"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - At this time refrain from judgement yourself and others - 02.08.2024

At this time refrain from judgement.
Yourself and others.
Judgements sow the seeds of separation and conflict. It feeds the shadow.
Love is its purest form unites, and sees with eyes of love.
You can be discerning and stand fully in your own soul's love, light and truth, without needing to cast stones of judgement and separation.
You stand in your mastery, and live your truth, with love.
I have done so many soul readings and what has been affirmed is the every soul on earth has played out both shadow and light, without exception, myself included.
Every soul is unique and every has agreed before bein born, to a certain framework of destiny in some form or another. Yet every soul has free will and choices. The choices determine the outcome. Yet every soul will have wake up calls along the way. You will meet those souls who have agreed to be here again with you, so that you all can now be healed and those negative patterns which ever were created, within self, and others finally be forgiven, the slates wiped clean, forever.
There is huge sign stating: "NO FISHING ALLOWED!"
This simply means do not go and try to go back and retrieve that which in truth, exists no more! The past exists no more!
We now all are asked to rise above it, and true perspective and live and act from the higher heart, the cosmic heart of love.
We observe, but do not engage.
It simply means to not expend energy of judgement and such like. It is only when you energize
something by labelling it, that you lose control.
You simply choose not to engage but rather to see all in the truth and light of what it is and to not allow it to shake your own inner balance.
And when it does, to immediately refrain from judging yourself, but simply getting out the mirror and acknowlegde it, discharge what pushes your buttons and get back into center point, and the true state of higher love.
In the here and now with accelerated ascension, every thought we think, every word we speak, every action we take, all enery we project outwards, manifests instantly.
Your own choices are now determining the future you, in the here and now.
I choose Love and to do the inner work constantly. Even as I live my soul truth and lovingly serve from my heart and soul and for the highest good of all.
What do you choose?

Photo: Jonathan Earl Bowser

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