"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - the old forms of life and living are disintegrating - 17.08.2024

I am preparing for my webinar on "The Shift Intensifying" later today, and just wish to share my insights with all of you:

"What we all now need to become aware of is: The Old patterns, the old forms of life and living are disintegrating, (as preordained) and we simply now need to find higher ways of life and living, inspired from deep within, and become the pioneers of the Higher Ways.

Facebook case, and how, when I started looking for the benefits of this happening, with AI etc. and the removal of posts, the more inspired I become, and more insights surface as well.

I can now see how this happening is benefitting me (us), to now create and find other options, and how this serving all of us to now truly build the new communities of light in the here and now. I all aspects of light and new and higher ways of life and living where everyone is validated, and where our uniqueness contributes in powerful ways to the collective unity, oneness and peace!

All of this is pushing us out of our comfort zones and into a new creation.
Our souls have all the tools necessary and now, more than ever before, it is a matter of trusting your own inner guidance, and inner knowing, no matter what is seemingly happening in and around you, and elsewhere!
All is returning us to the heart of love and the truth of our souls, and the task at hand in co-creating the New Golden Age, in here and now.
Once inspiration comes, you realize more and more that new possibilities are opening, new creative flow, and more than this, that a lot of things that you always put on the “one-day” list, you now need to pay attention to and to manifest into form and being, in the highest and best ways for the highest good of all.
Moreover, the challenges help us enormously to seek new and higher solutions for eco friendly lives and lifestyles, to work with the forces of nature and earth and to unify as one, as we co-create communities of Light which are self-sustaining and where we all work together as one.
The greater the vision, the greater the inspiration and solutions which are born when one truly is inspired from deep within.
Such is the blessing of this moment and indeed this time. "

Quote, unquote.

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