"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

We successfully survived - experienced the energies and events of July and arrived in August. More interesting and divisive events at the world level will probably continue, and the energies will also be stronger. Our Sun also switched to a higher gear and we got a couple of big M and X eruptions. In addition, I think the incoming energies are strong and have a great impact on our physical body, causing physical pain, exhaustion and other symptoms. Self-care is important.

The political theater (Trump assassination, Biden resignation, etc.) has now been replaced by the Olympics. Now the internet and the media are full of these news and they have achieved again to divide the society - "divide and conquer".

We know very well that these openings, whether Olympia, Oscar, Eurovision Song Contest, Superball, etc., are all meant to serve the current agenda, the plans of the background power and live ritual. One of the best examples of this is e.g.: the 2012 London Olympia opening, where the "Covid pandemic" was predicted, with hospital beds and nurses, and 8 years later the world could experience their plan first hand.

Energetically, these "cabal rituals" are "depressing" and dark, like, for example, horror movies. Yet millions around the world are watching mesmerized and applauding and do not notice or perceive anything in it. The worst part is that many children watch these shows, who we know are the most open and most impressionable at this age, which is why I consider the cabal's agenda, which can be traced 24/7 in the media, movies and cartoons, to be harmful. These are the best ways to prepare (plant the seeds) in the subconscious of the new generation so that their plan is perfectly feasible and this generation assists them.

The Olympic opening in Paris turned out to be quite extravagant and divisive - some people liked it a lot and some condemned it. I only watched pictures about it and now I watched some short summit of these videos, but I've read a few articles on this topic mostly. I read one good summaries on a Hungarian site - Vílág helyzete - which has been dealing with the background power, their plans, connections and symbols for a long time. It is in Hungarian language so you need to use translator if you would like to read: 

The biggest dislike was the transgender version or drag queens of the "last supper", which Christians took as a personal insult worldwide. According to the organizers, it was the pantheon of the Olympian Gods, a feast, but nowadays everyone sees in it the ideology they want to see. If this was indeed the Pantheon, where was Zeus and the other Gods who were male? 13 God sits in the Pantheon, and I think they invite a few more demigods in the event of a party, but I don't think they would change gender during the party. And if it was the last supper, there were many more than 13 people. Or this was all in all mocking on the Feminine and on the Masculine? 

We already know from the new Hollywood movies that they like strong female characters who are perfect and not dependent on "weak" men - Mary Sue syndrome. But the problem with this message is that there is again a huge gap between men and women, the solution to which is equality. Neither the woman nor the man is in a subordinate or superior relationship, but equal and complement each other perfectly. They have wanted to distort this for thousands of years, with different programming and agendas. The matriarchy did not work, the patriarchy also failed in the course of history, the key is Unity and Balance.

We saw Dionysus (the blue man) in this performance, the god of wine, drunkenness, festivity, as well as ritual madness, insanity and theater. But why is it blue and what is it looking for on the table like a served dinner? Think of the famous Eiffel 65 "blue" music, as well as the "eating rituals" of the Cabal. I must also add that Cabal symbols and their agenda were everywhere. The golden bull's head, the color red symbol, hand gestures, raising the Olympic flag upside down, sexuality, children, same-sex love, trans, LGBTQ, 666, mock on Christian religion etc.

Have you ever noticed that if you mock Christianity, rob or desecrate churches, sacrifice cathedrals such as Notre-Dame, there are hardly any consequences? But if you accidentally make some kind of inappropriate statement about the religion of Islam, or maybe some kind of art, then it has very serious consequences? e.g. Charlie Hebdo case in France. Whose interest is it to destroy Christianity and the Christian spirit?

I have to add that I have no problem with anyone who feels "different", be it same-sex attraction, trans, different skin color, etc. These people are not really "different" as society labels them, but they are actually people just like you or me. They also have souls (unless they're NPCs), and we know that souls don't really have a gender, but have male and female energies. Everyone has the free will to express themselves as they wish, and everyone should have the right to do so freely, yet throughout history, many people have been forced to "shame", "suppress" under the influence of social morality and pressure to live their lives "hiding", "denying themselves" because the current social norms "required" this.

In this modern age they can take on themselves, marry each other, celebrate and show themselves to the world, BUT what they don't see is that the Cabal is actually taking advantage of them, using this as propaganda and stirring up discord between these people by pushing this into our image everywhere - Woke ideology. In fact, the elites push this propaganda beyond purpose to create even more rifts between the people. Let's strive for balance. 

If you feel different from who you were born to be and like the same gender and you decide to live your life accordingly, you do so even if you don't get a lot of hype and constant media attention and you don't want to "change" and influence others to take this path. The propaganda and the agenda are actually (re-education to the opposite sex from an early age), perhaps an embedding towards transhumanism (machine-human), since if they succeed in changing gender with mass hypnosis, they will be able to trick humanity into an AI-human hybrid relationship or creating scientific humans as they did in Atlantis. They do everything to keep humanity enslaved in their system and keep them as far away from God or Source as possible.

One of LGBTQ's or Woke ideology challenges for humanity is unity but not in the Cabal´s term. They use it for their own agenda and divide us more and we need to be more smarter like them and not fall into their trap. How would we be able to accept a vast diverse benevolent alien race if we are not able to accept the skin and other differences of our fellow humans on Earth?

The other point of view as "intentional karma". In the course of history, the white man always imagined himself to be superior, and this can be seen, for example, in the enslavement of the Native Americans and the African people. The laws of the universe changed this to a balance, but the Cabal broke this balance and is pushing it to the extreme again to put a wedge between humanity again, since we are fighting each other, we don't notice how they want to push our world deeper and deeper into their ideas.

Back to Olympia, where the horseman of the Apocalypse appeared (the horse is white and according to the book of Revelation, the "antichrist") and all nations lined up after him. Well, maybe this "plan" is the creation of a world government where there is no national identity, culture, borders, etc.?

Scandals continue to swirl around the French Olympics, there was also swimming in a polluted river, as well as the boxing duel between an Italian lady and an Algerian man characterised women. Simpsons did it again?

I think there will be more problems and scandals at this Olympics, and while we are watching and arguing with each other, something is being prepared in the background...

This topic is very divisive, one has to be very careful, because in this current world everyone is hypersensitive and at any time we can step on someone's little toe and the circus will begin. Somewhere we should find a healthy middle ground and separate the toxic propaganda agenda with real acceptance and love and finally see the wizard behind the curtain who is pulling us along.

Or in the meantime, let's watch the Baby Olympics for fun :)

And Weekend Vibezz not complete without music. Unfortunately I couldn't find the version I wanted (I heard it in a mashup video), but it's also good version -  Good Love

I wish you a good weekend and a very good next week :)

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