"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jason Estes Update - high levels of pain and discomfort - 30.11.2022


now that we are in the circuit purge we are cleaning up what made up reality within our bodies this can be a very physical process and lead to some high levels of pain and discomfort really ask your body what it needs as what ever age you are is how much your body is letting go of so be gentle as your cellular memory lets go emotions can run wild and sickness can present itself stay hydrated and stretch often this too shall pass ::hugs::

With all the major updates to our bodies doing sound sequence 1 for 7 days straight might assist ❤ ::hugs:: 

Jason and Kerry K - Embodied Wisdom: The Way Home

Carta Astral 222 - Geomagnetic Storm - 29.11.2022

Dear family, we are beginning to feel the effect of a minor Kp5 Geomagnetic Storm, which we might actually be feeling a little stronger because it has a combined effect with the eruption of a plasma filament that broke off yesterday from the Solar Corona (you can see in the picture). This can cause increased ringing, fluttering, tones, and static energy in the ears, increased sensitivity, or even intolerance to loud noises or their own voice, and beginning to see colored auras, dots of light, and having Difficulty focusing your eyes. ☀️🔥

It is also normal to feel that your head is floating or that it is inflated like a balloon, this is due to the effect of a greater electrical charge in the Nervous System, if you pay attention to what you feel, you will see that you can even identify a pattern of movement of this energy in the head. They can also feel a lot of pressure on the Crown, pressure on the bones of the face and different sensations such as tingling, burning, or the sensation that a trickle of water or oil is running from them. The result is an activation of the Crown chakra and that of the Third Eye, which is why our intuition increases and Consciousness expands, facilitating our ability to identify more subtle frequencies. A slight increase in blood pressure is also normal (if it rises a lot please go to the doctor, a check-up never hurts), dizziness or loss of balance because our electromagnetic field (Toroid) is charged with more electrons, restlessness (the feeling something is about to happen), muscle stiffness in the upper body, and weakness in the legs. The hollow in the stomach, the palpitations and the fluttering or tension in the chest is due to the activation of the Cardiac chakra and the Solar Plexus. At times we can come to feel that we cannot breathe well or deeply, this is just a sensation, yes we are breathing well, remember that all these effects are only caused by a greater amount of energy passing through our body, but there is no harm in organs and tissues (which is why doctors find nothing), so there is no reason to be afraid. 🦋🪐

If you feel very uncomfortable, remember that being in contact with water helps because it acts as a buffer, and that walking barefoot on the grass or earth is also a very good measure to regulate the overload of electrons and solar particles (they are called particles, but they are really just energy). To regulate your heartbeat, press your left wrist with your right thumb two fingers below where your palm begins and breathe deeply and consciously. Trust your intuition and follow its instructions (you will feel the urge to do things like lie on the floor, meditate, take a bath at dawn, watch the sunset or expose yourself to the Sun, etc.) because each one of us already has all the information that you need to complete your individual process, the information that I share is only so that you have a confirmation and so that you are not afraid of the process of adaptation and transformation of the body and thus you can focus your attention on the expansion of Consciousness. Do not resist and trust, the body will adapt more easily if you remain calm and at peace. When you feel your heart expand with the frequency of unconditional love, let it flow and become that frequency by consciously raising it. Everything is fine, none of this can harm us because it is what we already are and what we have always been. ✨🪐✨


Original Post: FaceBook

My Note: At the moment dropped to Kp4 but still causing symptoms for those who sensitive to the geomagnetic storm.

Amanda Lorence Update - Consciousness is Frequencies - 30.11.2022



We match levels of our own Consciousness incrementally, by aligning to, sustaining frequencies of those CONSCIOUSNESS LEVELS. This is by each one’s own Soul design and own moment to. There is no trying or forcing (of the mind), it just happens TO YOU, FROM YOU, and is PRE-DESIGNED, before you entered this life form. It is Before and Beyond…the linear MIND PROCESSOR that can dominate the human, until the brain ‘marries’ the Heart (as explained a few years ago on this wall). As we each increase our VIBRATION and increase our OSCILLATION (spin) of our cellular body, we become a higher and higher FREQUENCY.
Vibration PLUS Spin, denotes ALL frequencies. In every ONE and every THING. FREQUENCY denotes CONSCIOUSNESS LEVEL(s).


