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Ever since I took my courage in 2017 and left my comfort zone to create this place, my blog and I have been renewing from time to time.
The main theme in the images always remains the same, the space over veil technology. The Earth has been locked away from its natural galactic circulatory system for too long. It’s perfectly normal to crave outward after so many millennia of confinement. Someone consciously, someone subconsciously, but longing to return to the vast playground of the universe, back to a better, more conscious, spiritually and technologically advanced galactic society - back to our homes.
I have wished many times, I wish I could be out on the spaceships with the others and do something real, but as far as I know, I would long for the surface of the earth to experience what is really going on here and want to be a part of it.
The soul loves to explore and experience things and in my opinion our soul and if we continue to think about the Source is the greatest gamer ever. In fact, the "physical" existence is a very advanced fully realistic massively multiplayer online role-playing games. We created our characters who are here and now, we are the adventure game masters who wrote the story of our characters, the programmers who create our reality. We play and create at the same time and out of time in many dimension/existence with several billion soul constantly.
But our characters also have free will, it's like in Sims games, if you played with it you know your character don't always follow the instructions ...
The new image on the blog is from Star Wars Rogue One - Battle over Scarif. I’ve always wanted a picture where there are a lot of spaceships above the planet, also expressing that we’re not alone and a lot of being are involved in the fight for Earth or are just curiously watching the fate of this planet.
Scarif is synonymous with the Earth for a bit, the Empire, or the Dark Ones, has ruled the planet and even provided it with a shield - a shield that can be used to lock the planet against unauthorized intruders.Incomplete agreement is well symbolized in the film, as the mission is not authorized by the Alliance Council. Surely there are factions in the Light Force that wouldn’t eff about that much. The volunteer rebel team raiding the surface and the battle over the planet also begins. A compression breakthrough when a force field around a planet is eliminated.
When I first saw this movie in the cinema and then traveled through Vienna, I somehow felt a strong connection, respect, and understanding with the Resistant Movement and the Light Forces (we are among them) who came on Earth on a mission and they never give up even if the chances are very low.
Earth and humanity will have a happy ending, but this mission has already claimed a great deal of sacrifice, and many of us are very tired, hopeless, and fretful. Don´t give up,this is a roller-coaster, find something that gives you the strength to continue, live your life and don’t wait, get prepare. In the most difficult times, just put your hand on your heart and breathe.
What good is a lockdown or quarantine? First of all, if you have a hobby you can do at home, you finally have time for it or you are just discovering a new one. Since I’m an introvert, for me, this lockdown hasn’t really changed my life but as I watched a lot of series and I got bored of online games, I rediscovered my tapestry (gobelin) project, which had been abandoned for many, many years, and finally finished it, except for one...
And since then, I've started my first counted cross stitch. For the first time, I probably should have chosen something easier for my new project, but I liked this bear star constellation theme image so much, especially since it was the very first star constellation I recognized and still today I love it very much - the big dipper.
It will be like this ... and now after a month of work...I love to do this kind of stitch, it´s grounding, a lot of fun and it completely occupies my brain what I really need right now....I already ordered 2 more...yuppie
Mama Gaia is pampering me, within two weeks here have big snow for the second time. I love the snow, it´s pure, beautiful white and all snow crystal is unique. The snowfall fills my heart with warmth, joy and peace, like a piece of home... I can watch the snowfall for hours as it falls in big flakes or the wind is playing with it swirling. It’s best when we’re traveling by car in the evening and it’s like traveling at the speed of light between the stars. In the evenings, watching the snowfall is even more beautiful in the light of a street lamp and in the light of a Christmas lights. I can’t wait to see the outdoor pine tree in full snow and Christmas light :)
I put out food for the birds every winter season, they have a pretty good appetite this year. The sweetest is when 5-6 small birds crowd the small feeder at once. Their favorite is the sunflower. They take one, fly away with it, break it and eat it, then fly back for the next one. The pigeons are greedy, I call their eating habits vacuuming.
