"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Ascension Lightworkers - there is currently a significant release of collective fear occurring - 31.01.2024

To the Ascension LightWorker Community, there is currently a significant release of collective fear occurring which may manifest as sleep disturbance, low energy, fatigue, and heightened mental/emotional intensity. Our auric fields are expanding, our higher hearts are opening, and a new level of conscious awareness is emerging. This energetic clearance paves the way for a large influx of Divine Feminine energies in February. High frequencies are returning to our planet and the 5D collective, permeating every aspect of our existence.

For the Ascending groups of humans, energy upgrades and integration of new energy, including specific energy center activations, have already concluded. Many are moving through these energy portals at faster speeds, successfully receiving, healing, and recharging. The overall life force energy is now stronger, more powerful, and expansive compared to the beginning of the soul expansion journey.

The influx of energies is intense, stirring everything in a challenging way. We are integrating the cosmic portal energies that started pouring in 36 hours ago, and the collective is undergoing deeper purging and clearing.

Each time you clear a negative item, settle a karmic debt, or release a soul tie, you move closer to your goals. When you allow your soul to guide you, you are always shown the way. What others think about you becomes irrelevant when you are aligned with your inner self.
On the Ascension path, you are unlearning everything you thought you knew and undergoing multiple cycles of death and rebirth. You are not only working through your own trauma but also the traumas passed down from your ancestors and Akashic experiences .

As you align with your true self, you may risk losing social connections with friends and family who no longer resonate with your journey. Letting go can be challenging, but those who are not on the same evolutionary and spiritual frequency will distance themselves, while those who are aligned will gravitate closer to you. You will witness the amazing ways in which the right people start to appear in your life.

During this journey, you may experience periods of isolation, others may judge you, creating false perceptions. However, once you embark on this ascension path, there is no going back. It can be scary and feel wobbly at times like revisiting rock bottom, but deep down knowing it is all for a much greater purpose.

Ascension is a journey where no one is ahead or behind. It is not a race or contest, but a part of ascending life. We are always learning and we are all both teachers and students here .

Ascending souls , Sometimes you get what you want, and other times you learn valuable lessons in patience, timing, alignment, empathy, compassion, faith, perseverance, resilience, humility, trust, meaning, awareness, resistance, purpose, clarity, grief, beauty, and life. Either way, you Ascend .

Embarking on a spiritual path is one of the most challenging and painful experiences in human life. It involves unlearning deeply ingrained fear and accepting its opposite which is love. you are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. You are an integral and vital part of this planetary process .

Exploring different timelines and options, you are sensing the changes and finding that past experiences resonate differently. A new cycle is beginning, and in the upcoming weeks, the Ascension path will continue to accelerate

Ascending collective consciousness is expanding within the earths energetic grids as waves of awakening ripple effects are being sent through the cosmos. The energies are Extremely intense, and those who are ascending are in the process of integrating, recalibrating, and grounding these energies into their physical being. This includes DNA upgrades and the activation of higher frequency light codes. It is a highly transformative time of ascension awakening and expansion.

In loving and devoted Ascension service,
Source information by : Ascension LightWorkers - facebook

Natalia Alba - 2/2 Portal & February holds the essence of number 1 - 31.01.2024

Beloved Ones,

In this new energetic month that we are stepping into, we will continue being immersed in the Aquarian portal that started when the Sun and Pluto moved into Aquarius, and that will continue with the 2/2 portal, and the many planets moving into this Air sign, together with a New Moon, on the 9th.

This is going to be a new energetic month, from a cosmic perspective, for us to dive deep into our connection to the whole, for this is where we are heading, into a more unified space.
February holds the essence of number 1.

This number, especially in opposition to the 2/2 portal, gives us the key to work with the energies of this month, which greatly emphasizes where many are at this time, moving from the self, the individual, the ego, the distorted masculine archetype, to the female one, the whole, and the community, for the universal Mother embraces us All, equally.

Number 1, individually, can manifest in the form of egoic traits, such as excess of power, arrogance, control, manipulation, stubbornness, etc., and that can help us see where we are, without judgments, just from an observer perspective, to be able to witness what needs to be shifted, so we can move into a more loving, and unified perspective.

Negative egoic traits can be also neutralized with determination, leadership, self-reliance, and many other positive traits that this number represents. This is an opportunity to work on inner alchemy, mastering the ego self, before we can embrace All as One, for this is a gradual step for those who are yet trapped within the ego's limited view. This is a process that must be respected as a very important part of our ascension journey that helps us step into further ascension stages.

Number 1 also represents the new, what we are creating from the inside, after a period of discernment and deep soul communion. New beginnings that will determine the course of the next months of the year, for the process of seeding starts now and it is important to start from within, which is why we had a meditative period before we can embark on a new phase.

A month in which Guides invite us to work on freedom, to be able to disengage from old programs, through mental and emotional clearing, required for us to keep an open mind/ heart, and integrity to be able to act as we now think and feel.

A new phase in which we are invited to continue working with clearing our ego, so we can move from the self to All, as the Aquarian portal will remind us during the entire month, in an attempt to mimic the new timeline's essence that we are heading into, for where we are heading is not about ourselves anymore, but about the whole as a community.

We have a wonderful opportunity, during this month to work on disengaging ourselves from egoic programs that serve the self, and start seeing everyone within Divine love, even though others have chosen to evolve, in a totally different way than we had, for all is valid to grow and expand, as in the end, we All will reunify with God's Source.

