your Higher Self or the Source during mediation if parts of your Soul have been stolen or lost. Perhaps then, certain images, thoughts or memories of past incarnations may suddenly appear in front of your inner eye. You may see old lives, where you got sacrificed by the Cabal, or you see a known person, which betrayed/murdered you and incorporated your Soul Parts. Then it is necessary to ethereally confront this person and ask him to return these parts to you.

Mostly, however, these persons are almost always hidden Black Magicians, Witches or Reptiloids, who will never give these Soul Parts back voluntarily, so you have to fight for them energetically. One method would be to pull out the stolen Soul Parts with a Light Column, whereby one should then immediately pull out all other Soul Parts too because the particular person has almost certainly also absorbed parts of other Starseeds. This can be hundreds of additional parts, in some cases also thousands. It's recommended to hand over these parts to the Lightforces for healing and purification first before you include them back into your own Soul or give them back to other Starseeds.

In addition, the person who stole it needs to be energetically handed over to the Lightforces too or, in very vicious cases, shipped directly to the Central Sun. So, this retrieval is not for the faint-hearted, Lightwarrior mentality is required. It also usually takes several sessions to finally get all the pieces back ... and that's just from one person. It is usually the case that dozens, if not hundreds, of negative influenced people have stolen parts of your Soul during past incarnations. So, Starseeds often have a lot of work ahead of them, but one has to start somewhere, and recognizing that parts were stolen from you is already a first huge step.

"With what technology and or method did the dark forces steal the soul parts of the affected lightworkers and starseeds in previous lives?"

Most often, these Starseeds were physically ambushed, captured and ritually sacrificed by the Dark Ones, whereby the Soul Parts were inhaled by them once the Starseed left the physical body.

"Why did the light forces not take out the beings of the dark forces where the light workers sacrificed in the last incarnations where it was possible to prosecuted the physical human self?"

Because these crimes took place hidden from the public and the grid around the Earth prevented a physical intervention of the LFs.

"How and by what methods can Chimera beings dock onto a human body?"

They are either transferred directly into a physical body (bodysuit), or remain energetically close to a Cabal member who has bonded with that being.

"I have just read you again brother and your version of the event seems different from Cobra, as I understand it we have the Event which means the release with the wave of energy and then a galactic impulse which starts the tsunami. In your post the Event is also the impulse that triggers the tsunami, which suggests a direct evacuation at the time of the event so no one has time to ascend before the impulse as described by Cobra, maybe I misunderstood your update?"
"Will the solar flash, the event, the great tsunami wave and the geomagnetic earth pole shift happen at the same moment ?"

I have no version of the Event, so I'm not saying it's going to play out exactly in this sequence (and I know the internet is very picky about this subject). Fact is, there will be most likely a Galactic Wave of Light, a Carrington Event and a pole shift, all linked together and in a relatively short time interval, from a galactic point of view. We will see the exact sequence when the time comes. And of course, a lot must have already happened in the run-up to the evacuation, i.e. physical action was taken against the Cabal on the surface for the first time + such an evacuation must be prepared logistically, i.e. the Light Ships will certainly not show up at the last moment while the tsunami is already rolling over the surface.

"Will the animals who eat meat also be evacuated from the light forces before the tsunami?"

Yes, but not all genera.

"There are many starseeds that have not yet awakened in this incarnation. Will all starseeds, including those that have not yet awakened by the event, be brought to the Pleayades in this incarnation?"

Evacuated for sure. Whether to the Pleiades, I cannot say.

"Have all the nuclear weapons of the dark forces on planet Earth been neutralised by the forces of light?"

I don't know that, I just know that the LF seeks to prevent the scenarios that could lead to their use.

"Does the Russian military have more advanced military technology than the US military?"

In some areas more, in other areas probably less.

"For what reason is it not possible in this incarnation to prosecuted the physical human self from the light forces?"

I didn't say it wasn't possible for the LF. What I meant was that the current physical judiciary cannot take care of these people because their human self has not done anything wrong in this incarnation. In the higher realms, however, things are different. There, all incarnations are considered and one can, of course, be brought to trial.

"How is this process of stealing and absorbing parts of the soul justified in front of karma so they don't pay one?"