And they have fresh water every day of the year :)
Today is the 12/12 energy portal but for me it is also a more special day - my birthday. It’s been 36 years since I re-entered this physical reality, and oh my god, what a roller coaster ride it is. I don’t beautify things, I tried to give up many times, but somehow I always managed to scrape myself together (or my higher selves did it) to swing the next day and so on. I have a hard time aligning and functioning in this 3D fake matrix and have been talking and imagining a real “utopian” world since I was a child where people are healthy, happy, full quality rights to life are guaranteed, technologically advanced and in harmony with nature again. In a world where we are finally not soul lonely, we respect and help each other. In the meantime, I’m living my life, best as I can, and hoping to find my own lighthouse that shows me where I should go and what I should do... ****
Christmas is a celebration of love and family and, according to the church, a commemoration of Jesus birthday.
I love the Christmas season, when the festive lights are on the city´s square and on the houses and various mouth-watering scents come out of the Christmas markets. But I loved the most to decorating the Christmas tree and eating different festive food and desserts. But I don’t like crowds, excessive gift shopping, and Christmas music that playing over and over all day.
In Hungary and other European countries, the family gathers at Christmas and spends their holidays together. The 24th belongs to the close family, (in my family, 25th was always Grandparents' Day, we spent almost the whole day there, we ate with them lunch and dinner too - my grandma always cooked much variety food, and made many different sweets, we drank red wine with coke while we talked a lot and watched tv together) the other days belonged to the wider family and other relatives, but what we have in common is that we bring gifts and we eat together. Yes, the Sunday family lunch and Christmas meals are important for Hungarians.
We Hungarians like to set up a Christmas tree and decorate it with not only bright ornaments, lights but also sweets, we call it
szaloncukor - it´s a kind of Christmas fondant and it´s become a hungarikum. The szaloncukor is usually made of fondant, covered by chocolate and wrapped in shiny coloured foil, - eatable decoration. The flavour of the filling can be very varied - coconut, jelly, caramel, alcoholic like brandy, cherry, etc. is almost limited only by the imagination.
After dinner, we hand out a gift that we put under the tree beforehand. We used to tell young children that little Jesus brought the gift, the Austrians laugh about it because they say it´s Nicolaus who bring gifts.
We usually play board games with my Hungarian family, while watching Christmas movies in the TV and enjoy the delicious sweets and after the holidays comes the depression that we gain again much weight and maybe we shouldn't have eaten that much again but next year we do the same.
The Austrian family loves card games - they can play the
Schnapsen all day long, the
robber´s rummy the new favourite until I win too many times, winning 5-10 games in a row when they getting very nervous.
Wherever life drifts me, into any culture, I like to take my food recipe with me and at least some Christmas customs and keep a healthy balance between the two cultures ... I insist to the stuffed cabbage and poppy seed cakes. Since Austrians love Hungarian food and cakes, and also have common dishes this was never been a problem so I´m lucky :)
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas
and if you don't celebrate,
have a wonderful winter weekend!
Since we got our first
TV game consol and later the Tetris with my brother for Christmas somewhere in the 90´s, I have fallen in love with games and the first milestone was later when I bought my old Pentium computer and installed my first game (Pharaoh & Cleopatra). From there, there was no stopping as I developed my computer I played more games, as Civilization series, D&D games, StarCraft, Warcraft, Heroes might and magic II and III, Age of Empires, Kotor, Final Fantasy etc.
Then came my first MMORPG online game - World of Warcraft 14 years ago, which I played with my group of friends for 1-2 years. Later Swtor (Star Wars The Old Republic) came and then 3-4 years ago I got in the mood for Wow again, then came the classic wow, tbc but the community became very toxic, very money and goal oriented, for dungeons you get only people who sold boosters so I quit and tried Final Fantasy XIV but I also quit after a while.
Since I got the mood to play WoW again these days, I decided to give it a try on private servers. I chose
Turtle-wow and I didn’t regret it. It's a classic wow, but they've added custom quests, new zones and challenges as hardcore mode etc. and in the alliance side you can play with high elf, in horde side goblin. There are players from all over the world, the chat is full from morning till night, the community is helpful and good till now. With a population ca 300-900 depends on time zone, the new patch and the upcoming class changes are attracting many new people. If you're playing there and you want to team up or need help, just pm me.
