"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - Global Consciousness Project graph was peaked - major event is coming - 30.08.2024

Thanks to Milt Foster for passing this on. The Global Consciousness Project is run by the HeartMath Institute and has been extremely reliable in detecting 'peaks' in the global field of consciousness that can predict major global events. For instance, peaks were seen before 9/11 and the death of Princess Diana. Another peak, this time going beyond the normal measurement scale as of August 28th, is being registered.

We are aware that we are already within the energy of Uranus stationing at 27°15' Taurus on the 1st/2nd September as well as Pluto retrograding back into the 'crisis' or anaretic degree of Capricorn at the same time. I've take about this in detail in my latest update, about the possibility of September beginning with a 'bang' of some kind:

Stay calm, stay in peace, watch your breath, and try to pull back from an external focus. Our collective energy directly affects these global consciousness measurements, so everyone of us matters in how this manifests.
Blessings to you all.


Something big is coming!!!

The Global Consciousness Project, GCP, is a global network of random generators. The graph can be used to determine the global field of consciousness, which always shoots up when there are major events that consciously or unconsciously bring the random generators into coherent states. Since 27 August, the increase in coherence explodes to heights last seen with the 9/11 event, indicating maximum event probabevility, with global impact. The graph is published with a time delay of 2 days and so we only see here the level on 28 August, but the daily measurement shows permanent maximum values and already on 28 August the graph shot beyond the measurement scale, indicating that something very, very big is about to spread, which will have a global effect! - ... 
To the monitor:

My note:

It is very interesting that Jason Estes also mentioned the 28th of August - his posts is here:


  1. Yes, very interesting that Jason has put out the same thing. I've also been waking up in a panic for about four days now. Feels like a boiling point and something is about to pop. Goodness I hope this is the shift we've been waiting for and not another hijack. Blessings to ALL. 💜

    1. Hello, Yes, it "strange". Thank you for sharing your experiences. I have since some days weird dreams, the latest one about "giving me back my power and they are a bit fearful what I will doing with it", but this can be also that humanity finally come back online and we get back the control. I also hope this is a good shift and finally the things moving to the right direction for humanity. This one step forward, 5 step back is kinda "boring" and nerve wrecking. I hope the upcoming nights of you become calm and restful. Take care and have a good weekend :)