The film from many years ago, called ‘LUCY’ has several similarities in terms of what happens to us at a certain STAGE, as we integrate MORE and MORE Consciousness. As we each become higher and HIGHER, ENERGETIC FREQUENCY, we reach a point where DATA CONSTANTLY STREAMS, from Consciousness TO (I emphasise TO) the Mind Processor. The mind is the processor… of ANY data, be that 3D, 4D or higher LIGHT LAYERS. Data Streaming is not about the MIND having it’s own programmed thoughts and ideas (3D and 4D frequency consciousness). What I refer to is Consciousness STREAMING INTO the mind processor as the mind TAKES a back seat to RECEIVE it (where the programmed mind isn’t operating or controlling thoughts or IMAGES). Higher frequency BEING allows us to unpackage and open constant LIGHT CODES. Those unpackaged LIGHT CODES contain LIGHT DATA, that the BRAIN receives and then processes the DATA. All light contains innate INTELLIGENCE. Every single particle of LIGHT. You open (unpackage) this data as you MATCH the frequency of the LIGHT to be unpackaged. Living this way, we are not in BELIEF (separation). We are in AWARENESS. BEING the EXPERIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS (direct data, unseparated). At this stage, we begin to MERGE into all NATURE outside of us, where we begin to become ONE. A part of one tapestry, of energy…as Consciousness.

It can be hard to keep up with a constant data stream of Higher frequencies of LIGHT DATA. Physically impossible to write or record ALL data streaming into you. At such high frequency, of FAST and CONSTANT pace, the MIND personality (lol) can question what to do with all the data streaming into it. If this is happening to you, to just allow and trust the STREAM. Allow its FLOW into you. You are becoming vaster Consciousness.Try not to let the MIND and it’s PERSONALITY OVERLAY interfere with it’s MIND questions of what to do with it all. It will come. You WILL know. At exactly perfect timing.


Everyone is at different stages, yet we are all advancing to what could be described as a CRESCENDO or CONVERGENCE, TOGETHER yet we are all at different alternating frequencies, stages, and STATES. Remember we are witnessing and experiencing Multi-Dimensionality.

As examples of humanities experiences in these last remaining weeks before 21 AND 22 DECEMBER 2022:

1] Some will still be oblivious to SHADOW aspects of self. Where self shadow remains unseen. This can be seen where judgement remains, of all or ANY outside of them.

2] Some will face, glaringly or painfully so, for clearing, SHADOW reflections of self, which is JUST to be seen, acknowledged, accepted, and loved. We are all, EVERY FREQUENCY. So to see and accept all aspects of self, allows the being to BECOME ready, to TRANSCEND out of the field of polarity. It’s a Stage of ascension.

3] Some have, are or will go through a type of ‘Living Death’ (Stage of ascension) during these remaining weeks. It’s a particular Stage to go through at their right timing. We go through many ‘living releases and surrenders’ at many stages. Yet this one I refer to is a Living FINAL death retaining the body physical. And can be confused with other previous ‘living death’ Stages.

4] Others, who have ascended through Stages 1 to 3 above in previous years, experience INCREASED RISE to 21 and 22 December via their SUSTAINED level of BLISS/COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. This is a level of consciousness that varies daily yet is a variance between HAPPY, BLISS and ECSTASY frequencies. Frequency at this stage is at WILL. And Consciousness amplification IS at speed due to SUSTAINED high frequencies. Heading to Solstice they are BEING and experiencing OUTSIDE of what we Label 3D and 4D illusions. They live in a higher frequency state, yet still have a living body, where they just bare witness to the ILLUSIONS of 3d and 4d. Supporting from their OWN FIELD, outside of the 3D and 4D Games. They may be laying foundations in 5d. Yet others with physical vessel in 5d, may be focusing (7d to 9d) on the further amplifying of ENERGY FREQUENCIES, in their continued expansion, further embodiment and experience, beyond 5d frequency bandwidth.

5] Others, for now, will not be experiencing conscious awareness of junctures 1-4 outlined above. Each have their own journey, soul choices, parts to play, and also their ‘future’ perfectly designed timings. Many many more will awaken. Often times, awakened beings can JUDGE these Souls. When what’s in front of the one judging, is to see their own judgement, to clear JUDGEMENT.


I was given this particular data only yesterday…To expect ‘people’ in the illusions of 3d and 4d, to CHANGE CHARACTER. To explain: you may know someone close in your world, or it may be someone on the public world stage. You will have experienced them, YOUR WAY, via YOUR OWN perception. Unique to you. They have played a ROLE to you, for you…But to expect certain people in your illusion, to ADOPT a DIFFERENT character yet retain the same body. I guess at human personality level, this would be interpreted as someone changing how they speak, think, act. What a hoot!

