"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - brand new existence on all levels - 30.08.2024

I am a visionary and often shown things and when this happens, I think to myself: "Most of humanity have no inkling of the enormity of what is happening now. Not in the distant future, but in the present, knowing that present and future are one and the same."

We get blinded by the seeming physical while the multi-dimensional events are occurring on magnificent scale within us and all around us, and so few are even aware of this.
Within the forming and full anchoring in of our new DNA and Solar Crystalline Lightbodies, simultaneously so much more is being activated through light and sound frequencies, sacred geometries, keys and codes, even new octaves of such, ushering in a brand new existence on all levels which we have not known before.
I see these as cosmic switches being turned on.

This is why we sometimes feel as if we are walking between worlds, for now our cosmic soul is being tuned in and activated at much higher levels and this ripples through all our bodies and energy fields. New sacred geometrical patterns are forming, like cymatic patterns and the sacred sounds, light patterns, sacred geometries, light encodements and so much more, are being created within us and synchronized.
It is profound. A total rebirth.

This makes us very sensitive and as our awareness grows, our energetic fields will send information back to us, which we now need to "read" in much higher frequency bands. These signals go directly into our solar plexus, our higher heart centers and pineal and the KA glands above our heads act like huge cosmic transmitters.

Cleansing of the energy fields day and night is a necessity now, to make room for more light, sound etc. to enter and be absorbed. Quiet time, tuning in time, deep breathing time.
It is not now time to try and read the future for your soul, as you are already cocreating the future you in this present moment!

What are you choosing to create? As said before, hold the vision in your heart and as you are being activated now in the highest degrees, never lose sight of that vision. Allow yourself to become it!

We are never given more than we can handle, and indeed only given the flight ticket in time to board the plane into the next planetary and cosmic phase unfolding.
Then surrender the rest into Higher Hands, for all is indeed perfectly coming together in perfect Divine timing, and not in yours.

All is well.
ALL IS love.
You are so loved.
All is well.

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