Karma, as many people on Earth imagine it, does not exist like that. Or let's put it this way, if you absolutely want to believe in karma then yes, payday is coming for the Dark Ones, but it took almost a galactic eternity for it to finally arrive.

"May I ask for the owner of this blog to change the main language?"


Let's finish this update here. Thanks for reading.

Original Post:

Jason Estes Updates - 25-26.07.2022


What a powerful first few days of the spiritual plane, already up 1550 data points for the week, with so many things shifting right now its important to remind yourself things are only temporary and where we are headed is even greater then our imaginations so stay in your heart and stay loving we've totally got this and well be there before we know it ❤ ::hugs::


Lots of major shifts happening on the world stage and within us remember this phase of the planet there is 2 very clear choices one of love or one of fear, as we step forward there will be many options to choose ether and what you choose will help you to grow that more into your life, i choose love so my focus is on the positive loving things happening in the world and while there is a world falling apart there is also a world being built, remember you choose where you put your energy and you choose how you feel about it don't let the chaotic moments overwhelm the kindness and love within you be a lighthouse for those lost in fear instead of succumbing to it you can make a difference you are enough 😊 ❤ ::hugs::

"currently at 45,550 data points "


Celia Fenn Updates - 25-28.07.2022

New Moon in Leo : July 28th

Today is the New Moon under the sign of the Lion/Lionness.
As we enter the powerful vortex of the annual Lions Gate, the New Moon invites us to be gentle with ourselves at this time.
Be in the void for a while.
And plant the seeds of the New!
What will you create in this cycle of Creativity and Manifestation.
This is the moment when you activate the Magician within and wave your Magic Wand and say:
"I create! And so it is"
May all your creations bring you joy!


Here is something interesting to consider.
Comet Neowise,( image captured when it was in Earth transit in July 2020.) The Comet is still visible from Earth and is still sending Galactic frequencies).
Comets, as visitors from the Solar system and further, always bring "exotic" vibrations and frequencies to the Earth.
These are often quite subtle, but deep and Galactic.
I think Comet Neowise has been a bit of a wake up call.
Things are shifting and changing on very deep levels right down to the DNA as our original angelic and galactic templates are reawakened..
Our ancestors regarded comets as signifiers of great change and the fall of kings/governments.
So.....be prepared for some BIG shifts as the Lions Gate opens up.
Physically I find I am feeling what I call "deep pertubations" or a deep level vibration in my body that is often a signifier of very deep shifts. Also I have been feeling a little nauseous and tired, and finding it hard to get to sleep.
We need to focus on the here and now, and on holding Love, kindness and compassion, even when we find people are spinning out and acting irrationally.
Focus on your dreams for the New Earth and what you want to create.
(Comet Neowise is not currently transitting our Sun but is in the Constellation of Draco right now. It is visible but not with the naked eye. Maybe something there about dragons and Earth Grids and magic and higher dimensions)

26th July Galactic/Planetary New Year

And.....a New Cycle begins and new timelines unfurl for another spiral of adventure and experience.
As Cosmic Souls and Beings of Light in Human Form, we voyage through TimeSpace in an ongoing adventure of discovery and exploration.
Under the sign of the Lion and under the watchful eye of the Royal Star Lions and the Star Teachers from Sirius, we begin a new creation.
Today it is important to hold the idea of Abundance and Manifestation. Know that you can create and manifest the life that you want in the New Earth. Keep a clear intention of where you want to go, and make choices that align with that intention.
Let your Heart be Light and filled with Light!
Be kind, be compassionate and be loving.
This is a New World where the Feminine energies are becoming the new way of life.
Allow yourself to feel supported and loved.
Be open to the synchronicities and miracles that manifest in your life!
Happy New Year everyone!

July 25th 2022

The Day Out of Time.
A Magical celebration of potential and possibility.
It is the zero point moment between two cycles when all is possible and it is up to us to play with the magic and decide what we want to create.
Not just in our personal lives but also for the Earth and the Galaxy.
We are multi-dimensional Cosmic Beings of Light and our Nature is to Create and Evolve through creation.
Take this day to rest, relax and celebrate.
Tomorrow begins the New Cycle as we begin to move into the Lions Gate Portal!
This is the deep in breath before we begin to move out into another cycle of Creation.
Have a Magical Day!

