"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - Earth´s kundalini, the inner sun, twin flame update for august - 02.08.2024

AUGUST 2 2024

Everything that we are experiencing through our process of restoration of the Divine Kundalini,
takes place in the overall system of Earth too.
Earth has its own Kundalini which is related to the north star and the axis/spine that vertically runs the whole system.
In different periods of the multidimensional clock,
the portal of the Earth's Kundalini opens
and the plasma of the inner Sun comes through.
These are the periods in which people wake up, receive DNA upgrades and become more smart, more etheric, more charismatic while they remember the truth of their story and identity.
In other periods,
the opening or portal of the Earth's Kundalini closes down and people lose many of their abilities as they receive less light from the inner Sun so they become less smart and more material.
Fortunately we are now in the period where the portal opens
so the inner Sun's radiation is flowing in this realm through the reflective portal for the 3D sun and our bodies can upgrade.
Imagine the whole process like leaving the epoch of winter and entering the epoch summer which is being initiated by the bigger cosmic clock or like a big inhalation and a big exhalation of the system that we live in.
Us, we are bound to follow those rhythms and cycles that the system initiates.
The system is pushing us to change and we respond by changing.
Resisting change automatically means rejection and exit from the cycle of the new flow.
It is important to have this information so that one can decide what to do,
change or exit?
This push for change has now reached a great increase and this month will offer great clear proof of this.
This month is the month of the breaking of the loops between the masculine and the feminine.
The breaking of the loops for the unaware collective will take place via strong, unexpected but also very wise developments.
The Twin Flames are now entering a very special period of the conscious breaking of their loops.
During this period the Feminine Presence, Essence and Worth will be witnessed and felt as the Queen which is now taking her new place.
This is a place that the collective had forgotten that it even existed!
I am mentioning this as it is very important!
There will be no continuation towards the new paradigm without the Feminine Queen in her position.
This needs to be clearly understoond.
On the other hand the Masculine has been supported by the Feminine Queen in so many ways but he does not really seem to understand what her return means for him.
In many cases even respected, successful and spiritual males,
are still demeaning the feminine and think that she will continue playing a role of the follower, servant or supporter,
in other cases, males wish to become the feminine's supporter, followers or servants.
Neither is the case that can work in the new energy.
This is the time for Self Sovereignty, growth and adult Souls.
The Feminine has returned to have the role and position of the co-creator.
Co-creation, mutual respect, recognition and appreciation is the only way via which
the Bridge of Life can be restored.
The Bridge will not be steady and strong if there is still active distortion and imbalance between yin and Yang energies
This month is going to be a big test for both the feminine and the masculine!
She is called to claim and take her new conscious position in full responsibility for her role.
If she doesn't do this willingly,
she will be pushed even more via more suffering until she gets what she is meant to do.
He is called to humble himself, share, reposition and in many cases, leave his comfort zone and abandon certain egocentric behaviours and privileges that he was enjoying just by being a male in this world.
Distorted and childish demands are over.
I have personally been many times a witness of males from different places of the world
who are concindered awakened guides or leaders,
being unable to distinguish the difference between co-creation and one-sided creation that basically excludes the feminine wisdom from the decision making process.
In my opinion the existence of these blind spots in the masculine is due to lack or resistance to therapy
so a big part of himself and the true causes of his inner distortion, is unknown to him.
There is still a very big resistance to open up and connect to his true feelings due to inner negative criticism that runs in the family flows and society norms.
This is one big ill loop that the masculine is called to break.
If the masculine within all,
doesn't respond positively to this development,
the answer from the universe will be very strong, even devastating.
I have been witnessing this playing out in many different cases,
especially during the past few weeks.
This is not the time to continue disrespecting because this is not the way of natural law.
The only way for the masculine shadow to heal and escape the ego traps and mental disorder,
is by truly addressing childhood and
generational trauma and soul karma,
meaning by really attending to his healing and nurturing so that he can return to his true power without being threatened or feeling that he needs to subordinate to the feminine.
There will be no more external energy supporting arrogance and egotism!
Many male leaders or spiritual guides in all kinds of fields will lose their female supporters as the energies now will be so intense that it will be so easy for them to impulsively expose their shadow in unproductive ways only to realise it too late!
The matter anti-matter heart spreads its BIG wings and it is all inclusive,
meaning of both masculine and feminine energies!
This heart is the portal of birthing the new Life!

The inner loops are breaking,
revealing the truth behind each experience.
They are opening the way for the organic flows to come in and bring restoration in the paths and nodes of the Kundalini.
This is the development that is igniting
the I AM SOLAR Consciousness!
We are really leaving oblivion and the dark ages behind.
We are becoming the Presence and Essence of the inner Sun's Trinity!

-Coming up next
Those that have the inner call to join this work
can message me for the details of participation.
*Also please note that the 5D Spiritual Surgery on the 13th of August,
has been moved to 16:30 Athens time zone.
For bookings please email me at ourtruespiritualfamily@gmail.com
Blessings to all for a very constructive month!
We got this!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

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