So you see, no one, is having your OWN experience…There is ONLY YOU, having your experience, storyline, beliefs, behaviours, reactions, self realisations, aha moments, based on a SHARED DESIGN we all follow. ONLY YOU find your own answers. They come at right timing from WITHIN YOU. Where your OWN dreamtime is guiding YOU increasingly. And will INCREASE for all as we go. Pay attention to Dreamtime…as we go!!! It is YOU that receive your OWN INTERNAL data and revelations. TRUST in your OWN WAY home.


As we each become HIGHER FREQUENCY, our five senses subtly and gradually become heightened. This happens subtlety whilst the Light Body is slowly (within time continuum) integrating with the Physical Body. However, shared with light heartedness, some, will experience a RADICAL, FAST, or SUDDEN acceleration in one or more of their humanised five senses. Within the period 24 Nov - 21 Dec. You are not going mad, just HIGHER in frequency and the senses reflect that .

Whatever your experience in these weeks ahead up to 21 and 22 December 2022, you are being LOVED and SUPPORTED through every day and every moment. There is a stage when you TRULY KNOW this. To feel that support, to know it is with you, for you, felt and known, needs ONLY YOU to choose your HEART. Drop into it. FEEL. For your own Heart’s Connection and your OWN choice to emanate Thy Love, opens you, continuously, to the One Infinite.

With Love,
Amanda Lorence
30 November 2022

Original Post: FaceBook

Natalia Alba - December - 30.11.2022

Beloved Ones,

We are about to step into the next, and last month, of this sixth universal year. A month whose main frequencies are going to assist us in the profound reconnection that many are experiencing, through the activation of the light body, with their Unified Selves.

A nine universal month that is represented by the termination of old cycles. Although, the more we evolve, the more we realize that endings, and beginnings, are illusions that are now vanishing, as we re-discover our authentic nature. For some of us experiencing reality simultaneously has become a constant, and only our inner guidance serves us to navigate through a new reality.

This last month is going to be a month for us to reset, rejuvenate, nourish ourselves, and above all, a month for us to dwell in the illumined essence of our soul, reconnecting with our God Self, as the world keeps creating distractions for us to be disconnected of what is really important.

December represents, in our human perspective, an ending, and so does the number that portrays its essence, a 9 universal month that confirms the end of a cycle. A cycle that began by awakening to who we truly are, healing all that was fragmented, and beginning to unify polarities to regain unity consciousness.

Number 9, symbolizes the phase where many are at this time, a stage for us to be wise, move inward, and focus on our inner Light - Truth - to walk among the shadows until we reach the new shore, using only our inner oracle to navigate through our current reality. In truth, we need nothing more than discerning which way is aligned with our God Self, and which one does not serve any longer. And even if the path of solitude is not always easy, it is essential to listen to our inner Divine Guidance, before giving birth to this new reality, in which, we have already a higher aspect of us dwelling in it.

This is a month for us to focus on gratitude, love, and compassion, as it is very important to bring more illumination, higher understanding, and above all, neutrality into what we are witnessing, and that we cannot change, but we can wrap within Divine Love.

As ascending souls, we assist first by being who we are, by exposing our personal truth, and by standing firm in our power, so nothing can distract us from our personal mission. As healers, after all, we all are here to assist the planet heal for eons of massive destruction, it is our main task to clean the earth, as much as we can, helping restore its purity, remembering that we are One with it. This is something that we can only do if we remain in a neutral, and loving space.

It is a month as well for us to focus on balance, moving inward, where we can find if there is any misalignment, and through conscious scanning, remove anything that is not in perfect equilibrium.

We are heading into an eighth universal month, as January 2023, will be a month after this nine one, in which after ending cycles, we pass to stabilize them, for eight not just represents the infinite, but the perfect balance within All in Creation.

Guides invite us to see both months, December and January, not as separate ones, but as part of the same process, as endings and beginnings meet in a timeless space, in a void, where everything happens at once, and is being woven.

This is where we are, at the moment, and Guides offer us a tool to visualize, an octagonal star pattern, for us to inform our minds of the change that is taking place, adapting to it, being flexible, and rather than being resistant, embracing this transition.

