"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jason Estes Update - final acceptance test & if you drop into the silence of the heart you will find the truth - 18.04.2024


Today we are on circuit 47 this is a huge step for humanity remember that 48 is the final acceptance test before abundance while not everyone is here on earth a large enough amount of people are and our current circuit average for all of humanity is 28/64 this is amazing when i was born in 84 it was an average of 3/64 the data points were at 1 every 3 hours and are now (7.2m)+2m an hour and gating had never happened the truth of faith was yet to be understand and many would consider trust in God faith now we live in a planet where real faith is being found 740m people have gated and experienced a moment of real faith that has changed their signatures and is bringing more home while the news and those in fear are loudest for now it is just that loud people if you drop into the silence of the heart you will find the truth and that truth is we are better off then ever before on earth remember the history of what has happened here and look at you life through the lens of time you will see your better off then in the 1800s or even the early 1900s the news and social media make it hard to remember the truth sometimes but your heart never forgets ::hugs::

source - facebook

Cosmic Gateway - The restoration of the right relationships is here now - 18.04.2024

We in the competition phase which has taken Seven months... This is the Restoration of Right Relationship.

What this process has included:

This process starts firstly with coming into coherence with Right Relationship with yourself.
The Evaluation process of past Relationships & Soul Connections
Making peace with past hurts, forgiveness towards self & others
Life review, understand the importance of Soul Connections throughout your own Personal Soul's Journey
Healing our Inner Child, Transforming Family dynamics and then extends into our Interpersonal Relationships.

This next phase places an emphasis on Intimate Soul Connection!

This is something which has been out of balance for so long, over the eons of time Divine Partnership have been split, separated, lost one another, delt with huge levels of interference, distortions, confusion.

The Restoration within ourselves give new clarity & understanding of how our hearts heal & how we can have healthy Relationships with Divine Soul Connections

This is important right now for our Collective Mission ~ Right Relationships are important to work as the Soul Group (Monad) to Unite & restore Love, Unity & Abundance on this Planet
It's almost as though those who hold within their Soul’s Frequency the Organic Code of Divine Partnership Templates is being Accessed & coming online.

As this Energy Activates within an Individual it creates an instant shift in their Energy Field.
They start to access more of their own Energy and the obstructions from the past which prevented individuals the highest perspectives. It becomes highlighted, exposed & we become free from the past challenges.

This is a catalyst to completely change the individual's life from the inside out, from the ground up!

So that a Soul Aligned pathway can be Accessible & Fulfilled. At times people deny the call or brush it aside because they are stuck in their own patterns, cycles, attachments, co-dependency & it just too hard.

No we have Energy to support this transformation & change with Ease, Grace & Gratitude.
It's a Energy Alignment Process which is Recalibrating the Mental, Emotional & Physical Body.

This starts with the Restoration of Conciousness coming back into Alignment with our Physical Bodies (Mental mind is corrected)

Emotional Outpouring is a part of the clearing, so that older unprocessed emotions can be released from the Sacral & Emotional Body

Physical changes in our heart, health, well-being and energy.

This intergration is vital so we can reclaim our full Consciousness, connection with our Higher Self & Love.

This directly connected to moving into the Co-Creative "New Space" and Supporting the Access of New Vibrant Reality.

As more Souls are now ready for this it opens up a new Frequency enhancing their abilities, Destiny & Soul Purpose & Amplifies this Energy into the Collective Consciousness.
Want to know more about Divine Partnership Archetypes and the purpose of Counterpart connections ~ I highly recommend listening to a article I wrote a few years ago;

New Earth Children Channel:

Updated version Here link:

Are you witnessing changes within your own Personal Energy & Relationships?