Amanda Lorence update - COLLECTIVE PASSAGEWAY - 28.07.2022


Since my last short post about a NEW LIGHT LAYER, with the incoming energies…and the 3 day integration period to know what it’s about…


It marked a NEW ‘Passageway’ period for EVERYONE.

Collective Passageways are potentially SIGNIFICANT TRANSITORY PERIODS. Although we are IN a COLLECTIVE Passageway Period, we are ALL in our OWN individual ‘Passageway’ right now. Yet as a collective of nearly 8 billion individual ‘Passageways’.

You could easily say we are always moving, vibrating, spinning. Everything is always in a flow of energetic movement; That we can EACH potentially shift in our OWN lighted design at any time. Individually in ANY a moment…

.YET…When it is a ‘Collective Passageway Period’, energetically speaking, the ’Passageway’ (or corridor) is MORE PRONOUNCED when it is presented FOR ALL, as a COLLECTIVE HUMANITY GROUP of Beings. Yet the ‘Passageway’ each experience is individual and unique based on your own light node POSITION, within your own lighted design.

Beyond solid reality, beyond linear human perception, ‘Passageways’ are movements of CONSCIOUSNESS FOCUS, between TWO SIGNIFICANT light nodes. So in human terms here, potential human EMBODIMENT stages.

If present, and in the NOW moment, doing any INNER work that may present, or being in energetic awareness if no inner work on human is presenting, and not being distracted by the outer illusion/programming/matrix/film, we can each move to OUR OWN NEXT light node point, AFTER we are through our own ‘Passageway’ period. We move between TWO significant Points of Light.


Each having a different experience amongst nearly 8 billion individual perspectives, some will understand their own ‘Passageway’ and ride it, be excited and amazed by what’s happening to them. Others will perhaps experience a time of confusion within their ‘Passageway’ period. Whilst others won’t be aware of the ‘Passageway’. And every scenario in between. It’s all unique. There’s no right or wrong way for Source to experience ALL of it’s creation.

What matters, is that as always(!) our own individual consciousness is asking for our attention, to our OWN ‘Passagway’, so that we can MOVE ON a Light Node, in our journey with a human body, towards becoming FULLY CONNECTED and multi-dimensional AS OUR actual CONSCIOUSNESS with a human vessel. It’s a journey…

One Love
Amanda Lorence
28 July 2022

A QUICK NOTE #1921 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Worlds Reintegrator is present" - 28.07.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
New dynamics are accessed.
Rivalries in Friend Island powering beneficial separations.
Divine climbs increase.
Hi-HumanS Support+++ Eleven QuanTUN +++ General ++++++++ >>>>>>>>> Exceptional progress >>>> 19% (not countdown).
*21+++++++ Approved and intensified in Transcendental Crossing and – Neutron. >> SUPPORT at 43% (not countdown).
*21+++++++ Approved and intensified in Transcendental Crossing and – Neutron. >> REVERBERATION at 43% (not countdown).
Neva+R+++: 13th Akashic Projector pointing for support assessment. 95% (not countdown). Next >>> 14. Forecast of 19. +++ AUTHORIZED. JEBLESSINGS.
Attention Neva! Certifying Codes +++++++ reverberation at 99% (not countdown).
(*Tube B – – Recorx): Initial cleanup in progress: 97% (not countdown).
Reintegrations accelerate.
Driving to safe zones understood.
Worlds Reintegrator is present.
Temporarily end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!).

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 25.07.2022

Secret UK, Russia peace deal means Ukraine war being wound down

You can read the full report here:

.Carta Astral 222 - a wave of incoming cosmic radiation - 20.07.2022

Wohooooooo how are y’all feeling ? We are getting a wave of incoming cosmic radiation that most likely drifts into a solar flare in the next few days because these waves of cosmic radiation cause increased magnetic activity of the active regions of the sun (some even get to invert polarity in them causing explosions) and which is causing us a lot of tiredness (some might feel muscle weakness or the feeling they are about to faint) and in many cases a psychic disconnect. I know "psychic disconnect" sounds very impressive, but it's actually just about disconnecting the conscious mind so we can process the vibrational frequency we are receiving now. Many of the activations and recalibrations we experience happen while we are sleeping because our consciousness does not divide into two different vibrational frequencies that is why we disconnect from the three-dimensional reality when we are under the influence of a wave of cosmic radiation.