As we visualize it, paint it, or work with it in the way that is best for us, we program our minds, to integrate positive change, by surrendering to it, and embracing all the blessings that this change brings for all who are willing to move from the old and its comfort zone, and begin to create anew.

I wish you a wonderful December, filled with love, joy, and peace.

Within Infinite love,
Natalia Alba

Art by: Encoded Frequency

A QUICK NOTE #1964 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Negative implants keep to be discontinued" - 29.11.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
P1 increasing inner ground activity.
P1 calling Terrans for UNITY awareness.
P1 certifications on the agenda.
Neva+R+++: 13th Akashic Projector pointing for support evaluation. 99% (not countdown). Next >>>14. Forecast of 19. +++ AUTHORIZED. JEBLESSINGS.
Atlantean generations rising.
Divine concessions are on the rise.
Divine keeps rising.
Negative implants keep to be discontinued.
New parameters are active.
Friend Island in harmony.
Ashtar+++++++ConctSuperEleven +++++++ Active on Physical 1. Reverb at 89% (not countdown).
*Lemurian Pearls in Bearers reconnections. Support at 94% (not countdown).
*Lemurian Pearls in Bearers reconnections. Reverb 94% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!).

A QUICK NOTE #1963 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Billions reintegrate into proper field" - 28.11.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Divine Order of Grace is announced.
Attention Neva +++ Ashtar Certification +++ Eleven.
Worldly creations keep declining.
Lightness increases.
Special schedule is completed.
Necessary passages marked.
Neutral gazes keep ongoing.
Inner visits keep intensifying.
Hi-HumanS Support+++ Eleven QuanTUN +++ Overall ++++++++ >>>>>>>>> Exceptional progress >>>> 49% (not-countdown).
*21+++++++ Approved and intensified in transcendental crossing and negative Neutron. >> SUPPORT at 61% (not countdown).
*21+++++++ Approved and intensified in transcendental crossing and negative Neutron. >> REVERB at 61% (not countdown).
Billions reintegrate into proper field.
Channels are open for new submissions.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!).

A QUICK NOTE #1962 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Astrals are undergoing in intensive purification" - 27.11.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
D1 ANNOUNCED. Expansion and readness.
Karmic gaps decrease.
New divine programs are definitely established.
Moral continuities in progress.
Etheric psychoses come into healing.
Astrals are undergoing in intensive purification.
*DESTEMPO Protocol (16:00/14:12) started. Harmonizations happen: 84% (not countdown).
Attention *Hatonnic supporters! Projectors pointed! Support at 83% (not countdown)
Attention *Hatonnic supporters! Projectors pointed and in support. Reverb at 85% (not countdown).
Metatronic upwelling waves reverb at 89% (not countdown).
Aggressiveness is contained.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!).

Cosmic Gateway - Soul Linage - 28.11.2022

At the moment there is lots of energetic overlays of deeply buried treasures & traumas that are bubbling up to the surface.
As we hold energetic imprints of what I call our Soul Linage ~ similar to ancestral Linage only this is held in our DNA
It holds memories of our 'past life memories'
and also hold energetic templates of our future timelines trajectory the future version of us.
So what occurs often is we are given a glimpse into our future timeline potential either through vision, dream or higher dimensional downloads.
From then what is needed to make that jump & leap into experiencing this... Whatever is held on a DNA Soul Linage level that's not compatible with that energy starts to go through a purification process.
This is extremely confusing, challenging and often painful. As feelings, wounds, beliefs and unconscious states are brought up to the surface because they need to be clear & refined before the energy of the new pathways can open up fully.
Energy is sometimes hard & tricky to navigate as our lower mind can't fully comprehend what's occurring so our brain makes up stories that tries to justify an energy that is moving through our system.
I've always said it's important to work with the energies & not over personalise the story the mind gets fixated on otherwise the energy gets stuck.
Right now I'm seeing through my work lots of past life energy overlays occurring in people energy field, which makes it a bit of a mentality unclear place. This energy is trying to work through & release so that the new timeline can come through.
The client I work with do all the internal process work themselves to 'mulch' through these energies. I just help move that energy out so that they can be a clear vessel to access the new energy coming online available to them... just like a power hose!
Things you can ask yourself to work through these energies is...
Is what I'm feeling connect with a past life memories?
How can I work on releasing this energy?
You might be surprised what comes through.
This is also playing out deeply in dream space for so many
Lots of people are being called to step up into their next level of Soul growth & calling
Be patient with this part
Next steps will soon appear

