"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - The tribulations - 21.08.2024

“The Call of Mary and the stase (3 Days) will change the conditions of your life, whatever the tribulations, because at that moment you will all know who you are... I talk geophysical events, modifications of living conditions for those who will not have left in eternity, or who were not evacuated by some Intergalactic Confederation forces... At some point, before the end of this stasis, every human will have passed through the portal of resurrection whatever their destination may be.
Y'all have Mary's DNA...
The near-death experience (estasis) means crossing the light for you to find what is beyond the light, and then return to that body, return to your Stellar Origin, embark with or without a body... ~ Omraam - October 2016
“You are what will never pass. The resolution is made in your heart; the reabsorption of universes, of the super universes, is connected to your presence, to what you are. The most important thing is what you feel, not what you think. Go hug a tree, go for a nature walk, smile at those you meet on the street...
There will be enough chaos out there, and not to care about it and to effectively get through it the only salvation is only in your position in the entirety of the present moment.
If you are truly present to yourself, present to Life, present in the moment, you will be free, instantly.
The Truth is in the moment, in your Silence... Peace is not in the future, nor in any intellectual comprehension, but simply in the moment and living the moment. ”
“The bloodlines of the Cosmic Mother of the Order Emerald-Blue Flame are Guardians of time and grid with multiple functions in their cellular memory and genetic history.
Some may awaken to identity consciousness to contribute directly to the construction and incorporation of ancient star portals or Grade networks that make up the multidimensional layers of the body of planetary consciousness.
Those who awaken connected to this spiritual family will experience increased communication.. ~Lisa Renee (Aug 2021)
“Embrace the energy of this new day and move forward with a grateful heart. As you prepare each day to dance with the experiences of this world remember your origins and know that you will soon return to the Stars.
May the Universe cover you with Light and Love and help you find Inner Peace. For this is the greatest gift and feat. ”~Kejraj
Wilma Capuano

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