"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix


Since I watched the series that interested me, I asked the question, what should I watch next in this heat, when people hardly feel like doing anything. The word Bridgerton appeared in my head, which has left me cold until now, I haven't even watched the trailer, and I've only heard about it 1-2 times while scrolling through social media news. So I started watching and somehow I was hooked on this series which surprised me quite a bit, and I finished all 3 seasons in a short week and a half. Why I had to watch it, well, I think it was a half personal and other half is to give inspiration, on which this post could be born.

I read so much earlier that many people "pained" the mandatory elements, which here means people of color, and that it is not age-appropriate at all in this case. Well, I have to say one thing, that as a writer or artist, we can create anything with our imagination and no one has any say in our art. Game of Thrones wasn't really contemporary because of the dragons, but it was a huge success in the world and yet its basis was historical. Why can't we use our imagination to transform the stories, color them as if we were walking in an alternative reality. Recently, it has become a very big trend to "hate together" and denigrate something because it is "different". Recently, it has become trendy to be "ultra sensitive" and to reject and build walls towards each other, while we live our everyday days depressed and dulled by certain "substances" because we suffer terribly from loneliness. Perhaps if "power and society" had made room in that historical period for people of different skin colors and class to mix, perhaps we would have reached unity sooner. Seriously, here in the 21st century close to 4 and 5D a lot of people are still obsessed with skin colours and different cultures.

It is one thing that the Elite (Cabal) follow and push their own agenda, but humanity should finally realize that skin color and cultural differences here or there, we all belong to humanity collectively. If two people of opposite skin color fall in love with each other, is it a crime? Is it a crime if two people of opposite religions love each other? If two people of the same sex really love each other, is that also a crime? Why do we still think that these external differences can hinder our soul and love?

Love is not logical, the soul is not interested in appearances, social norms, distance, religion, trends, money, looks, disability, etc., it's all just a separation caused by our ego.  Of course, you can love with the mind, but it will never be internally fulfilling, as if you love with the love of the soul. Love actually has no boundaries - it is unconditional, warm, free flowing and you shine like a Sun. Our own ego, which moves within limits thanks to a lot of programming, condemns, disapproves, dictates and binds us. How many times have there been contradictions in our own lives, because our heart wanted love, but our ego did not allow it, because that someone, be it friendship, family, lover - is "different". How many times have we played the same thing over and over throughout history, not being able to love freely, and experiencing a lot of tragedy and pain because of it. In this modern age (with the exception of certain rigid cultures still), we can love freely, there is no longer the binding as in the past, yet it is polluted by the scourge of the modern age, the walling of our hearts, loneliness, illusions, materialism, differences. Many people still make love and friendship according to the expectations of society and family, not for themselves. We still make friends or associate with "acceptable" people, because the ego is afraid of "what will others say about it?".

We still care too much about what other people think and we still live up to the expectations of us. We have to ask ourselves whether we live for ourselves or for our parents and society. Of course, there is nothing worse than finding the love of our life and it is "taboo" because our parents are against it, and society condemns it through social media, e.g. skin colour, different cultures, poor vs rich, older woman - young man, which, let's face it, is completely normal if it happens the other way around (old man with young girl). But what is the difference really? Nothing, just that women's choices are still criticized by the patriarchal society. We are still at the point where women have to give birth, raise children, run a household and work, and many people give birth because of the expectations of society and the family, although this should be an individual decision. Every woman has the right to make her own decisions and how to live her life, and the same goes for men. Maybe if there wasn't so much pressure on women and man, there wouldn't be so many unhappy and broken families. But there are still too many expectations for us and each other, whatever our gender, isn't it?

Yes, cultural differences, language barriers, the distance between countries present many obstacles even in this modern world, but it is worth building the bridge, be it any kind of relationship. The only question is whether we have enough courage and love to endure the difficult times and neither side will back down. Do we have enough strength to protect and stand by each other if necessary, or do we choose the easy way, thinking that it is not worth it. But then throughout our lives we will have the thought of "what if..." and we will deeply regret that we did not take that path. In fact, a lot can be learned and developed if we get to know different cultures and people, our point of view and perspective can change and we expand our knowledge with experiences that help open our minds and heart more. We will realize that they are people too, and when we think our problem is unique, it turns out that it is actually universal. In order for humanity to be united again, a bridge must be built in balance and sometimes exciting and new things can be born when we mix 2 or more things.