I’m not very active on my side lately, I’m so sorry, but there are quite a few reasons for that. First, the Austrian parliament voted in favour of compulsory vaccination for all people over the age of 18 and living in Austria - this come in effect 1 February. The upper house will vote on February 2, I very much hope they veto it.
Since I live here in Austria, this also affects me and I had to think about what to do in this situation. At first I was upset, I was angry and desperate, I felt the government was cornering me and taking away my right to have control over my body / health and the decision of when and where to move. I have two options: I move to Hungary to my parents and I leave almost everything behind because I can't take my belongings home or I stay and to avoid a fine, I delete myself from this system. It has been on my mind for days: should I stay or should I go ...
I am still unwilling to vaccinate myself with this "who knows what this slop contains", in vain the government blackmails or bribes with a "vaccine lottery" e.g. 500 euro coupon etc. If I want to move home, or injecting myself let it be my decision, not a cabal puppet tell me what to do and when. It’s enough that there are so many power-hungry people who take anything for money and power and doesn´t care how much human life they ruin or kill.
My heart tells me to stay, my mind tells me to run home to safety (my ego doesn’t like to take risks).I don't know if it's a movie or not, but if it is, it's pretty morbid and I really don't like it, and I don't even know if it's really the Alliance in control or not, but I hope that the Austrian unvax people stay strong and make a big noise (the official narrative says that the 70% of the population is injected) to repeal this law of terror.
The other reason the blog was pushed into the background is that I also descended a bit into the rabbit hole of Tartaria, the big reset and the obscure history. So far, I knew there was something gibberish about our history, but not that so much lol. so now it’s also concerned with what happened and how the reset happened somewhere around 18th century. The interesting thing is that we believe how advanced we are now, and it turns out that all the old technology, just served as new, tailored to the tastes of our civilization ... everything used to be better in the past ... I don't know ... but one thing is for sure the truth will be revealed sooner or later.
The world is still crazy, so I try to focus not so much on it.
Unfortunately my fur baby got injured on his spine, so he can´t use his tail and he have pain when he move or even change sleeping position. The vet has prescribed medication, if not helpful than need a surgery - removing his tail 😭I pray he soon get better and healthy again...and for money...the doctor not cheap..
He is my loyal companion more than 10 years...I wish medbed available right now... ***
Goods news -
My cat is healing nicely, he able to feel his tail and move it 50%, he can jump and doesn't limp on his hind leg anymore 🥳
and I finished my 1st x stitch project ...it was challenging but much fun, it's not perfect but I love it...and every time I look at it I smile and am proud of myself
I've already started the next one, which I want to surprise my brother with...this is what it will look like when it´s ready
They say if I write things out of myself like an unsent letter, it will be easier. It will be 1 week tomorrow that you are no longer with me. The house has become empty and quiet, and I have sadness and grief. I don’t know what to do with myself, I often sit outside in the garden and I just look out of my head. It’s hard to focus on anything.
It’s always bad and hard for those who stay behind because they have to process of the loss either human or pet. For me, you were a family member, a partner, a friend and the little "furbaby" in this world and hurts your absense.
If I had known that I would see you the last time that day, I would have spent the whole day petting you and I wouldn’t have let you out of the house in the evening even if we couldn´t sleep about your cry.
Tuesday was a very difficult day for both of us ... your "dad" woke me up in the morning that you were lying on the road a few meters from our home and you not respond for the calling neither stand up. The village chief was just walking by when my boyfriend brought you home, looked at you and all he said was that he was sorry and went about his business. "Daddy" brought you into the yard and put you down in front of me. He wanted to call the doctor, but I already knew you played the your last life too. I checked to see if you were still breathing, but you were already starting to cool off. I looked into your eyes but you were no longer there little soul. It was hard to accept and understand, so we tried to wake you up while my tears were rained down on you. Don´t know how long we standing around you desperate for what to do now.