Within Infinite Love,
source - facebook

Judith Kusel - It is only an empty vessel that can be filled - 31.01.2024

It is only an empty vessel that can be filled.
As long as the negative ego puffs you up, or pulls you down, you are not in the higher state of balance and equilibrium. Christed consciousness.
When the Self is emptied, the Divine within fills the empty chalice of the heart and soul and you now are lifted beyond the I/me into the WE: - ONE.

source - facebook

A QUICK NOTE #2062 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Time bubbles actively dissolving" - 26.01.2024

P1 calling Terrans for origin recognition! Attention for PVSE/SdE calls!
Time bubbles actively dissolving.
Akashics are released for real boosters.
Tensions in T-Zone drop.
Special layers open for authorized Masters entrance.
Fallen avatars are blocked in punctual zones.
PVSE integrated into CDSN++++++.
Special protections keeping activated! PVSE +++++++.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation).

Pam Gregory - Revolution 2.0?

 If you interested about astrology watch this video - revolution and finally people stand up against the tyranny and against idiot provisions what the political puppet leaders do. 

Lisa M Harrison - A Foot in Each Reality

 In the latest Weekend Vibezz, I wrote about the intense roller coaster I'm on - we're on. I would describe it as push and pull - up and down. In this video, Lisa says it´s like a tug of war because the Ascension or positive timeline is here and locked in but there overlays from the old - so one day is like light and positive and other day heavy and dense with much negativity and it can throw you off. Exactly what I going trough - it´s a mess....but this will shall pass too :)

Weekend Vibezz

How is the journey so far in 2024? Slowly or quickly (as we perceive time individually), but January is over. I feel like I'm in an amusement park who can't get off the roller coaster - there are very good days and there are very "bad" days, probably it depends on the energies - sometimes heavier - darker (probably if it is cleaning and bring up for us a lot of unhealed stuff) and often uplifting. The last 2-3 days have been downhill and I ended up in the Mariana Trench, just as I was immersed in my own shadow pool. The whole day's tantrum, crying, frustration, fear, mistrust, betrayal, pain, hurt, and so on... Does it make sense for me to do it what I do? Does it make sense for me to be here? Will things ever get better? What if not? Many questions were bubbling in my head, somehow I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm usually positive but if not so much then comes the  "I'll shit on it, or its always turned out somehow" attitude, but if you're down, it's very easy to get sucked in by the black soup. 

Everything is energy and frequency, so when we sink too deep, we simply do not see or perceive positive or higher frequency thoughts - emotions - energies - perhaps even irritate us. I say this from my own experience, that in such cases the words "love" or "positivity", "spiritual" "light" and vibration etc. are just "blah blah" for me at such times and simply irritates me, and if someone approached me in this way, I would probably push him away, hurt him, pull him down and I would send it to "warmer climates"...but can happen other way around too if that person can really affect me, understand me then that person can pull me up. 

I usually pick myself up from the depths alone and maybe that's why I understand and try to help those who are "down" alone and they almost shouting with their writings that they need help to climb out of their own pit. It helps the most to them to know that they are not alone, and somebody understands them what they are going through, sometimes not need much word just enough a quiet yet understanding presence and the fact that somebody listens to their agony. Sometimes this kind of help comes in handy, a hand to hold if we fall. But the work has to be done individually for everyone, everyone is different - what helps me may not helpful for you at all - the point is to find the thing or things that help you get back on your feet, go up again and help yourself through these turbulent times.

Sometimes I wonder why I had to go through certain experiences and emotions, but I realized that what you go through - you experience - gives you an understanding, insight to yourself, and through you to others. Later on, you will look at the world and others with this "understanding" and you will have less and less judgment. Let's face it, everyone in the world judges or criticizes the other because we don't really understand those people and situations. This is when different perspectives come in handy.

I understood one thing now as I write this post...why the cabal and other negative beings are irritated by light, love and everything positive and why they put so much effort to keep us down till end of times. Until now, my understanding about them was only in theory in my head (my ego wants to understand and analyse everything) but if you have been down in your deep holes, you know what "feeling" is, what thoughts it entails, then you will understand them too and somehow you look at them from a different perspective. If we look at it in duality or up- what they are doing is absolutely not good - they have brought a lot of suffering, chaos and death... because that is all they know - in the frequency in which they bathe, can´t see or even comprehend and reach other higher frequency. They stuck in low vibration and low emotion and because they are unable to reach the higher vibration, they are unable to access healthy emotions or feed with light - so they are forced to feed on low frequency emotions "loosh" - just think of the vampire stories. There are many explanatory words in the Hungarian language, so it explains the two opposite emotions very well. In Hungarian, love is szeretet, if I separate it then szer (can be short word for love and also meaning material for or  medicinal substance), etet is feeding so the love is a medicine which feed - the love is feeding. The opposite word is hate - gyülölet. Gyül (is hate which is accumulates), ölet means kills so the hate is an emotion which kills you. Since there is no love to feed them, so to stay alive they have to feed in another way - this is the basic foundation of their whole system - sucking the life energy of other living forms - such as ticks, parasites and cancer. Basically we are the food source and the battery in their dead systems. Just look at the structure they have created over so many millennia. Hierarchy (the pyramid), multi-layered programming, chips and implants (human and galactic), re-education camps (school, entertainment industry), scheduling of human life - slave system (kindergarten - school - university - workplace), corp/orations, people dependence on the system, healthcare mafia, puppet elections and more. 

I think their situation is more sad so unnecessary hate them (it just makes you sick anyway but a lot of spiritual people do it)... they have gone so far from the light that they can't find their way home... and if we go further in galactic history, we will find the reason for what happened to them (virus, bad code, AI, anomaly) which they infected the entire universe and currently we reverse this whole situation. As the pendulum swung to one side, now we flip it to the other side - this is the big experiment.

In fact, they created the absolute opposite system of their creator/Source. The question is, is this also part of the game's story (part of the duality game) or was it created "accidentally"? But since there are no coincidences...then was it planned? Or a by-product of creation? If it's so bad and miscreation then why do millions or billions of souls come to experience it? Or (I think this is it) simply the end result of the universe's game of free will...the end product of the free will of many life forms - the sum of infinite possibilities....this is the end of the simulation of free will.