It's also very common to hear tones or vibration in the ears, see particles of light or colored auras (someone asked me in an earlier post about this, but I couldn't find the comment to answer it anymore). When we are under the effect of a wave of cosmic radiation or a geomagnetic storm derived from solar activity, it is common to perceive colored "auroras" (mostly green and red) when we are awake or when we close our eyes before d the forest. It’s also common to see light flashes with your eyes closed (like someone is taking a picture of us) and hear electricity going through the cables. Another common experience is feeling tingling in different parts of the body or numbness (numbness) in the hands and feet because it is precisely the energy passing through us only that we perceive as "tinging". If you give them a sleep attack and they can sleep, it's best to let them go (don't be afraid if they start to feel like they're going to have an astral expansion) and so they facilitate their own process. We’re going to have an increased need to isolate ourselves and drink water, and we might even feel the emotional and mental disconnect we feel when we’re about to take a significant leap. If you have other physical symptoms, don’t resist, flow with them and give a gentle massage to places where you feel pain or discomfort being aware that it is ONLY ENERGY passing through your body. Write down all the information you receive, either in the form of epiphanies, dreams, and/or downloads of information because even if it doesn't make sense now, it will in the near future. Trust His process and that there is a bigger plan behind it all. We're gonna be alright.


A QUICK NOTE #1920 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "MiD progress keep falling." - 20.07.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Dynamic evolutions keep happening.
MiD containments in progress. Active Ashtar(s) en route.
Pathways open for those who seek.
Rebirths are accelerated.
Transport Waves arrives.
Alignment Waves arrives.
Dynamics Waves arrives.
Violence continues to be disintegrated.
Visual traps are discontinued.
MiD progress keep falling.
Gnomes increase.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!).

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 18.07.2022

Countdown to US implosion begins after failure of Biden Mid-East trip

You can read the full report here:


Carta Astral 222 Update about the huge solar storm MSM news - 19.07.2022

Dear family, according to the Spaceweather graphic we are under active geomagnetic conditions Kp4 but if you see the map you will notice that in the center of the auroras reflected in the image the center looks red so most likely at least one Kp5. Since the devices have only certain sensitivity, minor geomagnetic activity can manifest in the graphic. On this occasion, because a far-reaching site shared Dr. Tamitha Skov's report (she's the space climate physicist I've told you about before), there is so much news circulating that doesn't even come close to reality. This is a geomagnetic storm unlike any other we've experienced before. It is in no way that solar flare that we are waiting for (and that we know it will occur, although we are not certain of the exact date), nor will it have the effects that yellowist sites are inventing to take advantage of the little reliable information circulating regarding the space weather and solar activity. Please don't fall for this trap, I beg you, among other things because I already have my DM inbox full of links that only seek to generate alarm to explode fear. If I don't share anything, when there's a call or something, it's because it's not that meaningful. Believe me I spend every day monitoring solar activity and getting in touch with people who can help me get the real information on what is happening. So, this is NOT The Event, there will be no catastrophic scenarios, and no alien invasions either. 😆👽💕

Having cleared this up, what we are experiencing is another geomagnetic storm like the ones we have already experienced, which could in effect reach Kp6 or 7 per moments (only when it is maintained is taken into account), but it will not happen to older people. What Tamitha said in the report (which they manipulated on the news site) is that it was a "double hit", i.e. the plasma of a M-class solar flare and also the famous "S" shaped plasma filament that was derived from the Sun and was di rigid towards the Earth. At no point did he "warned" a storm with "devastating" ranges. Plasma threads emitted from the Sun have a higher density (i.e. they are more "heavier") than the effect of solar flares and therefore travel in space at a lower speed, taking longer to reach our magnetosphere ra and it is very common that a wave of cosmic radiation pushes them in another direction because cosmic radiation wave tends to be a stronger magnetic field by having lower density of particles. If you see in the photo, it is forecasted Kp4 for today and tomorrow, and Kp5 for Thursday (because we will get the solar wind from the coronal hole that is on the face of the Sun directed to the Earth), so everything in order, we have already passed through flaming classes and X much stronger than this. 🦋☀️🔥