There was no sign of external damage on you, just a small puddle of water on the road and you know me, I tried to find out what happened to you and how ... poisoning? hit by a car? or something else? Why now, why you? Many neighbors keep cats in the area, all of them running freely in the village and they are intact ... why not you? Why was my only friend and companion taken away from me who never let me down and was always there for me for good and bad times? Whose idea was it that you had to leave here and now?
My tears had been falling all day until it was hurt when my eyes were open.
I blamed this world for rushing and not paying attention to the little ones. I blame myself because I allowed you freedom, I respected and I didn't want to limit your cat's basic nature ... you took care of yourself for 10 years. We always waited home and you always came.. you hurried home even then, but you never reached the gate.
I learned the lesson, just like you, we'll do better next time.
I dreamed of you, you showed me you were coming back, then I didn't cry much anymore, but my mood if I don't divert my thoughts is shit ... I think I became depressed. I don’t like this condition, I climb out of it, but somehow I fall back into the pit emotionally.
One boring day after another, then 1 week, 1 month and then it will be somehow.
The same day my partner’s co-worker told that one day ago his cat given birth 4 kittens and he will give them away free ca 2 months later. At the moment I not sure take or leave this offer but my boyfriend already reservated a black one because he know I can say no for a black cat.
Lately he often watches cat advertisements, he even found one cat which looks exactly the way you ... incredible. But I told him that the soul is important, not appearance. Need time while you reborn and need to listen to the intuition and guidance to find him again.
I lost you once, we had very little time together. I also told my spirit guide that I wanted you again. I came across an ad a few months later and we traveled far. To this day, I will not forget how we met again. As I tried to figure out which one to take home, you climbed to the higher point next to me.I noticed you, we looked into each other 's eyes and I knew I should take you. You were the smallest and the thinnest but you were very viable. Our neighbors have always said you won’t live long because you’re small but I didn’t believe them.
I loved playing with you, and your brother, the apartment was full of life with fun despite being almost on the floor financially and having quite a few problems. Even the kittens of the neighbor came over to play with us and for a lot of extra love and of course food...but from their owner we got a huge cat tree.
Your original name was Zorro because you loved a big red nylon bag, you hid in that bag´s ear and ran back and forth through the apartment and the bag just fluttered around you like a superhero cloak.
When I cooked, you always climbed on my feet to sit on my shoulder and watch what I was doing.
When it came to moving, I wanted a place where we could be at peace, surrounded by neighbors who love the cats and they would never hurt you. So it was, of course, the integration was not smooth. Do you remember when the big grumpy cat next door came into our garden and you tried to chase it away? "Daddy" went out and put out the newcomer, in exchange drove to the town in the middle of the night and searching for a hospital because he had many bad bite and scratches on his arm... your "Dad" hating that cat ever since.
The house and the garden have become your sovereignty and you have always protected it. Inside you were mummy little boy but outside you was a badass, independent cat. You had cat friends, you’ve been a sport hunter, and sometimes we even got a mouse trophy.
Since the shrews came in from the fields in crowds and almost the whole garden was full of holes we didn't even mind. You put off capturing the birds, I guess you didn’t want to listen to my litany and dislike.
You were sensitive, very smart and resourceful. You weren't an average cat - you learned quickly, you didn’t steal food from the table, you didn’t hurt the plants, you didn’t break and push anything off the shelf. But you remember how many times did you steal my seat? ... you indicated you wanted something, you called me at your feeder, then you turned 180 degrees and quickly ran to my chair and sat on it. I looked at you disapprovingly, some kind of forgiveness flowed from your eyes, and then you stretched out on it and I laughed that I again fell to the trick. We even bought an extra "boss" chair, but you always wanted the chair I was using just then.
You were on my lap for hours a day as we sat here in front of the notebook, gaming, watching series etc. and in the evening you purred on my chest while I fell asleep.
We were pampered you, you knew if you looked at me with your beautiful big eyes, I can neither get angry nor say no, so you have always achieved what you wanted.
Omg, so much memory....
You were a bit like me, they say, a pet like the owner. You were a weirdo among the cats, as I was among the humans, two aliens who found each other.