And what brings me out of the abyss? the music...this week DJ Mathon's remix selections helped me - "not all heroes wear cloaks" https://www.youtube.com/@djmathon/featured

The best music here would be the simulation from Anima..."Connect your mind, connect your soul, connect your body. Enter the simulation...


But I bring something happier....

Have a great weekend :)

I ask apology

😅yayy..I would add the tantrum show too to the list 😂

Eceti & James Gilliland - ECETI News #76 - Prophesies and Predictions - 24.01.2024

We have talked a lot about the future since 1982 in the Books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, The Ultimate Soul Journey, Anunnaki Return and the latest UFOs the Origin of Religion and Man. There are prophetic threads through all the books the most were in Becoming Gods. You can find these books at our website under books and videos or www.lulu.com. We have also talked about future events on the radio shows for over 20 years giving specific predictions which came true. The San Francisco earthquake, 7.1 quake that hit Seattle, swarm of quakes on Mt Hood, solar events, social political changes have all been foretold on various radio shows and newsletters. We were asked to bring things up to date and speak about the near future. Before we get into specifics, we need to know generally what will unfold, the big picture then we can see how we fit into that picture through be lie f, choice and action which are the strongest factors determining our future. 

The big picture is everything that does not align with Universal Law is going to come undone. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is Universal Law. It will be as if God/Creator/Great Spirit presses in with the Beautiful Many Masters, Saints and Sages, this includes Benevolent Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off-Worlders, some our Ancient Ancestors while the Earth is Ascending. Humanity and the darker forces caught in the middle will have no other option than to heal, release the past, and align with Universal Law. Karma, Action/Reaction will be amplified and accelerated. There is no wrathful god, this will all be one’s own undoing or ascension. There is however evolution, destiny and those who ensure evolution takes the upward spiral. 

A great example is the days of Sodom and Gamora. The two cities were on a downward spiral. The moral depravity, violence, theft, lack of love, respect, honor fell to the level where something had to be done. It is like a sore on a leg, left untreated it goes septic, gang green sets in eventually killing the whole body. Sodom and Gamora were surgically removed by a very advanced race known as Andromedins, mythically known as Arch Angels. It was not done as punishment it was done to preserve and protect the whole, ensure evolution takes the upward spiral. 

If you look at some of the major cities, especially democratically run they are fast tracking to a Sodom and Gamora event. When the consciousness collapses the field of energy collapse which is harmful to Earth and contrary to her ascension. She has to clean up those areas. It could be tsunamis, floods, quakes, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, many of which with today’s technology can be created or steered for all the wrong reasons. The UN, WEF, WHO the global elite would be representative of the leader ship of Sodom and Gamora before their removal. They are morally and integrity challenged, gender confused, engage in child and sex trafficking, they are also the war and disease profiteers. Many are Satanic/Luciferian which explains where the millions of missing children go every year. They are at war with masculinity because the masculine is the protector by nature of what they want to destroy. They are the international bankers, the mega corporations which own and control almost everything in modern day society. They own your political institutions, your religious institutions, business institutions, your medical institutions, the supply lines, the flow of energy, almost every aspect of modern-day living. They will come to an end.  

This is a clue as to how to survive the fall of the tyrants. Don’t be dependent on, “modern day”, become sovereign, self-sufficient, have your own water supply, heat source, grow and store your own food, be sure you can protect yourself and your family. As we speak there are around 2800 global elite meeting at Davos, the WEF meeting planning on how to completely dominate, control, reduce population through wars, bioweapons “plagues”, toxic food, water and air additives, “chemtrails”, including creating social unrest through divisionary tactics, religious or race wars. Their green new deal is a steal of your green. The earth according to the raw data not adjusted data is cooling. We are in a CO2 drought. CO2 makes up .04% of the atmosphere. Humans contribute .03% of the .04% a negligible amount the rest is natural. CO2 is necessary for the plants, forests and food production. Know the real science not the profit driven science used to terrorize you into giving up your freedoms and funds. Terrorizing the young into eco warriors into doing their bidding has worked very well, it will backfire on them when their energies are redirected towards the deceivers and tyrants. The good news is they will fail but not before doing a lot of damage. 

There are two spirals in evolution. The upward spiral living according to Universal Law, a spiritual life in service and harmony with each other and the planet. The downward spiral is going against Universal Law in self-service, living in disharmony with others and the planet. Those with an insatiable lust for power and wealth desiring to control and dominate are on the downward spiral. Both spirals are being amplified, accelerated in what many call the quickening. We have spoken about all this for years and it is written about as far back as 1982 in the books and newsletters. So how does this factor into the future. 

God/Creator/Great Spirit has given its best for these times. You are going to see some powerful leadership arise on both sides as things become more polarized. Nothing will be hidden; everything will be made known the iniquities of all men/women will be shouted from the roof tops. The safeguard Creator put in place, the failsafe is the soul and its connection to Source which will be activated. Many have incarnated from many planes, dimensions, advanced civilizations to be a part of the planetary liberation, the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. Ancient memories will surface from previous civilizations that have come and gone. The Atlantis Lemurian conflict 2.0 rematch is unfolding. There are those that want to use technology to dominate spy on and control the masses which worshiped the intellect and technology. These were the Atlanteans. Then there were the Lemurians both space faring which lived according to the law of one, helping those less fortunate to reach their highest potential. They worshiped the unseen God in everyone and everything. A great war broke out initiated by Atlantis yet Lemuria ended it steering a meteor impacting Atlantis. Let’s not do this again. 

