"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Our purpose and stage of disorder - 29.08.2024


One day the R physique. Tonsky asked one of his students:
- What's the purpose of life? What's its meaning?
The student stuttered: - Yesterday I knew, but now it seems I forgot. Tonsky looked up into the sky and shouted:
- God of heaven! The only man who knew and now he forgot!
~"Allow yourself to be Human. There are times when you’re in a not so good space. Even when your intentions are good, you feel like nothing makes sense and everything is out of place. When this happens, it's okay to feel frustrated or angry. It is necessary to allow to release these feelings out of the way and give room for happier thoughts to arrive. ” ~Breeder
"I salute thee, Galactic Human." You are entering a moment of great excitement and, yes, turbulence is expected... tremors occur because old energies are being brought to the surface and transmuted. Maintain your light and stay heart centered, you are in the last chapter of your journey on 3D Earth. " ~Kejraj
"Don't think that lighting will make you special. It's not going. Because this state puts him at the center of humility and innocence.
If you feel special somehow, then enlightenment has not occurred. Enlightenment, when it is authentic, does not have an ego to claim it because an intense revelatory experience has taken place. Don't get stuck in the lighting. " ~Adyashanti
“My brother, what you call Bodisatva (enlightened) is simply... that nothing has to be accomplished... just be present, without being affected by the circumstances of this world or your own body. “ The Impersonal
Letting go clears up space in your consciousness
By focusing on your inner state you discover that in thought or emotion, you can find a point of peace and detachment. Concentration at this point in psychic life, that invisible point of inner space, is a neutral place where there is support to direct yourself when you focus on what you are experiencing.
Watch calmly and listen. This condition has some color, viscosity, size or feel.
You can sense a Presence... what happens to dilute the energy of this "painful thing". Looking deeper, you feel that there is no separation between you and that Consciousness, which is the same that lives on the surface and in the depths. That of your Higher Self, always ready to bring you Healing, Clarity and Love amidst the shadows.
By Releasing, you transcend any experience of fear or desire allowing the action of your authentic Self into infinite space.
In this state, there is no I and no others - all is One.
"I am no longer the wave of consciousness thinking of itself separated from the sea of cosmic consciousness. I am the ocean of the Spirit that has become the wave of human life. ”~P. Yogananda
In the journey of one's own path, many mistakes are possible because you are learning. You will go in one direction or the other and find out what's wrong and look for what's right for you.
Those who are too afraid of making mistakes and going wrong paths become paralyzed, and this is not the Purpose of spiritual experience on Earth.
"Actually, we don't need to create Inner Peace; we just need to stop creating everything else... We just need to stop creating things that obscure A, because some of them, like selfless Love, the feeling of Freedom or Well-being, are innate... " ~Adyashanti, 'The authenticity of Reality'
Wilma Capuano

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