Much love Alisha Braché
Personal Session available:

Celia Fenn - The energy is really intense - 28.11.2022

The energy is really intense as Earth moves through the tail end of a Solar CME.
But I feel that this energy is integrating and helping us to "level up" from all the shifts and changes of 2022.
For me, the most important energy right now is still Flow and Surrender. There is nothing to do except to BE in the flow of Divine Love and held in the nurturing support of the Divine Mother.
Water continues to be an important element, even though we are now in the Fire energy of Sagittarius.
Water and Fire..... the basic energies of creation.
I recommend working with your breathing. In our webinars we worked with Spiral Breathing from the Dolphins and Infinity Breathing from the Whales. Deep breathing helps to keep the Heart center open and flowing, because when you are tense you contract and you breathe in a shallow way. Deep breathing opens the heart and lungs and allows healing energy to flow through your body.
Stay hydrated. Drinking lots of pure spring water helps to flush toxins that are being released from the body in this deep cleansing and integration process.
And, most important...be present in your life and practise Gratitude every day. There is so much to be grateful for.
Have a wonderful week everyone!

Jason Estes Update - this week is going to be very physical - 27.11.2022


What a powerful weekend lots of breakaways and breakthroughs as we begin to clean our lives of all the lies and misunderstandings this next week is going to be very physical so make sure to take time and ask your body what it needs for more grace and ease and add some conscious fun into your daily life even if its just setting a timer for 5mins and doing something you enjoy daily it will make a huge difference ::hugs::

Carta Astral 222 - In the next few days a coronal hole will be directly in front of the Earth - 27.11.2022

Dear family, raise your hand who are already beginning to feel the effects of the increase in the Kp index? For those of you who are new to this page, the Kp index is a system used to measure Aurora Borealis activity caused by disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field as a result of increased input of electromagnetic energy from the Sun. Although the Measurement instruments only record active geomagnetic conditions (Kp4), at times we have even reached Kp6.

On a physical level, they may be feeling very restless or as if something external is pressing on them (more electrons stick to our magnetic field and cause a disturbance similar to the one experienced by the earth's magnetic field), increased activity in the Crown chakra (tingling and/or pressure in the center of the head), sensations on the scalp, itching or burning on the face (lips are more sensitive), small tics or vibration and electrical impulses (feels like palpitations) in different parts of the body ; ringing, fluttering, noise or static in the ears, seeing auras of light or circles of light of different colors. They can also feel electrified in their hands and feet, in addition to chills or goosebumps only in some parts of the body. Mentally they may be having difficulties with short-term memory, difficulty concentrating, forgetting words or changing the order of words when speaking, plus they may feel like they are in two "places" at once. 🦋🔥

In the next few days a coronal hole will be directly in front of the Earth and that will cause an increase in the speed of the Solar Wind, so we will be under active geomagnetic conditions and later under the effect of a geomagnetic storm, so in the next few days we will have a slight increase in activity in the heart chakra and, if sustained, toothache and headache. The energy that comes directly from our star is the one that has the greatest effect on the Heart chakra (heart, lungs, upper part of the back, Thymus gland, arms and hands) and the energies that come from Waves of Cosmic Radiation or from Cosmic Rays are more related to Consciousness because they are a higher vibrational frequency and therefore do not feel exactly the same. Stay well hydrated and balance the electrical charge of your body using cloths dipped in hot or cold water as your intuition tells you -the body has its own intelligence and knows what it needs- because it serves to calm the "pain" (which is not really it's pain, it's just excess electrical charge) and to reduce inflammation. 🌍🪐


Original Post:

Jason Estes Update - cracked open feeling - 27.11.2022


As we come up to the 28th of November we will feel an increasingly strong cracked open feeling as our circuits are being flushed out and our bodies awareness is coming online while this new phase of sensitivity can be jarring and awkward at first it will become one of your strongest allies as we move to a world based on truth instead of a lie this process of unlocking should be complete by Jan 18th for the majority and everyone by 18th of May ::hugs::

