"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - integration & intuition - 15.08.2024

This is a time where integration is really important - letting yourself catch up with the things that you’re going through. And that is very much the map of this time. If you imagine a zig-zag pattern - we go into a peak or an epiphany and then we drop down again, we adjust and we get used to it. Then we go into a visionary moment or a new high around connection and then we drop down, adjust and get used to it. This is how we have to work at the moment - we have an EXPANSION and then we INTEGRATE.


It's not just that we have the vision and we immediately walk in. There is a calibration that has to happen. So those of you who’ve been very, very visionary in recent months, you'll find it easier to be on the ground - you'll find it easier to use that visionary energy this month.

But equally, those of you who perhaps have been a little more in your body, and in the last month, you've suddenly been looking into all this kind of stuff - this is a really good time to become intuitive because it's definitely a time where that is more supported than ever before. So welcome to your intuitive sense's reawakening! We've all had them all the time, it's just that our world as we are now is beginning to include that aspect of our power back into our lives, and it's really important. Because we need it, we basically need it to create the world that we're walking into and to be creative with the world that we're walking into, because the new level of consciousness on the planet demands that we no longer just work from our minds - that we bring in our hearts and our senses and our intuitive senses.

-Lee Harris

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