There was a lot of double speak back then as there is today. Observe the actions. Remember the ones accusing usually have three fingers pointing back at them. The modes operandi of the dark hearts and servants of the dark hearts often referred to as the devil’s tool is accuse others of what you yourself have done or are doing. A Marxist tactic. They eat the finest food, fly in their private jets, travel in their motorcades and shame you for your carbon footprint. Most of your genocidal leaders of the past were socialist. Even Hitler. Consolidating the power and wealth into the hands of a few and out of the hands of the many leads to a loss of freedom and life. Know your history. The hand outs in the beginning are someone else’s money. When it is gone it ends in abject poverty, forced compliance, and eventually genocide.   

To boil this down into more specific information your Sun is going to continue to expand with stronger CMEs coronal mass ejections and flares. There will be an increase in mass unrest, severe weather, earthquake and volcanic activity. The polarity between the controllers and those who demand freedom will increase. The socially and chemically engineered will begin to awaken. The gender confusion is a direct result of the controllers attempt to destroy the family unit. The race and religious wars driven by megalomaniacs will escalate until the people begin to wake up and see it for what it is and who is really behind it. The light is going to come on in every walk of life, every institution. People are going to look around and say this is not right, this is harmful to humanity and the Earth, disempowering and begin to ask questions, later demand answers.

Leadership on every level in every institution, the mainstream news and social media will be questioned, blind following is over. Social engineering will fail. The tyrants will use every method possible to maintain their ill-gotten kingdoms, power and control. It will be for naught. They are up against an unstoppable force, a destiny orchestrated by God/Creator/Great Spirit and the Beautiful Many servants of the Creator within all Creation. The days of controlling the masses with fear, guilt, shame, unworthiness, deception, and images of wrathful gods is also coming to an end. Those perpetuating these false images and programs will go mad. All logic will evade them, they will become fanatic, thinking they are the chosen ones creating more division contrary to their prophets, masters and sacred texts. Love, service to others, unity will be tossed out the window in some religions, upheld in others. Tyranny in all forms will have no place to hide. Those serving the beast will go down with the beast. 

The more we stop allowing outside influences to control and dominate our lives the better off we will be. Those that go within, those who allow their heart and spirit to guide them will fare well. The soul actually sits in a chamber next to the heart. The soul is connected to God. Enlightenment is a multidimensional journey that begins with accessing the soul and expanding into greater states of awareness. Love, Joy and bliss is the target for that is the true nature of the Creator, the true nature of man/woman. The God seed, the spark awaiting to become the full flame. 

If you take this path, you won’t need a prophet, a seer, external leadership because you will be lead from within. You will know in the moment what to do. We suggest acting on inner guidance and prepare for future moments. There will be a collapse of the old to make way for the new. The Federal Reserve which was never Federal is the institution used by the enslavers. It and its banks will fall. There is talk about a QFS quantum financial system that will take the place of the banks where everyone’s accounts are mirrored yet things could go either way. Do not go into a digital money system, they will control every aspect of your life. Precious metals are always a good back up as well as land yet be conscious when working with the land. Respect the already existing flora and fauna, sit with the land, ask permission before altering the terrain. Not doing so can have consequences. 

The corrupt agencies will also fall as the leadership is held accountable. The Global organizations whose mandate is to control and dominate will come to an end. The tyrants globally will also come to an end. They are on the downward spiral and not frequency specific to the Earths ascension. There are some very powerful people that are waking up, getting behind the awakening and healing process that is well underway, standing for freedom that had a sketchy past. If they stay on track support them. They will be directing assets and energy to the liberation of Earth. Nature is going to become very active in the cleanup. There are also forces on the ground rising, the white hats divinely inspired to restore the republic, the Constitution, Universal Law, nationalists in every nation doing what is right for their people. It will be two steps forward one back yet eventually there will be a ground swell of people resisting the ever-increasing tyranny around the world, the rising to the occasion. There will be no place to hide for the servants of the Beast. It will be as if God/Creator/Great Spirit says, “IT IS FINISHED”.

Choices and actions individually and collectively will be the main drivers in the individual and collective futures. In simple terms, your choices and actions along with your past will decide your future. We have to release the past, heal any wounds, traumas, wrong conclusions from past experiences. This includes generational, race and cultural grudges if we are going to be a part of the Earth’s ascension. If not, we will go back on the wheel of death and rebirth, back to a lower plane, start over due to the fact that you will no longer be frequency specific to Earth. Sorry to say many will take that path, some are not bad people they are just bad listeners, to attached to social consciousness, positions and power. 

We are moving into a different consciousness. A consciousness necessary to contact and connect with God/Creator/Great Spirit, the Beautiful Many Saints, Sages and Masters which includes Benevolent Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off-Worlders, some our ancient ancestors. Contact has been going on for time eternal with those who rose to the occasion. This is in all your sacred books. The veils between worlds are becoming very thin. Stop waiting for contact. Don’t expect others to make contact for you. Especially in Ufology, it is a controlled narrative, disclosure is an 80-year fail. The last thing the controllers want is for you to have access to free energy, quantum healing, knowledge of the true history of Earth, the true origin of man and religions. Sounds like a great title for a book. UFOs Religion the Origin Man. 

Contact with benevolent Spiritually and Technologically advanced ETs would be a great equalizer, and end to the enslavement through dependency. Imagine free fuel less energy, replicators to provide your needs, med-beds that can restore your DNA, heal any disease rejuvenate organs rebuild your body including lost or damaged limbs. Anti/counter gravity traveling several thousand miles an hour safely opening the door to space, other planets, other dimensions. This technology already exists on Earth yet it is not in the hands of the people only the self-selected. Before this technology can be utilized, we need to rise to the occasion with a high level of morality and integrity. We need to heal past trauma, forgive, release the past, raise your frequency, live according to Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. Get out in Nature, pray, meditate, give thanks for what you have. Ask yourself what you are doing to create Heaven on Earth. For those with open minds, loving hearts and pure intent go out in the wee hours of the morning on a dark moon with clear skies. The skies are filled with ships. They’re waiting. It is destiny to join the greater family of man throughout the galaxy and universe. They also come from other dimensions and Inner Earth. There is going to be one heavenly reunion coming up. Be ready for it. 

