"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - Full supermoon in Aquarius on the 19th - 14.08.2024

We're building towards a powerful Full SuperMoon at 27°15' Aquarius on the 19th. This an incredibly complex Full Moon with much electromagnetic potential that could express at many levels. One of the many aspects of this is that one of the 3 T-squares at the Full Moon is between Ceres, goddess of agriculture and harvests, and the Nodal Axis, all at 7° of the Cardinal signs. The North Node represents our collective direction of soul growth.

Ceres you may remember was part of that tight conjunction between Saturn and Pluto on January 12th 2020. The myth of Ceres is that her daughter Persephone was kidnapped by Pluto and taken to the underworld. Ceres was so distraught that she caused the Earth to be barren, it was not possible to grow any food. Eventually she struck a deal with Jupiter that the Earth would remain barren until her daughter was returned to her.

So this was said to be the beginning of our seasons. Persephone was returned to her mother and Ceres then brought springtime onto Earth, but because Persephone had eaten four pomegranate seeds whilst in the underworld she was obliged to return there for four months of the year, representing our winters.

Therefore it is very interesting that Ceres and these issues around food growing and agriculture are coming to the forefront so obviously now. The T-square to the Nodal Axis suggests the importance of humanity finding new ways to grow food, supported by Uranus in Taurus, but also living in greater harmony with the land.

We have many innovations happening around agriculture. One I shared recently was a film called The Need to Grow, and here is another, a film that is a follow-up to Kiss the Ground, and this is called Common Ground. It was released to select theatres in the UK (already in the US I believe) on August 1st, and is about how regenerative agriculture is making our soil fertile again. This is the link for that:


  1. seeds people.....stock up on seeds...IF we ever have to barter to survive....It will be seeds that will be valuable to all

    1. This is a very good idea, thanks for sharing :)