Much love
Alisha Braché

Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training:
Available at-your-own-pace learning via the link: https://cosmicg8way.com/course

Elevation Training ~ Part 3
Commences 23/4/2024 for enquiries
Email: cosmicg8way@gmail.com

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Ascension Lightworkers - Answering the higher calling - 18.04.2024

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

Answering the higher calling involves striving to reach the Fifth dimension on this planet , where profound waves of cleansing and transformative change occurs to prepare for higher dimensions. This process entails breaking free from the old two- third-dimensional patterns and beliefs deeply rooted in materialism and external control, and embracing movement into inter-dimensional realms as enlightened beings of light. The current cosmic shift is greatly affecting our planet and the Solar System signifies a significant evolutionary phase.

The escalating intensity of light and vibrational frequencies at a cellular level is propelling us towards a transformational threshold, transitioning to a new frequency of light associated with the Central Sun. This shift acts as a necessary wake-up call, urging us to transcend the illusions of our current realities and evolve from third-dimensional awareness to a higher state of cosmic alliance and Christ consciousness.

Embracing this transformational journey demands acknowledging the interconnectedness of all existence, recognising the multiple realities beyond the visible realms and striving for balance , alignment and harmony with nature.

By rediscovering what is meaningful and what truly matters in life , ascending individuals are creating a new world infused with love and sustainability for our future generations, we align ourselves with the wisdom of the ancient and indigenous cultures who understand the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth.

The ancestral knowledge is safeguarded by the crystalline grid and Earth's wisdom custodians to guide humanity through this transitional period towards the central Sun, emphasising the importance of learning, listening, and embracing these teachings to navigate through this ascension era of profound change with humility , grace and equilibrium.

Humanity is on the brink of evolving into a telepathic race, where individuals are tuning into various realms simultaneously amidst intense shifts and ascension. This new earth awakening is ushering in a flood of new insights and wisdom from diverse sources, guiding many towards higher states of consciousness and unlocking more spiritual abilities and gifts, developing a sharper sense of discernment as veils of illusion dissipate, revealing a clearer reality.

As the ability of telepathy unfolds within the ascending they gain the power to selectively filter energies entering earths fields, asserting the divine sovereignty through expanded awareness. Mastering the self as a multidimensional being empowers the ascending to cleanse their energy field, harmonising with the soul's path, and ascending to higher vibrations while shedding lower frequencies that no longer serve a higher purpose.

Each ascending individual plays a vital role in the Earth's transformation, contributing to a collective purpose of elevating and shifting the planet towards higher dimensions. By incarnating with a purpose to anchor light and raise vibrations, the ascending embody the essence of acceleration in collective ascension, and play a big part in the evolutionary progress, gradually and fully aligning with the higher self while navigating the human experience.

At our core, Starseeded souls are luminous beings immersed in the human journey, each step towards higher consciousness is infusing into our physical reality with the refined, crystalline energy radiating from our soul's essence. This alchemical process not only elevates personal evolution but also elevates the consciousness of the entire dimension, perpetuating a ripple effect of transformation and enlightenment in the cosmic web.

While experiencing rapid timeline shifts, it typically takes a minimum of two weeks to assimilate the new energies into your physical being. Following a major timeline transition, such as the one recently undertaken . it is common to feel disoriented, lack motivation, or feel a sense a feeling of being lost or mentally fatigued. These emotional responses are natural as the body and mind strive to acclimate to the unfamiliar frequency.

May you be enveloped in divine love, healing, and protection as you continue on this profound journey of soul evolution and conscious ascension towards a higher state of conscious being.

In Loving and Dedicated Ascension Service
Source Inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers

source - facebook

Judith Kusel - a lot of very old stuff is surfacing to be released & vital to seek quietude - 18.04.2024

Since the solar esclipse I have found that such a lot of very old stuff is surfacing to be released now.
It is a deep clearing of subconscious, deeply buried, not only in the mental, but also in the emotional bodies, as they are intricately linked to the physical.
This is not only in the individual soul, but in the ancestral and collective souls.
So much of the childhood and young adult phases etc. from this lifetime, is simultaneously surfacing, to be forgiven and released.
It is a freeing of souls from all negative patterns ever created, if they choose to be freed.
It is time to let it all go.
Clean out the cupboards and skeletons still lurking in the ancestral lines.
The same.applies to countries and everything else.