Post from a 2018 

Understanding the nature of reality and the shift of the 7 gifts and how they effect us...
So first its important to explain that there are 64 circuits that make up reality each circuit has 11 layers+2, for now lets focus on the 11 layers and leave the +2 for sometime much later to dicsuss
So these 11 layers are subject to the law of expansion which states every 3 hours 5% expansion is made, thus in essence filling each layer with 5% more stuff to learn and work on. one of the main reasons these gifts are truly GIFTS is because while they do show us a lot of stuff to heal and clear they also assist us to handle these extreme highlights and over time eventually overcome them and the law of expansion itself. so how do the gifts effect us? by adding 25% light per day to each layer starting at 1 and moving up, so it takes roughly 4 days per layer and 44 days per circuit, i know this is complicated stuff as its called an Advanced Principal so i'm doing my best to explain it in a way all can understand and hopefully this at least explains why it seems to get stronger and show deeper wounds every few days. the last thing i really want to share is that the lower circuits are based on matter, which is where most of trauma is stored and all trauma is, is a misunderstanding on an experience based on not having all the facts and a lower prospective. this being said trauma is very real until its released so the first 32 circuits can be very hard to over come for some, the good news is as we go up we also get closer to a new gift which helps us handle more, so by the time we reach the 32nd circuit we will have unlocked all 7 gifts and begun to heal the immortal i am, the whole world will have changed and we will be working towards ONE world for the first time since Lemuria, depending on when you were born you had a certain amount of circuits active so everyone will feel the effects of the gifts very differently but together we can heal through this and become who we were always meant to be. one quick side note is the earth also has 64 circuits and she is also healing them so purges will be common in the process but the extremes of them are being assisted by 111 teams world wide and much of the purges will not directly effect humanity. some of them are unavoidable and need to come to pass and the teams will do their best to make it as gentle as possible, know you are safe and as long as you remain within your own personal ethics and expand on them and yourself daily you will have advanced warnings in such cases... we are in for some pretty amazing days ahead as more and more comes to up to be seen and worked through do your best not to judge the process of yourself or others and instead love yourself through the process and others. ❤ ::hugs::"

Carta Astral 222 - Physical adaptation process - 25.11.2022

Dear all, after we were going through many internal and external changes, it is also part of the physical adaptation process to go through an energy purge. Through our physical body we also release patterns of behavior and wounds from the past that have already been transmuted. This purification of the body is carried out through body fluids, so it is most likely that in the last two or three days you have had flu symptoms (which is not flu) such as clear nasal fluid, watery eyes, cough and sore throat nausea, diarrhea or symptoms of syndrome Irritable Intestinal (some people can get nausea and vomiting as well), increased need to urinate, sweating in feet and hands during the day and excessive sweating of the entire body during the nights. Also, it is normal to have vibration or tremor in the body, short-term stiffness in joints, and outbreaks of "fibromyalgia."

During these periods of purification of the physical body, we can also feel an ascending heat as if something "burned" inside of us and dreams of earthquakes, buildings that are destroyed, dirty toilets that we have to clean, loss of all teeth and in some cases car or plane accidents. These dreams are the way in which our subconscious warns us that something in us is de-materializing (do not think that they are premonitory dreams of world catastrophes). As another experience of this purification, there is also the emotional part in which you can feel the pain of past wounds again, but not only on an emotional level, also as if it were an echo in the body because it is finally leaving our atoms. Take into account that this purification process does not cause high fever (only temporary attacks of cold) and that the symptoms should not last more than 24 to 48 hours, if you have a fever higher than 38° and the symptoms do not go away on their own in two days, the best thing is to go to the doctor to make sure everything is fine. Drink a lot of water, rest as much as possible and let everything leave your body without resistance and without giving it more work with very heavy meals (during these periods the body rejects almost everything) so that your organs can purify themselves. And...as you know, this too shall pass.🦋💥🪐


Original Post:


Energies are already fairly strong, but will change in vibrational PATTERNS and also OSCILLATION in 8-12 hours
Breathe INTO your Heart Centre, wait there a few seconds, receive the energy of LOVE, before BREATHING out LOVE into the whole of your body. There is more energy work than this, beyond the body physical, and also merging…but if busy in actions such as work, doing, people talking, family etc, this simple energy work can be done in any single moment. Even whilst at work. It CONNECTS you. And YOU participate. Consciously choosing to give energy to energy expands YOU (and all). I could gone on and on. Energy is my thing lol but will shut up now

