"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - shifted into a much higher Timeline - 13.08.2024

We have been lifted into a much higher and totally new timeline since this morning, which is fully anchoring in the Age of Unity and Love at cellular and atomic, and soul level for all of us and all life and life forms.
This goes beyond all words and thoughts and all expressions into the ultimate state of experience oneness and divinity as the heartflames ignite the inner suns.
It is an expanded homecoming to the ultimate truth of who and what we in truth are.
It will feel like you have now been lifted beyond all you have known yourself to be on the old earth, into the miracle of the true soul, a birth yet a homecoming, to cosmic infinite you.
It will take time to assimilate as you will feel yourself now truly living from the heart of love, and from the core truth of your soul.
I cannot express this, it goes beyond words as it enters infinite space.
Yet your soul will be touched energetically to the core of its infinite existence.
Infinite Love.


I am just overflowing with joy and gratitude today when I think that our souls have been prepared for exactly this time, for thousands of lifetimes, and here we are, having now shifted into a much higher Timeline, with more to come!
I was shown how the Beings of Light and Company of Heavens gathered and how they were celebrating. For this indeed, is another milestone reached in the ascension process into the New Golden Age and the New Earth.
Our heart and soul centers will now expand even more, as our higher soul faculties are fully opened, with the removal of the last veil from our third eye and with the full activations of the Cosmic Tree of Life, Sephiroth.
Step by step, breathing moment, by breathing moment, heartbeat by heartbeat, we are being transfigured and transformed, as we fully transcend all which ever was, has been and now are stepping into the fullness of a totally new life and new beginnings - it is unprecedented. It has never ever happened before, on this enormous scale.
Unity, Harmony, Peace, Balance.
How very blessed we are!
Just joy and gratitude!
Above all - Welcome, the Age of Love!

Judith Kusel
Photo: All credit to the artist.

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