You could be feeling the effect of this geomagnetic storm as pain or pressure in the head, neck and shoulders; also, when the KP index increases and our magnetosphere is disturbed with greater intensity it is normal to feel a little bit or dizzy or like losing balance. You may start to feel very thirsty, lack of appetite or hungry but no desire to eat; pressure, buzzing or tones in the ears, inability to focus, irritability, chills (or gets goosebumps) only in some parts of the body, tingling head, heat and/or burning on the palms, itching lips and burning face. When the frequency “shift” is very pronounced, you may also feel your soul leaving your body and/or moving in slow motion. Although not the strongest storm we've experienced, it's not entirely irrelevant either, so they most likely had trouble sleeping, increased heart chakra activity (palpitations, increased heart rate, flutter in the chest , double beating) and heat and/or burning in the mouth of stomach. As we get closer to the Solar Maximum of cycle #25 these storms will become more frequent and stronger, but that's exactly what we've been adjusting to. Many people have been sending me messages also regarding The Event, it's normal for it to happen when we are under the influence of a higher vibration, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to happen very soon. During the effect of these geomagnetic storms our consciousness expands and we can receive information from different frequency levels. Stay well hydrated, and trust the plan is perfect. I promise you that when that solar flare (The Event) that we are waiting for has happened, I will tell you with absolute clarity that this is THAT solar flare and I will let you know as soon as I know it. In the meantime, stay calm and focus on the exciting part of this transformation process. 💫🌈✨

Here's the link to Tamitha Skov's report for those who want to watch it, it's in English, but may be useful for those who understand English. Her reports are not only very thorough and very accurate, plus Tamitha is very pleasant in her reports and knows very well what she is talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wy9TmC9LqY

Mother of beautiful love... IT IS NOT TRUE that on July 22nd we're going to get a major geomagnetic storm (at least not for a solar flare that has already occurred). So far, 18:00 hrs of Universal Coordinated Time (which is the one that uses Spaceweather) of July 19, 2022, there have only been 3 Class C calls. Nothing that significant really, in the LASCO images (so the probe is called) you can see an eruption but it's just a so-called C-Class. If something stronger hits us on the 22nd it's because of the coronal hole solar wind. Please DON'T FALL for that kind of news. If I made videos with suspense music in the background and threatening titles, I can assure you they would have millions of views because our alarm system is always looking for possible threats to protect us. The thing with this "news" is that precisely it spreads fast and that takes away all this credibility because so far none of its apocalyptic predictions happen because it is NOT TRUE (and in most cases they do not even take the struggling to understand the graphics). It's not difficult to learn to read Spaceweather information for ourselves, it's more complex to understand solar activity, but Spaceweather is easy. Download the app on your phones and it will be sending you notifications whenever there are Class M or Class X solar flares, and when there are geomagnetic storms and the KP index increases. ☀️🔥


My Note: The max was KP5 

Visible on the Schumann Chart too

But another wave can come withing some days according speaceweather live

What Alicia refer is the fear morgering (or preparing?) MSM news all over the globe

Jason Estes Crash Course

I will upload here day by day as Jason share it

Jason Estes Updates - 15-17 July

Jul 17 Update:

Congrats on making it through the physical plane influx 😊 only 3 more planes + mental to go the energies stack up so working through any backlog you took on in the physical will be happening at same time as the emotional plane influx the physical influx completed at 5am cst last night so body should start to calm down a bit more as we enter emotional influx tonight at 3am cst remember you have all the answers within and this too shall pass ❤ ::hugs::

Jul 15 Update

The descent timeline portal is in the process of being closed but many people are finding themselves pulled into old patterns and beliefs right now and the all to familiar sense of hopelessness and dread is coming back online remember that this is temporary and is in the process of being closed down as we speak with each day more patches are issued to the timeline which are helping to make it have less impact so stay the course and focus on whats in front of you we are almost there ❤ ::hugs::

Celia Fenn - Here is some information on the Lions Gate and the 8 Points of Light in the Sacred Year - 18.07.2022

Ever since we exited the 3rd Dimension and began the Ascension and Transformation process, there has been much talk about Time. We have recognised that Linear Time, the time form associated with the 3rd Dimension, is no longer adequate to describe 5th Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional experience on Earth. Many people point to the “end of time”, as though we will exist in a time free kind of void. However Archangel Michael teaches the concept of the Sacred Year or the Galactic year, in which Time is an aspect of the spiral creative journey of the Earth in relation to the Sun and the Stars.

