"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - Full SuperMoon In Aquarius August 19th 2024

We're building towards a very powerful Full SuperMoon on August 19th at 27°15' Aquarius. See where this falls in your chart and what is coming to completion, culmination or closure for you.

This is a particularly multi-layered, complex and dynamic Full SuperMoon, very close to the Earth and therefore has the potential to increase seismic activity and extreme weather. Uranus is strongly highlighted here, as it is the ruler of this Full Moon (as it rules Aquarius) and also exactly squares the Sun and Moon by degree. At the same time, the Full Moon at 27° Aquarius is exactly conjunct the Moon in the US chart (set for 4th July 1776 Philadelphia, 17.10), and therefore transiting Uranus is also square to the US Moon at the same time. The Moon in mundane (global) astrology represents the people, so this is likely to be experienced as some rebellious, revolutionary energy, and we may see some dramatic developments in the US as again, that geography is being highlighted.

It is also a Full Moon that can bring much truth to light, to create awakening, even kundalini experiences. It is highly visionary, futuristic, with big, even galactic perspectives. Uranus is linked to your individuality, your unique essence, and so at this time you may start to become aware that you are being called onto another pathway, another episode in your life that may represent a higher calling for you. It is likely to be something where you will begin to express gifts that you barely knew you had before now, that are being unveiled at this time. It may feel urgent and compulsive to follow this. It is likely to feel like a new adventure for you.

This then may bring about much change in your current life as you step out of your old shoes, ways of being and habits; but it is a powerful evolutionary impulse for growth and a fuller expression of who you truly are.

As this is such dynamic energy outer events are likely to become much louder and more disruptive at this time. Many of you will be aware of the very violent riots in the UK recently - and these are expressing the shadow side of the revolutionary energy. However yesterday there were huge demonstrations for peace in the UK. One placard said 'when hate is loud, love must get louder'.
Many blessings to you all.

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