"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

We have reached the last days of August and this Sunday September will arrive. This month was not uneventful in terms of events, nor energetically, and I feel that it was not easy. When I think about it, this year has been much harder than the previous ones and as much as I want the coming months to be easier, this will be the opposite. When they say that "our soul has trained itself through many incarnations to be here", it rings true, since we can "witness" and "experience" great changes and we are already in the midst of them.

One of the most difficult changes is the inner transformation, as so many traumas and shadows come up for us to finally see and let go of, as well as the physical discomforts that have become part of our lives as this transformation and evolution continues. The slow dying of the matrix is ​​rather painful for our ego, on the one hand because it is "slow" and many of us would like to experience "spectacular" improvement and development in our daily lives, but on the other hand, we are so used to the "old" that a certain aspect of us downright hates change. the sacrifices, the "dust" and the discomfort caused by this breakdown. In fact, it is like renovating a house, with a lot of planning and discomfort, new problems often arise that need a good solution, but it can also be exciting to be able to design and build and shape our home according to our own taste, dreams and ideas.

In fact, we do not have comprehensive and complete information about what is happening in the background or in our everyday life on earth, since we get all information from outsiders and each such outsider has different pieces of information, like a piece of a puzzle and sees it from different angles. I don't know which is better, lack of information or too much information mixed with lies.

We have already gotten used to the fact that the Cabal has never hidden its plans and the truth from us, since everything is right in front of our noses - be it art, movies, music, politics, money - everything contains their symbols, we are simply blind to see because we have been programmed since childhood and these signals have become habitual and we don't know what we should be looking at, and also such a fast frame that only our subconscious can see it.

Today's modern man does not have much time to critical think or just sit down with themself and just exist in silence, as this system takes care of that. To "fit into the system" from our childhood - kindergarten, school - where they shape our thoughts, fill us with "knowledge" and the lies of the system, and then, because of our livelihood, we chase money until we retire or even after. And when the system has drained our life force in the struggle for our existence in the matrix and we have some energy, then we sit down and amuse ourselves with all kinds of distractions, such as movies, games, social media for a pinch of happiness and satisfactions to recharge our battery. It's all perfectly designed to be part of this system so that we don't think, don't see, don´t speak up and don't have time for this kind of luxury. And when we would rest for our retirement years, by which time our health will suffer great damages and we will realize in the minutes before our death that it was not really worth it. Life is not about that, and many of us regret not living a quality life, not spending more time with our loved ones and the things that really matter and loved.

If we look at the system from a bird's eye view and with a simple "scientific" mind, we will realize that it is a very well designed cage. The "beings" who designed and created this actually know very well the people, their psychology, how to motivate them, how to silence them and what it really takes to imprison the human race here. What research work, knowledge and technology were needed to develop this system and how many millennia it has been standing. What a conceited and superior race they can be, that a human race created by several different star nations can simply be lured here, held captive and used as an element in their dead system. How many tricks, implants and mind programs are needed to make this place work. Just think about how much "star seed", light and time it takes to break out of it.

In fact, this system is a dead matrix, no different from the structures that are part of our everyday life. The many technical devices that we use, be it PCs, TVs, household appliances, are all dead devices, since they do not work without a power source, and the same characteristic applies to this matrix. If we weren't here, it wouldn't work, because we operate the system with our own energy, that is, we are the battery in it. Maybe it's the trick in this system to think we're locked in, but it might actually be an illusion. If we examine and understand how this system was created and for what purpose, we can quickly discover the key to our liberation. As the "creator" is, so is this place. So, since this system operates with a lot of information concealment, manipulation, tricks and illusions and with it the "stranger aliens" and their minions hiding in the "dark", who are afraid of the light and the administration of justice and whose main motivation is power and domination itself, then the way out is in front of our eyes, that is, rather within us. On the one hand, they fear us, they fear us our unity, they fear our power, our light and our truth. They are afraid that we will find out that we are living in an illusion and that we are actually free and can slam the door on them at any time.