God speed,

James Gilliland


ECETI Website: https://www.eceti.org/home.html

Jason Estes Update - major sunself update and system restore point - 25.01.2024


Yesterday we had another major sunself update followed with a strong system restore point so things will shift pretty fast for next week or so keep in mind as things fall away it makes room for whats next for you and its not happening to you its happening for you ::hugs::

source - facebook

Natalia Alba - moon in Leo to help us examine and balance our ego self - 25.01.2024

Beloved Ones,

We are concluding January with a moon in Leo to help us examine and balance our ego self, as well as to regain the courage to face our healing journey, with integrity, devotion, and trust. It is after this pause to regain strength, that we continue renewing and clearing ourselves, with the upcoming Aquarian portal, so we can resurrect, as Pisces in March will remind us, into the enlightened beings that we are, in nature.

As you know, the Aquarian Era will actually start around 2400 CE (Common Era or Anno Domini). Our personal, and planetary transition is what is giving birth to this New Era. We are at a key passage of our ascension path to anchor this new frequency within us, and hence in our lives, so we can contribute to the massive planetary shift that is taking place, which is what creates the New harmonic timeline that we are so eager to step into.

Pluto moving into Aquarius, together with the Sun and the 2/2 Aquarian Portal coming soon, opens the gates for us to start seeding this New Era. A portal that will too count with Mercury moving into Aquarius on February 5th, a New Moon at 20 degrees of Aquarius on February 9th, Mars moving into Aquarius on February 13th, and Venus on the 16th.

Energies of freedom, by clearing rigidity, especially in our mental plane, and energies of reparation, are available to all of us, if we are willing to remove eons of false programming and slavery, as before we embark into this new cycle, we need to prepare our bodies to hold this new frequency.

Guides invite us to work on DNA clearing, our telomeres, clearing the non-benevolent galactic essences, and all that is still fragmented within, so we can step into the integration of our divine selves. A process that many are already undergoing and that will allow us to continue embodying our unique purpose.

To facilitate this process of consicous clearing and regeneration, Guides invite us to call upon the 12D White Ray, the Diamond Avatar Ray who will help us realign with our God Self, clear our physical, and non-physical bodies of distortions, and prepare our bodies to embody this new frequency. After clearing ourselves, ask this ray to help you regain the crystalline memories and properties that are already within your crystal body, for this is the purpose of Aquarius, to help us reconnect with the 12th Ray, and hence God Self.

This a gradual process that we can support by conscious eating, our daily ascensional practices, exercising, and reprogramming of our mitochondria if when scanning our bodies, we find any issues, for this is pivotal to be able to integrate, manage, and conduit the energies that we are now co-creating with.

Healing and liberating ourselves from old frequencies and aspects of our egoic self, is essential to start resurrecting into illumined beings. It is one of the most important inner tasks to achieve if we desire to create a loving earth community, where we finally move from the self to All. However, for this to take place, first we need to create inner synthesis, so we can extend this same unity to All living beings and forms of consciousness.
May you always dwell in a loving, free, and compassionate frequency, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
source - facebook

Judith Kusel - new journey and new dimensional frequency band - 26.01.2024

We are all now on a totally new journey, and on a totally new dimensional frequency band. We are losing density in all ways now.

The more light which enters bodies, the more the more the physical body is having a hard time keeping up with the loss of density and this leads to physical discomforts in the body. It is the bodies' way of losing toxic waste, and remember that the emotional and mental as well as spiritual bodies and indeed all twelve bodies form one single entity.

It mostly our emotional body and all the emotional charges and baggage we acculumated, which cause the di-stress and dis-ease in our physical bodies and mental overload. The more we heal, the more this will have a ripple effect on the whole, as the bodies are now constantly needing to readjust themselves, even as our new 12 and 24 strands of DNA are already in place and this is going to have the effect of losing even more density.
Please be gentle and kind with yourself and your body.

We will find more and more food intolerance and need more which is organic, natural and light to eat and absorb. Bless all food and water so that your own inner light is amplified by Divine Light, so that this assists the assimilation process.

More natural water, and more fresh air and being in nature. Indeed, the need for greenery, earth, and being near water resources like dams, rivers, oceans etc., mountains as they contain pure crystalline energy, and the life giving force of Mother Nature and Mother Earth will become more palpable. Our souls seek this.

As our higher chakras with our higher heart opens, the doors to eternal life are opening, and with this the elixir of life is being returned, which brings with it longevity and new radiant health and vitality.

It is just this transition phase which is going to be difficult to navigate for many, as our bodies needs more rest and add to this our minds. The heart center is going to open more and more until unity and oneness becomes the norm, just like the life breath itself.
In our sleepstate, while our souls work at intergalactic levels, the Intergalactic Medical Teams are working intensely on our bodies to assist us with this process.
We are being assisted in so many unseen ways now and we are being carried through.

So much Love!
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Judith Kusel - the next years will be huge transition and transfiguration beyond anything humankind has ever known - 26.01.2024

"In this regard first of all as the New Earth is fully born at this time and the next years will be those of huge transition and transfiguration beyond anything humankind has ever known, it is time to let go of the past in all forms and expressions thereof. It is forever gone and this means that clear deeply on all levels, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and all twelve bodies what surfaces now to be released. Often souls cling onto such memories, even is subconscious in an effort to not need deal with the wounds being cleaves open or to face their own blind spots. However, the cleaving open is so necessary, for otherwise the higher heart, the higher throat and Alta Major chakras, with the third eye and crown merging as one and then the highest transmitter chakra channels can not be fully opened. For it heart still cringes away from fully loving unconditionally on all levels, it has not yet healed. As long as judgments remain, the soul is not yet in unity with self and others, and as long as the negative ego rules in some or other form or ways, as fears surface, the soul is not yet completely freed.

