"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Rebuilding - 16.08.2024


Between day 8, the apex of the Lion Portal, and day 12, many incarnate souls managed to incorporate yet another level of opening the Sacred Heart, approaching the 5D timeline.
Through the process of rebuilding yourself, a rebirth, you too can, after accepting the scars and fragmentation of who you think you are, begin to redefine who you are by discovering the magnetic force within.

Know that the truth will set you free But first she will bother you
On the Full Moon in Aquarius, squared with its regent Uranus, on August 19, 2024 energy will create unexpected events or revelations that will challenge comfort zones with radical change, ruptures, and breakthroughs, and that deep down, you knew all along. Higher self always knows, but 3D self doesn't understand Uranus' message.
Uranus emanates the higher consciousness of the Universe, the higher realm of existence.
However, there is a resistance. When things don't go as expected, we get frustrated. We get irritated. We blame the world. We blame Uranus, the planet of the "unexpected"
The crisis that we can suddenly experience, however disturbing, is a catalyst for a change needed to move us closer to the truth and advance on our Path.
A "threat" contains the seed of opportunity.
Tap into Uranium's energy by asking yourself: "what am I resisting and why?" What opportunities are hidden in the challenges I face?
“Only a free mind can discover the truth, reality, which is beyond mental projections. Knowledge of self is the beginning of Wisdom. To know ourselves means to observe what we think, what we feel, not just superficially, but with a deep awareness of what it is, without condemnation, without judgment, without evaluation or comparison. "~Love Krishnamurti"
“Look deep into your heart
It can be challenging to realize you are in the right place, at the right time, doing what you are doing to affect change in your world.
It may be challenging to see this as something other than destruction, but an extraordinary amount of growth happening right now.
Even if you have chosen to remain emotionally and physically neutral, your energy is still contributing to that significant shift. ”
“My dear child; You are witnessing hundreds of years of repressed pain and suffering overflowing in everyday life... It's time to stop ignoring the pain you see around you. Now you are being guided to begin working on healing the deep wounds of the collective consciousness. Whether through meditation, prayer, thought, or action; it is time to start the work to move your world toward the healing it so desperately needs and deserves. “~Creator by Jennifer Farley (Snippets)
Wilma Capuano

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