To me everything is in state of gestation at the moment into totally new forms, frequencies and vibrations.
It is almost at times if one is hovering like a bee, and then suddenly all reveals itself, and we can see even more clearly than ever before.
It is so vital to seek quietude and to switch off all distractions.
What I am seeking is deep meaningful conversations, quiet moments of stillness in nature, being more open to cosmic knowledge and downloads.
As our consciousness rises we will access more and more which we previously could not access before and herein lies the great blessing.
The heart opens, our insight and understanding increases, and with it, we start reconnecting with our souls in ever deeper ways and our soul group, as well as our intergalactic families.
There is such blessings flowing in.
It is a matter of being receptive and allowing ourselves to expand in ways such as never before!

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 15.04.2024

Iran attacks Israel, brought to you by Coca Cola, Vanguard and BlackRock

You can read the full report here:


Cosmic Gateway - Our future version is preparing us energetically for the creational new space - 17.04.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,
How are you feeling?

Do you feel like you're walking on a tightrope?
Noticeable Timeline experiences playing out?

What I'm currently witnessing is the "New Space" we are moving towards Collectively is already here...

Many of us are moving through final stages to adjust into that "New Space" ~ This is the place where Connect, Collaborate & Unify towards creating Future.

What can be highlighted is our inner Alchemising process, so we can reclaim our inner light. This will give us back our Personal Power & Energy towards our path of Destiny.

As we move through this space right now approaching the Full Moon in Scorpio These Energies & Influences can bring up lots of Mental Processing & Darker topics to light on a Global Scale.

If you're sensitive to Energy & Collective process, keep your energy practices up daily!
Keeping Love & Unity at the forefront of your attention.

I've noticed that during the Scorpio Moon, there can be much more heightened mental Energy. Keep your focus with your Heart Space.

All I can say is be the observer as much as possible, stay present to what's surfacing & know that not everything in "Thought Form" is your Truth!

See my latest YouTube Video with Mid April Update: https://youtu.be/ue78adqg1Pc?si=SpnHlxY8ZOU3naEA

On the Flipside the Lighter Expression of this time, there is such Profound Potential opening Doorways to our Destiny's.

Pay attention to your Dream Space, this is delivering important Messages, Prophetic Information & from what I understand it's attuning us to what's coming forward.
Yes! Energetically we are attuning ourselves to our Future Version, It's this Version that is Recalibrated, Restored by our own Consciousness & Unique Frequency.
This is such an important time for Humanity & Our World is changing into a Loving & Harmonious Future awaits us all.

That's right our time in 'Dream Space' is actually facilitating us to connect with the Future Version of Ourselves to help us Prepare for what's in-store

Have you noticed or experienced this?

I certainly have & also been seeing it in Dream Space & so have many others.
It's been exciting to explore these Future Timelines, which new ways of operating in Conscious Communities are being structured, innovative Healing Techniques & Advanced Technologies, Inspiring Creative Projects & lots of Abundant time ahead!

Distribution of wealth keeps coming up this week too!

I'd love to hear if you've been experiencing anything similar?

Sending everyone such Beautiful Energies to connect with their Soul’s Destiny.

Alisha Braché

Elevation Training ~ Part 3
Commences 23/4/2024 for enquiries
Email: cosmicg8way@gmail.com

Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training:
Available at-your-own-pace learning via the link: https://cosmicg8way.com/course

source - facebook

Natalia Alba - Jupiter-Uranus conjunction both at 21 degrees of the fixed earth sign Taurus

Beloved Ones,

We are heading into one of the most important passages of this year, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction both at 21 degrees of the fixed earth sign Taurus. A planetary encounter that is triggering a massive Soul Emerald awakening, for those holding this lineage. A time as well for planetary healing, focusing now on our earth plane, helping the earth's roots and all living forms in their transfiguration process.