For as all surfaces now in the greater humanity, know that you are not only clearing and dissolving your own soul’s past and in this lifetime, but also that of ancestral patterns of pain and suffering, as well as that of your own country. This extends if you leave your country and go and live in another country – for then your soul at deep inner soul levels agrees to work through that countries baggage or negative patterns as well. Remember this.

Such work is so often done in your sleep state, especially now when massive Light codes and sacred geometries and immense Illumination is happening from the Great 7th Central Sun of Illumination and the Sun flares released as well and amping up of the Sound frequencies and vibrations, into 3 octaves higher than ever before. Your physical body is going to feel this, and needs more rest, even as the physical loses its density and is filled with more light, dis-ease in the body may amplify too, until all is finally healed and cleared.

As all of this now will affect the whole of humanity many souls will panic for they are still so asleep and indoctrinated, or rather in a state of negative hypnosis that they will panic and will tend to dive deeper in to the abyss, while some will finally wake up and some ever more. This is where Lightworkers like you will be pulled into action in powerful ways, but the trick here is not to get sucked into their dramas and into whatever the old redundant forces try to come up with to keep their power bases, but to learn to rise and fly above it all, observing but not getting pulled in. In so doing you can hold the light steady within you and even amplify this and your heart in unconditional love for self and others, without judging, without sowing more seeds of separation, and without creating more negative patterns, for all will boomerang back to you instantly now.

You are indeed creating your own reality with every thought you think, every word you speak and every action you are taking or not taking. It is imperative to control your thoughts, your emotions and more than this to know yourself – for one cannot gain in mastery, as long as you still allow yourself to be pushed around by the lower self, and not operate by the Higher Soul Self as ONE with the Mighty I AM THAT I AM, for now all is merging with the Soul Group, the Monad and as your soul belongs to a Cluster Soul Group (more than one soul group merging together), this is amplified in the highest degrees.

The trick is to be fully anchored within, and then this will manifest outwards and to always know keep the end goal in your vision, in your heart and in your soul, for you have been prepared for thousands of earth years exactly for this time.

More than this: what is it that you truly wish to see anchored into the New Golden Age? What do you wish to leave as a lasting legacy of unity, peace and love for the new Human Race? Yet crystal clear, and then start LIVING it with great love.

The trick is to be fully anchored within, and then this will manifest outwards and to always know keep the end goal in your vision, in your heart and in your soul, for you have been prepared for thousands of earth years exactly for this time.

More than this: what is it that you truly wish to see anchored into the New Golden Age? What do you wish to leave as a lasting legacy of unity, peace and love for the new Human Race? Yet crystal clear, and then start LIVING it with great love.

It means letting go totally of the old you and all you ever were before in any lifetimes on earth – you cannot co-create the NEW on the shaky and often most dark foundations of the Old Earth. If you wish to create a new life, even a new existence, then you need to first visualize or conceive in your own heart and soul, what that life should or will look like, if you co-create or lovingly serve from your own heart and soul, with great love, in the highest and best ways, for the highest good of all. For the New Earth is all about US/WE and not about the I. I want, I possess, I play power games, etc. It is about building communities and networks of light where every soul is valued, and loved for who and what she or he in truth is, and everyone living their truth, while at the same time their inner soul’s gifts and talents are pooled, as all work together as one, and cocreate loving, unified life in all forms and expressions thereof and co-exist will life and life forms AS ONE and in unity, harmony and peace.

If this is not present within yourself, how can you do this? All paths lead back to your own self and to what is there within you which needs to be worked at and brought into harmony, peace and unity and more than this loved within you!"

Copyright Applies: excerpt from a Soul Reading done by me.

Judith Kusel

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A QUICK NOTE #2060 - #2061 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Expansive symptoms are dynamized & Astral violence decreases - 24 - 25.01.2024

P1 calling Terrans for origin recognition! Attention for PVSE/SdE calls!
Nebulous are stricken by Ashtar(s) and recycled.
Extra time visions started.
Neva+R+++: 14th Akashic Projector pointing for support assessment. 55% (not countdown). Next >>>15. Forecast 19. +++ AUTHORIZED. JEBLESSINGS.
Attention *The Star Line Bearers! Projector Support for Enlightenment at 94% (not countdown).
*The Star Line Bearers: Line Enlightenment in progress: 98% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Transfers to *Khalthart are approved. 2nd wave at 99% (not countdown).
Unconscious releases started: 2/3 SPECIFIC FIELD >>>> 98% (not countdown).
Astral events keep increasing.
Expansive symptoms are dynamized.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation).


P1 calling Terrans for origin recognition! Attention for PVSE/SdE calls!
Quantum are dynamized. 
Beloved sheep are empowered. 
*Oumsheryam+++12+144 active and reverberating! 100% active efficiency (not countdown).
Ascending markings are authorized.
Water waves prepare healing baths. 
11:11 +++++++ Terrans called!
Dynamic portals open. 
Astral violence decreases. 
Solar forces increase specifics aimed. 
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation).


Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 22.01.2024

The Satanic group mind is about to be defeated

You can read the full report here:


Cosmic Gateway - SAVING YOUR INNER CHILD - Restores Right Relationship! (video)

 Wow what a good video full packed with information - distortions, deep programming, traumas - what is the key to get back our power, sci-fi and a lot of ssp stuff - forward and back programs, jump rooms and the thing what I didn´t know before - kozyrev mirror - regressing the body back to the original blueprint and get back a lot of psychic abilities - telekinesis, telepathy etc.  

