"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Identify your draining agent in the matrix - 25.08.2024


This is the force embedded in human consciousness, like “Agent Smith” from the movie Matrix that holds the bars for existence in a false reality attempting to hinder the efforts of those who struggle with Illusion, blinding Truth into denial and fear, and which can manifest itself through of anyone instilling thought forms by the ignorance arising from the trance state of "asleep" humanity.

These are the tricks to convince and deceive your host in the opposite direction of the light of Consciousness. The thought form serves to create matter to sustain the illusion of three-dimensional reality through the imagination.

Any unconscious people, especially those closest to us, act as triggers resonating with something we are trying to overcome. When we react, it makes us unconscious in a battle, and "Let's Down" on Duality perpetuating and expanding individual and collective suffering.
These people can serve as mirrors, to an extent, to reveal what is buried inside us.
But it is not advisable to seek a perfect reflection of yourself in a room full of scum, repeatedly.
You must work to regain your sovereign power.
At first it's exhausting, you don't go in the same direction of the great current of energy that surrounds, limits and controls your experience so that you become sensitive to the projections as your Reality.
*Do you love Truth enough to reconstruct your Understanding, or do you settle for a reality that doesn't fit your current beliefs?
If you understand it you will be able to break out of the mind control spell many are under.
The way to replace concepts is to get in tune with the wisdom of your inner being and perceive the direction of the Path to incorporate divine principles.
To remove yourself from a negative projection you need to become aware of and change the relational dynamics that lead to distortion, and thus put in motion a reconfiguration of the light of thought.

Recognize toxic patterns in your relationships to prioritize your mental and emotional health:
The Constant Critic, who minimizes your achievements and amplifies your mistakes and makes you feel responsible for their happiness or guilty for their problems, without developing self-esteem.

The Emotional Vampire who only seeks you to vent and is never available when you need him. Or even listens, but rejects and belittles your experience to make you feel insignificant, isolated and depressed.

The Manipulator/Controller, attempts to make you doubt your perceptions or sanity in an abuse that distorts the truth to cause you insecurity and doubt in your own betterment of decision making. Don't respect the development of your personal identity and self will.
the passive-aggressive uses sarcasm or apathy to control.

It's time to reconsider the role and socialization of those people in your life choosing to claim your power, or hand it over to another. You need to erase distorted reality to take your place in a new space, in a new world.
Vilma Capuano text based on translation of article from Dreamcatcherreality.com

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