We are no longer ladies and gentlemen in this age in which this series is set, where marriages and friendships are meant to serve interests, mobilize wealth, produce a heir or promote movement in social circles, yet many still think this today so until they realize that if they step out from their comfort zone, they can acquire acquaintances that are valuable like rare diamonds, which are soul connections. But in order to see each other, we have to put down the masks we wear. Rejection is very painful when people leave our lives because they don't resonate with who we really are, but maybe it's more of a blessing, since we don't have to waste time on it, and there is room for those who really like us and love who we really are. Maybe we'll be alone for a while until we meet people with whom we will vibrate, but I think such soulful relationships are worth it, like superficial relationships that don't love for who we really are. When I meet people who ghost very quickly or don't care at all, when I show myself even a little bit, I don't mind anymore, of course it hurts, but then I ask myself the question: "am I died in this situation?" "no", "then it's good, these people are not for me, then someone else will come who stays and really likes me". The wheel of life goes on and we never know what tomorrow will bring.
"What is the primarily force that guides us along our paths? Is it our minds or our hearts?"

Another important idea that inspired me from the series is the power of words. Those of us who have decided to step out of our comfort zone and onto a stage of life with a word, be it written or spoken, are in fact in a responsible position, as we find ears through our words. The trend these days is to become an influencer, but many people take this role lightly.

Being an influencer, the written word or the spoken word, is indeed power, because you never know how much of a ripple effect it has, and whose life you can make better or ruin. What would you do with that kind of power? Would you use it for good or bad? The word is like a sword, which is perhaps why only one letter separates the two at the beginning. It is a double-edged sword that you can use for good purposes, for protection, to help, to pass on your knowledge, or you can use it to "kill", to deceive, to destroy people, to lead your "followers" in the wrong direction, or to serve certain agendas. The decision is yours, what and how you use your voice. Perhaps this is also why free speech has been hindered throughout history and even now. They say we have free speech but actually not really, but they want to prevent the truth that comes with it in every way.

Information is power, and it always has been, which is why it is very important that those who deal with information and words do not allow themselves to be silenced. It is also important to stand firm in your faith and in yourself and not let anything gaslighting you or make you believe that no one is interested in what you have to say. I walked this path, telling myself that what I want to say has already been done by someone else, what else could I say to people, they are not interested in my opinion or my personality, no one would read it. And you know what changed my mind? The fact that I read many comments that people share their opinions on social media, although often quite violently and profanity, but they just give a fuck about who thinks what about it even it is wrong.

That was the moment when I said to myself "wait a second, I have things to say and opinions too, and I'm not only going to torture my family with it, but also my blog readers. 😁" and that's how I cautiously started to write my first articles. When you start communicating, you may not yet find your own style, your voice, but as you start to believe in yourself more and more, you will be inspired, you will find your voice and it will become stronger than a lion's roar. Don't get discouraged and don't lose heart if you don't have readers or viewers at first, or if only 1-2 people are interested in what you have to say. Continue to follow your inspiration, your inner voice, your passion, because you are just as valuable without an audience as with an audience, and know that those who need to hear what you have to say will find you. 

If you encounter negative and questioning comments and people at any time, stay true to yourself, know your truth and don't let external events destroy your self-worth and self-esteem. Since our personalities and programming are different, there will be people who will not resonate with you or your information, and maybe they will get triggered, in this case don't lose your head, be diplomatic and let them go. We sprinkle seeds, but not all soils are suitable for their germination. Don't give up, this is a joint project to help each other, as everyone has a different puzzle piece that fits into the big common picture. Find your voice, share it with the world, which you have to share no matter how challenging, because you matter and yes, we are interested in what you have to say. Maybe if trendy influencers would also embrace really important issues that would advance humanity and not deal with shallow things, and would actually do it for people and not for money, sooner or later this planet called Earth would become a much more lovely place. But as long as algorithms rule what is recommended to us and when, and money can be used to buy followers, this is only a small and shallow reputation. Do what is matter to you and your heart. Let's stick to organic and know that quality is better than quantity. These people are really interested in your information, your voice, your energy, not 100k + bots who would sell you for a small handout and don´t care at all. In the series, there was a sentence that Penelope said: "I wanted to be the voice of the many voiceless". Let's use our voice wisely. Every voice counts. You are matter. 

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