"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - Life on earth is not a destination & time of wonder and awe - 26.08.2024

Life on earth is not a destination – it is but a journey of the soul through quantum space and eternity.
Yet within this journey, the soul attains lessons in Quantum Mastery, ever reaching a higher degree of Consciousness, as it journeys through
the different tiers of Creation, visible and invisible, form and formlessness.
Thus, the soul is ever on an evolutionary journey of discovery of the Divine Source within itself. The soul in truth is the Divine experiencing its own creation through the journey of souls.
Eventually all souls can choose to become AS ONE with the Divine Source again, thus remerge with it AS ONE, or continue its soul journeys through quantum space.
All is but ONE single Whole.
One single experience, although each soul group or monad consists of 144 Souls, and Soul Cluster groups of 144 000 and so forth.
Yet the Monad itself expands through the tiers of Creation and the soul evolves through the six monads, the solar-monadic grouping, the galactic monadic grouping, the universal-monadic grouping, the multi-universal monadic grouping, the Cosmic Monad, according to the Cosmic Ray the soul embraces at that time, and then the Ultimate Cosmic Monad.
It is vital to understand this, for all journeys, are but experiences the soul chooses to embark upon. As it advances with the Monad or Soul Group, through the different tiers, it advances in Ascended Mastership, Galactic Mastership, Universal Mastership, Multi-Universal Mastership and so forth.
This puts life on this planet into perspective.
For in truth, we are here, as souls, but for a single eye-wink in eternity, and when we finally grasp this, we will simply understand that we are nonetheless here on this planet for one reason only: -
To fulfill our soul purpose and mission as agreed upon before we incarnated, and to gain in soul mastery.
Especially at this momentous time, as we are ascending into the New Earth, the fifth to seventh dimensional state and New Golden Age, in accelerated motion, it is vital to understand that we have been given the opportunity to advance in quantum leaps of consciousness, way beyond anything souls could ever experience on earth before!
It is a privilege and an honor to be here on earth at this significant time. We were prepared for this through thousands of earth years and now is the time to embrace this quantum leap journey through the open-
heart center, allowing ourselves to be transfigured with immense love and total devotion.
We are now at the half-way mark, and from now on the ascension process will accelerate beyond anything known before!
We are entering cosmic space!

Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli


We are living in a time of wonder and awe.
Yes, even in the midst of challenges, miracles are happening everywhere!
We are now transfiguring from one form of life into a much higher dimensional one, and this has never happened before.
We are asked to step fully into our soul power, our true magnificence.
We are asked to open our hearts so that love becomes a way of life and living.
More than this, to be inclusive instead of exclusive.
This does not mean to not stand fully in our uniqueness, but rather to allow everyone to express their own uniqueness and allow them their own place under the Central Sun, so that we all can stand fully in our own light!
This morning I was told that all the other forms of communication will cease to be, as we return to telepathic communication, soul energy to soul energy, heart to heart.
I simply love this. For then lies will be no more, for when we can read other people's thoughts, and read the energy they project and their intent, then it becomes a whole new ballgame!
More than this, the essence of joy and beauty - for this comes naturally when we are in the flow and express the truth of who and what we are and life will always reflect our own inner soul self, back to us.
It is a time of adventure, of exploration, of breaking free and through all seeming barriers of what is possible and what not, and to reclaim our cosmic citizenship and allow our songs of songs to rise in crescendo, joining as one with the choirs of angels!

Judith Kusel
Photo: All credit to the artist

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