"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris -Awareness of your own voice & Remember your light - 10.08.2024


To have an awareness of your own voice, you have to become a listener to yourself and many do not do this. They are asleep, spewing out words they are not listening to or paying attention to. And we do not mean scrutinizing every single word for the sake of the words, we are more speaking about your tone. If somebody asks you, are you excited about tomorrow and you respond with, yes, I am excited about tomorrow. Did you sound excited when you parroted the words back to them? Was your body truly involved, or do you pause before you respond and speak from your truth? And your truth may be, yes, I am actually excited about tomorrow. Or your truth may be, no, in this moment, I am mostly feeling nervous about tomorrow.

You see, words without true feeling, true connection to your feeling have been part of the currency on this planet for so long and the new currency of connection to others, of connection to yourself and of connection to creating your most abundant future. The new currency is a connected voice. 


You are here to remember your light, both on a personal level and for the world itself. On a personal level, you may be in a period where you are trying to remember new levels of light in your own body, and perhaps shock, change, grief has catapulted you into that state. You may be in a part of the process where bringing light to others is not your way of being. Remember, you cannot be in control of your soul. The mind is lower than the intelligence of the soul, so it cannot track for you exactly what your life purpose is from moment to moment. An enlightened mind recognizes to allow the intelligence of your soul to speak to and through you, and that the mind is but a servant to your journey, not the overseer. We wish to remind you that the storm you are in is but a part of your journey, not the final destination. 

- From Navigating the Storm (2021-2024) MP3

source - https://www.facebook.com/leeharrisenergy888

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