The Emerald awakening that many of you are experiencing at this time is nothing like we have ever witnessed on earth, for it is time for you to stand firm in who you are and your universal mission.

My Guides share the importance for All who feel guided at this time to activate and ground your monadic earth chakra, six inches beneath our feet, as one of the most important tasks to achieve, so we can ground our healing codes and mission. When this process is achieved, many of you who are awakening at this time, or have been for a while, will experience the kundalini activation required for you to trigger your ascension.

When we come into our earth plane, we have many different agreements, with humans, other benevolent beings, and many energies, which also accompany us in our birth portal. The current planetary energies are helping those who are now awakening, in healing the first chakra triad, for as you know, as humans, our three main chakras hold the majority of our traumas, and this is why when our kundalini energy awakens is so painful, for it is in truth helping us to heal, reconnect, activate and reprogram years of hidden pain, programs and many other self-created, inherited or manipulative patterns.

This conjunction will activate this inner transformation in many of you, for as ascending souls you all have a specific time to remember who you are, and for many of you with Emerald-Blue lineage, the time has come. It is time to build your hara line, the kundalini energy in our coccyx is connected to it, as the hara line is born out of our navel in two directions, Above and Below.

Allowing the plasma infusions we are receiving, is also vital to start healing and reconnecting the light body, completing the process of kundalini rising by reconnecting our spine, nervous system, and gradually our template and chakras.

This is also a time for many of you to clear masculine distortions, DNA strand imprints, and galactic traumas, especially related to Aldebaran, Pleiades, and Venus, for the energies descending upon our planet support this personal task.

At a personal level, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will also bring us the opportunity for personal transformation, as this conjunction signifies profound growth for all who are immersed in a creational phase.

An event that brings innovation, expansion, change, and the opportunity for us to creatively build our new lives. A shifting phase as well for our relationships, for as we grow and evolve so do our relationships, embracing encounters that are now aligned to who we are, and our personal purpose.

A manifestations vortex is opening as we step into this planetary alignment, allowing us to co-create with energies that invite us to work on innovation, and hence the creation of something new, more in synchronization with who we are becoming and our new dimensional frequency, as the more we act as a trinity, the more unified our manifestations will be too.

We came to our planet with many beings and benevolent energies that help us become who we are, and create the life experience that will be for our highest good. Our task is to learn how to remember, realign, and become the masters that we are in our own lives.

We are on the threshold of becoming the empowered and sovereign beings that we originally were made to be. Every challenge you experience is an opportunity for you to decide whether it will serve you to decay and continue to live as the person you are not, or to become stronger, wiser, and the only authority in your life.
May you choose to be the loving, empowered, and resilient being that you are, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,
Art by: Natalia Alba with pre program.

source - facebook

Celia Fenn - 17th April : Time Synch and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction - 2024

I think everyone is feeling the intense electrical energy and the aggression and irritation that is ongoing "out there" at the moment.
This has been since the Total Solar Eclipse.
What is happening is that the Unity Consciousness energy on Earth is expanding (Jupiter) and becoming more powerful in its electrical field (Uranus).
At the same time, the old energy within our collective of mind and solar plexus is becoming increasingly "out of synch" as it struggles to understand and contain the present chaos and breakdown.
The energy within us of the Soul is flowing clearly through the Soul Chakra and the Crown Chakra to the Heart, but the flow from the Rational mind (Chakra 6 Left Brain) to the Throat and the Solar Plexus is feeling disruptive and out of synch.
Slowly the two flows will align within us and within the collective.
Please trust the process and remember to focus on the Heart and Breathe deeply.
I find Chamomile tea helps too. It helps to calm the system and allow the focus on beauty and harmony.
This is an amazing process and we will soon find our balance.
This is the HUGE shift of Consciousness and the balancing process.
Love to All.

source - facebook

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