Heal, relax on the other side in the loving embrace of the cat collective.
See you later my partner....you´re always welcome....
I would like to apologize for the fact that my blog is not always up to date and for a number of reasons. External things can distract me very easily, I'm also a moody person and sometimes the energies hit me so hard that I need to rest and survive the day.
After more than two and a half years, I was finally able to visit Hungary. Ever since the “pandemic” broke out, I haven’t even seen my family and it was finally good to spend a few days with them. I missed my mother's cook and her cakes, my father's beef stew cooked in cauldron (bogrács) and a few Hungarian ingredients which I can't buy here, such as sausage (
kolbász), cottage cheese rudi (
túró rudi), red paprika creme (piros arany),
tarhonya, etc. But what was most missing was the family board game time. My brother always comes up with something new games what we not know and this time he brought the
Settlers of Catan and the
Keltis card game. I remember the last time we met he introduce to us the
Bang! card game, everyone really liked it.
We went to the
little local zoo and feed the different pets like goats, deer, kangaroo, rabbits etc. and there I saw 2 beautiful white tiger, and one of them even hissed to my mum...some of the animals are rescued like alpacas, lion, deer, wild pig. The animals are well kept and loved and this can also be felt energetically.
Another apology about the late updates but life happening and soon finally a little holiday for recharging.
I got a new family member...a hyperactive kitten that is keeping me busy right now and if he sleeps, then I have time for myself (I started playing on warmane wow) and for my blog, otherwise there would be interesting posts and computer settings as soon as he stomps through my keyboard 1000 times. ***
Due personal reasons for some days I can´t update my blog and answer e-mails or messages. I will be only on Facebook with a limited time. Thanks
Long time I not wrote here...well the weather was not really good recently, it rained a lot and was cold. At such a time, I don't feel like going out much, and so that we don't always hang out on the Internet - we did a 1000 piece of puzzle. We finished it in 2 days, it was much fun :)
If I invested as much time and energy in spirituality as I do in games or series, I would have been enlightened a long time ago or would have been able to samba between the worlds as an ascended master....
From July 6, updating posts and answering messages and comments on the blog will be paused for a while - Sorry. Maybe I'll answer Facebook messages. Don´t worry, nothing serious - this is just a little "summer break" and not the last - I'm visiting Hungary for a small family gathering. When I come back, I will catch up everything. Have a nice summer :)
Finally I finished my 2nd x-stitch - this is a gift for my brother and I really hope he will like it...if not I'll keep it to myself :) (he loves wolves).
(Cross Stitch Kit Luca-S - Wolves Couple, B2291)
It's time to start a new cross stitch project for my mom...larger - with 3 types of stitches...will I be able to finish it by Christmas?
And I finished - 79 days😻
(Counted Cross-stitch Kit from Merejka - Santorini - View from Terrace)
I finished my 4th counted cross-stitch. It was a challenge for me, but the end result was worth it :) My stitching got a new page, I will post the finished works there
The new puzzle has arrived... who recognizes the legendary dark elf?
Yes, it´s Drizz´t Do`Urden from R.A. Salvatore book series. Drizzit's adventures from the Dungeons & Dragons-based world of the Forgotten Realms.
I can't wait to get started 😍
Beyond the Veil is celebrating an anniversary! 7 years ago I decided to start this journey and still online and active! Thank you so much the attention, the visitation, the comments and support! I hope I can continue this journey forward!
I take a holiday, so for a while no updates. When I come back I will update everything!
I finished my another cross-stitch this week and I would like give it away for somebody.
Here are the details:
The application for the free x-stitch picture has expired, due to lack of interest, the giveaway has failed.
Long time no entry here...wow...time fly so fast...
The blog got a new header picture - enjoy - this is my and AI brainchild
The blog also got another separate site for my pictures. This site will frequently will get updated. If you like it, use it, but if you post it publicly, please credit me - Kira Sakura or my blog - Thank you
Another separate site is for my cross-stitch finished projects - some pictures are for sell. If you interested, just drop me an e-mail to kira432hz@gmail.com.
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