Inspiring moments


Cosmic Gateway - Timeline shift - 24.11.2022

Over the past few days!
There has been one of the biggest timeline shifts I've experienced!
Which has occurred due to the massive increase in light which came through on the evening of the 22nd November 2022 (22.11.22)
This connects back to a timeline which was in progress or started to occur in 2019.
There was a huge amount of golden energy, high hopes & optimism that was present at that time.
Then something happened, that timeline shifted & became quite distorted.
My own intuition at that time told me that it was connected to Ancient Egyptian times & the corruption, inversion & hijacking that took place before it ended. As what started as a highly regarded & evolved civilization then came buring to the ground.
This might play out with other civilizations if you don't have a direct connection to Ancient Egypt, this could be Atlantis, Lemuria or Galactic Conflicts. You are your own best guide for this information.
What occurred back then was a massive purification of the timelines there are multiple that play out that we all have been diligently working through. Of course this was deeply connected in what we have witnessed through the global centre stage with 'disease' mis information & lots of smoke screens & mirrors.
I've talked a lot about the deception energy that has been present for most of this year!
That has been due to the collapsing of these timelines.
What has been building for a few months has lead up to what occurred over the past few days.
The full collapsing of those timelines.
Which now puts humanity on such a upswing trajectory that is once again filled with hope, optimism & light!
Physically on the body this could take a massive toll!
As the energy that came through a few days ago sent ripples & shock waves to those who are connected with those timelines especially.
You might have been having trouble sleeping, energy like this is palpable. Might make your body shake & vibrate. Make you feel sick & nauseous. Also strong energy impacting the crown, 3rd eyes, physical vision might be impacted temporarily.
Strong Headaches. Having lucid dreams or actually interactions with other dimensions while awake which can make you feel crazy if this is the first time.
This feels so powerful & monumental!
We have all been working so hard on this timeline to be correct! There have been so many gruelling tests, challenges & personal initiations with this one, which might have got you to the point of wanting to give up!
You might be having past life memories coming up either in waking awarness or through dream space
Now you might need the time & space to just rest & allow these shifts & changes to take place. This is a big process to intergrate.
You may find reconnections with people who are significant on those timelines coming back into your life physically, telepathically or in vivid dreams.
From this point moving forward there is so many beautiful transforms for us individual & for humanity
Have you been experiencing anything similar?

Much love
Alisha Braché

This post from: FaceBook

Amanda Lorence Update - Green Ray - 24.11.2022


A slightly different way of sharing and passing on. Please just take what resonates and discard the rest:

Through HUMAN choices,
The HIGHEST choice,
Is the choice of the HEART.
A GREEN RAY emits.
Thoughts emanating of the Ray
Speaking from the Ray
Actions of the Ray
ENERGY Emissions of the Ray.

The ROSE RAY is embodied, can be felt and seen, as the ALL TIME LOVE, yet it is the GREEN RAY that EMITS the ENERGETIC OUT of the Heart Centre. Both rays have a RAY purpose. Try not to identify with being any certain RAY (thus limit). As you, we, are ALL of the RAYS. Where ALL RAINBOW RAYS have purpose, and effect.
When all Rainbow Rays are embodied, consciously, remembered…the WHITE RAY is then embodied, consciously. And GOLD becomes the result.

In this GREEN RAY context;
The emission from the embodied Heart Ray of the People’s Hearts,
Shall create the GREEN RAY effect,
IN the skies, emitted AROUND the SUN.
To be Observed, prior to the SOLAR EMISSION labelled as The Event Wave.
This is WHY humanities participation in these times, is encouraged, in parallel to, and contributing to, the CREATION of The Event Wave. So to not be WAITING for it to happen TO YOU. To also not play victim (a low vibration emitted), and to not be at the MERCY of the seemingly(!) OUTSIDE SOLAR emissions in the physical world. Everything is a reflection of what is occurring INSIDE of YOU, as an individual. One by one. To also not be at the MERCY of one’s OWN Mind Processor but become the MASTER of it. Choose again and again your frequency. The mind searches outside of itself to understand and attribute MEANING thereof. The heart is the Gateway to higher frequency knowledge, the mind then processes. The heart centre is already pure love, waiting to be felt and emitted from you. YOU are the Creator of all your experiences.

It’s just a choice: to MERGE within, energetically, to all Solar Activity, and to ALL increased frequencies and VIBRATIONS occurring IN your ENERGETIC BEING.

Identifying with the human allows just that, the human to be the dominant body. This is why I constantly encourage, to choose to focus on INTERNAL ENERGETICS. Become ONE with them. Love them (they are YOU). As this is you, choosing to focus your EXPANSION on the experiences of your LIGHT, FREQUENCIES and VIBRATIONS. That which IS, and ALWAYS has been, your OWN Consciousness all along.