Carta Astral 222 - 12 M class solar flare in the last 24 hours - 23.01.2024

Wohooooo 12 Class M calls in the last 24 hours

So they probably feel their heart and stomach mouth like they’re walking at the fair
Dear family, I don't know if you remember that some time ago I shared with you that we had already adapted to the vibrational frequency of the so-called M Class flames and that we were now going for the X Class and what can arise from them. Although they are the same event in the Sun, it is not the same vibrational frequency because they do not have the same speed, and the effect is also not the same of a single Class X+ flame as that of several Class M flames. That is, it is not the same to receive 12 impacts of medium intensity (the effect on the physical body is different) than just one of the intensity of a so-called X+ Class. It is as if the vibrational frequency of the Class M flames was a background melody, constant in the last 24 hours, but already without the same impact on the physical body as in the years prior to 2017.

In the expansion of Consciousness and the internal experience of this process do continue to have a significant effect (because they continue to have a subatomic/quantum effect), but at the level of the physical body the "symptoms" are no longer as intense as before because our Nervous and Cardiovascular System can already lead a greater amount of electrical impulse from electromagnetic energy that comes from the Sun.

Either way, they could be having a lot of sensations in the brain, face and cervicals. Dizzy or as if drunk, pressure in the ears and forehead, sudden coughing and sneezing; heat in the chest, palpitations, double pulpitations, indigestion and/or reflux, lots of sleep (fatigue or muscle weakness) and lots of thirst too.

The subjective and internal experience that everyone has depends in large part on how they perceive what is happening, whether they see it as a “threat”, a “illness” or simply a bunch of “shocks” all your energy and this energy will be hoarded by the function of the brain that thinks and seeks threats (it will focus on the right tonsils which is the body's natural alarm system to ensure our survival) instead of directing it to other parts of the brain that could benefit and expand with it. Energy is just energy, each of us chooses where and how to direct it.

The physical body has to go through the adaptation process as a biological entity that it is (regardless of the subatomic/quantum part), but always a "symptom" that we might perceive as unpleasant lasts less time or even stops being perceived if we don't resist and let it flow with love, patience and lots and lots of water. Don't push your body to feel "okay" (because it's not going to work), nor despair with it for what you're feeling, if you can avoid complaining (even though mentally) much better because if you complain you'll provoke resistance and keep having the same experience over and over instead to facilitate the process to the most dense and complex frequency of all they are.

It is important to remind you that the physical symptoms related to this process are cyclical (they come and go), they start from one moment to another and in the same way disappear, they do not go in progressive increase, nor are they extreme to feel incapable. If you have any symptoms that are gradually increasing and lasting more than 24 hours, it is better to get checked by a trusted doctor or naturoist. Acute chest pain, bleeding, loss of knowledge and high fever are not energy related symptoms, if you have any of them please consult a doctor or naturoist. Babies, children and animals adapt (and will continue to adapt) more easily but may also be experiencing strange behaviors and a greater need for water and rest. Honor your process too because what we are living is not selective, the only difference is the subjective experience of each individual Consciousness.


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Natali Alba - Full Moon in Leo - 24.01.2024

Beloved Ones,

During this time of soul reconnection for many, we have a Full Moon at 5 degrees Leo that will help us create this communion between our Higher Heart and mind, for there are many who are finally stepping into a more consicous and harmonic state of being, and hence timeline. Leo's energies will help us to open and expand our hearts, and have the strength to continue being devoted to our chosen journey.

Aligning our heart and mind is how we begin the process of becoming sovereign beings, by being open, in mind, heart, and soul to what we thought was true and no longer feel authentic in our heart, beginning to detach from eons of distortions, finding for ourselves what is true for us, and what will help us in our choice of reclaiming our personal freedom and sovereignty.
Leo represents the heart complex, which includes the thymus, or soul portal, as I call it, our heart and throat. This is our self-expression center, and the Higher Intelligence within our bodies that connects us to who we truly are, and with the cosmos, for it beats at the rhythm of the universe.

Guides invite us to focus on the thymus, especially before stepping into it, working on astral healing, for as you know our heart center is linked to our astral body, which is an essential aspect of us to clear and deprogram.

Leo also rules our personal power, solar plexus, and therefore ego self. Physically, it is linked to our stomach, the one that digests our emotions and all the energies we embody. It offers us the opportunity to work with our egoic distortions, for as you know on our ascension journey balancing the ego is a daily inner work. To help us in this task, we have the full moon square Jupiter and quincunx Saturn. While Jupiter will too sextile Saturn.

This is a passage for us to use all of our inner strength and wisdom to balance the human aspect of us that has to do with excess power, working on inner alchemy to shift all these negative egoic traits for the authentic ones that Leo represents: Will, determination, self-empowerment, faith, integrity, courage and above all, the confidence that comes when we are in perfect communion with our heart and soul.

It is with this sign that we heal narcissism, anger, and violence, for hidden within all these feelings is a wounded heart, with the power of trust, faith, and determination, healing soul fragmentation, we can come back to the light and love of who we are.

This is a powerful time as well for those who are retrieving their personal power through cutting cords in their relationships, for it is another important cause of energy leakages in our body, to be connected whether consciously or not, to another person or source, often astral and non-benevolent ones.

This inner work is also pivotal to retrieving our personal energy, vitality, and power, as many times we believe we are being attacked and the truth is that we are connected to sources that take away our life force.

Even though these energies invite us to work on the self, for it is how we grow and heal, remember that life is all about balance. We have the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius, which is a cosmic reminder for us not to forget about the whole, as another part of us.

Leo is all about the self, while Aquarius is about All, as a community. This is a message for us to remember that true power comes from unity and that even though we are on an individualized journey to retrieve our power and authentic essence, we can never do so without others.