In the course of our history, we have tried several times to break down the matrix and train human consciousness higher, but so far they have all ended in failure, which we started again in the form of a reset. In fact, if you think about it, our history is bleeding from several wounds, full of holes and false. 
"We know very well that history is written by the winners of each time, so history as a whole is the totality of historical rewritings and re-evaluations by successive winners, so what we respect as "history" has only a very narrow overlap with the physical history of facts/events. (Határ Győző)"

Even the ancient pharaohs were fond of using this "falsification of history" and the elimination of certain opponents or even the previous pharaoh from history, erasing all evidence even of his or her existence or simply writing false information about it. 

There are many theories that we are not actually in the current year 2024, and that history is missing a few hundred or even 1000 year, and several historical eras have been washed up. The phenomenon of Tartaria is still "obscurity" to this day. What if Tartaria was the era before the reset, and to this day we only "inherited" these beautiful and huge buildings, bridges and creations, that is, we were "resettled" here. If you visit an old castle or watch historical series or movies, have you ever thought about why the ceiling height of these buildings is actually so high? Why are these building and room doors so huge? Maybe these Tartarian were high like a giants? This would explain a lot. The doors and ceilings of old European apartment buildings are also high, which, let's face it, is not really efficient in terms of heating, and these old building designs can be found all over the world. When you compare the beautiful design of these houses, bridges, streetlights, art works and parks with this modern day architecture which is flat, unadorned and boring....something has gone very wrong.

The abundance of orphans, baby incubators and orphan trains and the "mud flood" can all be related to these reset theories and the "murky and holey" theory of history. But the question is, what actually happened? It's a fascinating rabbit hole and I love mysteries and "lost civilizations".

It's a bit funny, though, that a lot of people in prominent positions, who are afraid of the justice system, arrange their deaths or run away and live happily in their underground luxury bunkers or even other planets. The cabal members also betray their masters in exchange for their lives, they switch to the other side, so we realize that they are actually cowards and only a few entities at the top of the food chain who actually have "balls", are dangerous and ready to fight to the end.

But what if this is all just part of the good old duality and free will universe game. Maybe this system is some kind of galactic "escape room" game in one of the more hidden parts of our Universe and only the very brave souls come here to see if they can escape from here. The Source has its own humor and I think there is a plan that is perfect and news sources here and there, in fact everything is going according to plan.


On August 28, there was a very beautiful conjunction of 6 planets in the sky and I posted an article about it, as well as about Mercury retrograde ending by Alex Myles, but the blogger immediately deleted it. The system claimed that the post violated the community standards...well I don't know what's so offensive about astrology and planets...

This post isn't complete without music. This week's music and more music is from Klangphonics a 30 minutes live performance in a beautiful Black Forest. This German band is a trio that produces and performs live electronic music by using a combination of electronic elements and acoustic instruments, they bridge the gap between producer and live band. Their music is kinda melodic techno and energetically "clean", organic and full of liveliness. My favourite music starts around 12:05 and 16:45 minutes but I don´t know the title and the Shazam also was not helpful in this case...by the way the guitar solo is amazing in this live. These guys are hidden gems if you like these kind of music.

I wish for you a very good weekend and amazing start of September :)


  1. I love your blog and articles💗
    Also your sense of humor and music! Thank you for being here!!!

    1. Hello :) Thank you so much, I´m very appreciated and I´m happy that you like it :) Have a great weekend :)

  2. Makes me curious about Alex Myles and why you couldn't post that on the blog. 🤔 I'm also wondering what this "reality" really is and why we were are such slaves to it. Over and over again I get the message "it's all just an experiment, make it what you want". I'm split on if that makes me feel better or not. 😄 Thank you.

    1. Hello, that post taken down is a mystery for me too. About this reality: when I asked my spirit guides about this, there was first a moment of hesitation or pause and said "kinda reality", so is absolute fit into an experiment or simulation category but I call it game. Every time I think about this reality for me the online MMorpg games come to my mind, bc there are so much similarity with it. Also it is a free will universe, may that´s why experimental that how far we can go between opposites and densities and how long to takes to come back or even we can manage to come back into higher consciousness and densities. Your message is on point and I think it´s feels a bit less burdened -Thank you for sharing and have a nice weekend :)