There shall be, at certain time (I don’t know when), enormously strong Incoming Energetics.
Many will SAY this is THE Event Wave.
But it will NOT be.
It will be the PRE-CURSOR.
So to keep this post, for ‘future’ remembrance within a fast paced media world.

From you , to you
Green Ray within equals Green Ray without.
This is NOT the AURORAS we see in the current skies. But a vastly different ENERGETIC that shall manifest.



Those in ‘earthly’ ‘high ranking’ positions of worship, are receiving conscious awareness that their ancestors deliberately positioned themselves BETWEEN the ‘words’ given by God TO God’s Peoples.

Placing themselves BETWEEN ‘The Words’ of God/Source and the People, kept the people from understanding and exploring their own innate divinity. Their individual access within, that leads to their KNOWING, and EXPERIENCE of the Divinity of God within ALL.

Through the higher octaves of their own Consciousness, the ‘high ranking’ officials within these EARTHLY STRUCTURES now receive knowledge from within themselves, that they continue to contribute to the distortion and disempowerment of God’s Children. Over time, and individually, the ‘high ranking earthly officials’ shall make their own conscious choices, within the LINEAR TIME CONTINUUM of the Divine Storyline.

Bare in mind, that the receiving of conscious knowledge is received OUTSIDE of TIME. So to be aware all above SHALL play out INSIDE of the LINEAR TIME CONTINUUM. A slowed down experience and process of the Grand Play, in order to have these experiences that SEEM REAL!! Where OUTSIDE of Time, all is happening all at the same time. At once. In one moment.

Your Heart, the GREEN RAY, the BEINGNESS in any moment, as THE LOVE, is outside of Time. Emitted in any given ‘futre’ moment, enough of humanity shall come together, with enough ENERGETIC POWER of the Green Ray, to create The Event Wave. Each that play at waiting, creating more waiting as their creation. In highest truth each that wait, are unaware just for now, they are innocently waiting for themselves…to Become. BE COMETH their own emission of the Green Ray From within…so createth, without.

So for now, and in any moment, as the remaining weeks unfold and our energies PERMEATE individually, there is choice presenting in each moment as we head towards the SOLSTICE of 21 December 2022, and the beautiful significant PORTAL presenting on the 22nd December. The highest choice, is always about just ONE focus…coming BACK to the ALL TIME LOVE, and BEING the LOVE, that you always have been.

In the absence of fear, LOVE EMANATES.

With Love to you,
Amanda Lorence
24 November 2022

(For those new to this wall…I don’t channel data, I just embody one step at a time and share inner knowledge)

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 21.11.2022

Arrest David Rockefeller Jr. to end the Biden horror show

 You can read the full report here:


Cosmic Gateway - New Moon in Sagittarius & Jupiter moving direct!

As we move through this 22.11.22 ~ into the New Moon
in Sagittarius & Jupiter moving direct!

There has been such a huge influx of energy coming in!

I haven't felt these types of frequency in this strength for years!

The image represents the colour of energy patterns I can feel that are coming in through the crown & 3rd Eye & pressure in the body as its going through a big rewiring process! These energies can create a rippling of vibration in your body similar to if you've had to much caffeine.

You can experience dizziness, floating sensations, nausea, little appetite or very hungry & goes in flux!

Also feeling disorientation when waking up as you've been travelling through dimensions. Pay attention to your dream space there will be very important information coming through

This could be creating lots of head pressure, like sharp pains, this increase in light is allowing an opening to higher consciousness & expansion of perception seeing the vastness in connecting dots like never before!

It is giving opportunities for people to come back in alignment with their soul path, so where things might have gone of course or down a different detour, New & old timelines connect!

What I mean by that is you could have been on an soul alignment timeline a few months or years ago... Gone into a different direction so that you could access deep levels of understanding of yourself have many experiences & now coming back into Alignment with where you were before just in a whole new version of yourself with more knowledge & wisdom

There is such a divine orchestration which occurs for this... As previously we weren't quite ready to embrace on that phase because our own energy signature wants in complete alignment... Where now its much more ready!

This is such a beautiful time right now to sit in the stillness, silence and communion with the Divine & Higher Self

There is much information that wants to be shared directly with you
More & more coming online each day...

Make the most of this opportunity
You might find little need for physically spoken words as the telepathic abilities come online much stronger with those you're connected with.

Animal & Children might be extra sensitive right now so give them extra love & care
Much love

Alisha Braché