We are now on a journey to move from the self to All, for healing duality means to simultaneously retrieve unification, and hence integration. Leo invites us to own our power, while Aquarius keeps reminding us that power is precisely about living within Divine Love and Service to All, for the illusion of the self vanishes as we keep embodying our divinity and merging with it.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
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Celia Fenn - January 24th 2024. Solar Radiance

The Sun is very active at the moment, just crackling with ongoing Solar Flares.
I am sure you can feel the energy. Here it is just so hot as midsummer high temperatures are experienced.
Those newly hatched Dragon babies are sure making their presence felt in the waves of golden Solar Light.
Welcome to the Age of Aquarius...where the energy simply crackles with power and creativity.
Your body may take a while to acclimate to this new high energy, so please look after yourself and practice self care.
We are coming up for the 2/2 Aquarius Gate soon, and so the Solar Royal Lions will also be about.
And, of course, it is Full Moon in Leo tomorrow on the 25th, so Lions and Dragons make for a very powerful mix.
Stay calm, stay centered and flow with the creative power!
Love to everyone!

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Amanda Lorence - Role Changes - 24.01.2024


I mentioned in approximately March 2023, and a few times since, that as we go, there will be ‘Role Changes’. Role Changes in terms of our service to God/All.

I am NOW aware since last night, that the holographic ‘rooms’ are NOW created. Have now been manifested into HIGHER LIGHT holographic forms. That when ‘entered’ by the Human Avatar, certain ones will BEGIN the early stages of their said ‘Role Change’.

Bare in mind, your consciousness is the Creator of your individual holographic realities (rooms). That it IS the Human Avatar that IS the aspect in degrees of forgetfulness.

And so, whilst the holographic rooms for Role Changes are NOW manifested at higher energetic LIGHT LAYERS, for the human avatar to ENERGETICALLY walk into, it will take the actual Human Avatar (on solid Earth) degrees of linear time, to learn it’s new ‘set’ (room). Learn what it is to do inside that holographic room. Learn and use it’s own NEW skills. Acquire MORE LIGHT DATA knowledge. And as it does, the actual human avatar begins to align INTO it’s NEW ROLE, and thus perform it’s new role, here on the ground, within the multiple frequencies of humanity. And this multi-dimensional experience of many many light layers of frequencies.

To others observing a human avatar that has a ROLE CHANGE, they will gradually notice several changes about that being:

1] What they focus on in service changes.

2] Their energetic abilities will change. As and in their service.

3] Their personality will seem (I emphasise ‘seem’) to change to a degree. Yet in truth, it is their aware consciousness STATE that has changed. That many others will not see or be aware of. As many others still view personality from their own personality. Rather than feel the other as Consciousness.

4{ They will keep rising in energetic frequency as they learn and adapt into their new role. Within stability, yet of variable ever changing frequencies within their sustained higher harmonics.

5] They will be disinterested in many things and subjects. Not give their energy or focus to certain things or subjects. As inwardly, they hold their own vision, and purpose, with inner razor sharp focus.

In one sense, outside of time, this is already done.

Yet because all human avatars experience within linear time, and by degrees of forgetfulness, it will take each, their own individual time for any role change to be EMBODIED and LIVED as that. We already have our abilities. We came in with them. Yet the forgetfulness within the human avatar IS PART of this story and experience. And that is exactly what creates this GRAND unfolding ‘Story’…and the characters in it. That in truth, are all a part of YOU. You are NOT separate to any character in any scene.

Played out via the experience of linear ‘Time’, everyone’s story and acts, are part of the vast tapestry of Light, of the GREATER DIVINE DESIGN. Of what is, the Greatest Love Story to unfold…and thus be told. Through the dance of Light, frequency, and vibration.

With Love always
24 January 2024

PS: In short, the holograms are set for Role Changes this year.
I take time to explain in detailed words here as I try to explain the creation of all holographic reality. And how holograms are actually created via God/Source divine deisgn. As when we master the holographic, we can with God’s Will, create prior to the holographic manifestation. So I’m just trying to pass on inner knowledge, to support your own mastery, as we go

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Judith Kusel - suddenly things will come up for releasing, not only in your physical body, but also in your conscious and subconsciously mind and all the old programming - 23.01.2024

The Light quotients of our souls are now being amplified as with the immense sun flares and amping up of the cosmic energies and the sound frequencies and vibrations, our souls are being activated on all levels, as our DNA is totally created anew.
Therefore the past is being eradicated.

Be aware that suddenly things will come up for releasing, not only in your physical body, but also in your conscious and subconsciously mind and all the old programming you took in through your own thoughts, feelings, and those imposed upon you by the outside world. This is a deeper purification than ever before so that we shed all all the old stuff and absorb the immencely powerful Light Pockets of information now downloaded into us at much higher frequency bands more easily.

You may feel at times as if you have difficulty walking - and it is almost like you are not quite in your old physical body anymore. I mentioned this to my friend (who wide awake and conscious) and he mentioned that he often has the same sensation, although being a Qi Gong master as well.

Here we need to ground ourselves even deeper into Mother earth, even imaging like Diana Cooper suggests, that our earth star become the size of the earth and we merge with her. I often imagine myself like the mighty Tree of Live, stretching from Universal levels into the earth and then growing such thick golden roots that it spans the whole earth. Walking barefoot on the earth, or grass or in nature will assist you are well.

We are starting to walk between the worlds as the higher dimensional states are opening rapidly now. I am finding that I can now access Universal Knowledge when doing my Soul Readings which I could not access even a year ago. It has to do with the massive Universal Consciousness and Energy Fields now being accessible to our souls, as merging with our soul groups now.

We are going to feel ourselves now being pushed, literally from the seeming possible, and seeming comfort zones, right into the Universal Space and the only way forward it to trust that you are always lovingly guided and assisted through this process.

It is vital to do deeper within and listen to that still, wise voice and deep intuive knowing within, for things are now hotting up like never before and we are in state of total breakdown of all systems, so that the new can be birthed on all levels in the New Earth and anchored into the New Golden Age.

We are Cosmic Exploreres and Pioneers now, and how exciting this is!
The navigational systems and tools are within yoru own heart and soul and indeed the infinite Love you in truth are!

Judith Kusel
Photo: Mario Duguay
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