It is this spiralling movement through Space that creates SpaceTime and provides the platform for Creation and Manifestation and for Growth and Expansion of the Soul.

So, Archangel Michael explains that there are 8 Points of Light that calibrate the Sacred Year’s Spiral, and that these are under the guardianship of the Star Lions or Royal Lions. These Lions are powerful Angelic Beings whose function is to be the guardians of the TimeSpace portals for the Earth on her journey through the Stars.

The Sirian Star Teachers taught the ancient Egyptians that the Earth was like a boat or a ship that moved through space. The Neters (Gods) were the navigators of the “Boat of Millions of Years” as Earth was called. Now, with the Ascension and Transformation of Earth into the New Earth, we as New Earth Human Angels have become responsible for the “voyage” of the ship on its spiral journey through the stars. We have become Star Navigators for the Earth, and of course, for our own journey through TimeSpace. We do this by working with timelines/spirals and portals, and we create time as we create and manifest our lives, both collectively and as individuals.

The Sacred Year Begins on the 26th of July with the Galactic New Year. This time was Sacred to both the Ancient Egyptians and the Mayans, who were connected to the Galactic Pulses of Light. At this time the “Lions Gate” portal in Leo begins to open, reaching its apogee at the 8/8 on the 8th of August. This is the major Time Gate of the Sacred Year, guarded by the Lions (Star Lions) of Yesterday and Tomorrow. These Lions ensure that those who pass through the portal are not attached to the past or the future, but are creating with a focus on the Now or present moment, or zero point. The Time spiral that is launched at that moment will carry the Earth collective forward for the next Sacred Year.

The 8 Points of Light are the 8 Sacred “turning points” of the Spiral. These consist of the 4 Major Time Gates or Portals and the 4 Seasonal Portals or Gates. The Time Gates are the 8/8 in August, the 11/11 in November, the 2/2 in February and the 5/5 in May. Each of these Portals is under the guardianship of the Star Councils of the Royal Stars Regulus (8/8), Antares (11/11) Formalhaut (2/2) and Aldebaran (5/5). The 8/8 and 2/2 Leo/Aquarius axis is held by the Sirian Star Teachers and the 11/11 and 5/5 Axis is held by the Pleaidians as they work with the Earth and its evolution.

The four Seasonal Portals are the 2 Solstices, when the Earth changes direction in relation to the Sun, and the two Equinoxes or Balance points.

These 8 Points of Light create an 8 Pointed Star that is a symbol of the Earth’s relationship with the Sun and with the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness, which is the Highest level of Consciousness that our Sun is radiating to the Earth at this time. So the 8 pointed star is associated with the Solar Avatars Mary Magdalene and Yeshua as embodiments of the Feminine and Masculine Christ Consciousness.

Higher waves of Consciousness are also available from Stellar and Galactic Sources, such as the Platinum Ray and the Diamond Light. These also assist us on our journey of transformation on the Earth.

So, as we move into the New Earth Reality and as we look for new ways of celebrating our journey through TimeSpace that are not distorted and linear and attached to forces that drain our energy, we will come to celebrate the 8 Points of Light of the Sacred Year.

This is why the Lions Gate is so important. It is that moment when the Earth aligns with Sirius and Leo, and when a new cycle of TimeSpace unfurls for us to manifest and create together as Master Star Navigators. We need to choose to be in our highest consciousness and centered in our Heart in order to cross the threshold with grace and ease, and move to a higher octave of experience.

Those who do not cross through the gate either continue to circle at the same level or “devolve” to lower timelines and almost appear to go backwards in time, replaying old dramas because they cannot move forward. That is why it is so important not to be distracted by the dramas of fear and anxiety that tend to play out when there is an important Portal. They are designed to keep people from moving forward and upwards onto new cycles of evolution and creation.

As we approach Lions Gate it is essential that we remain focussed on what we want to create and experience in the coming cycle. Remain in a peaceful and loving and creative frame of being, and you will transit the Portal and navigate through there Stars on your Journey of Being and Becoming!

If you would like to learn more about the Lions Gate, you are invited to join our 5 part webinar series and share with our Community of light.