"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Alexander Quinn - 2025 March Equinox (Saturn and Neptune) & next 24 hours to be very wild - 20.03.2025

Dear all,

For the sensitives out there who feel energy in the body, today is going to feel very intense. Approximately 12 hours ago, the phantom energetic particles began arriving. However, as of a few minutes ago, the main part of the wave hit Gaia.

Some will have woken up suddenly and been unable to get back to sleep. Others will not sleep at all. Some may experience tight chests and racing hearts, while others will feel euphoric elation. Those still in the equinox void, recalibrating, may suffer from bouts of depression and waves of sadness today. Some will experience fluctuations of both.

Science has not yet detected this energetic wave hitting Earth, but it’s a big one. Today (Friday), some people might feel as if they’ve been hit by an energetic train. It’s going to be one of those energetically wild but highly synchronostic weekends.

Your relationship with food and taste might also feel strange over the weekend, cravings may shift, certain foods might not appeal to you, or you may feel the need to eat differently than usual.

Have your ears started ringing yet as the tone dials up and up? Don’t be concerned if you woke up today with a headache and nausea, it will pass. Try to move your body today to help the energy flow through. I expect the next 24 hours to be very wild.

Much love,


2025 March Equinox (Saturn and Neptune)

The March 2025 equinox (today, March 20th) is a gateway for transformation and carries a very special energy this year, linked to Saturn and Neptune, which I will discuss in a moment.

From a metaphysical perspective, equinoxes are cosmic alignment points where the balance of day and night symbolizes the harmonization of dualities (light and dark, conscious and subconscious). If you’re interested in this concept, Carl Jung writes about its psychological effects in an incredible way. However, the equinox is also a time when the gravitational field of the Earth lowers, potentially amplifying ascension symptoms even more! So, except for the unexpected, you may feel a mixture of wired and tired at the same time. A temporary increase in unusual and mysterious energetic shifts within the body and mind is likely to occur.

Equinoxes also represent moments of pause and voids. It can sometimes seem as though there is a temporary stillness in manifestations just before something new begins. This void may create a feeling of emptiness or an unfulfilled longing, but this space ultimately allows for vibrational shifts to realign. This phase is only temporary so be patient lightworkers. Every year, this moment ushers in Aries season, a time of bold initiative, new beginnings, and forward momentum. The symbolism is particularly potent for lightworkers. As the Sun exits Pisces (the last sign of the zodiac) and crosses into Aries (the first sign), it resets the zodiac wheel, beginning a new 12-sign cycle of cosmic energy.

However, the 2025 equinox carries extra weight because major planets are also shifting. Saturn and Neptune are moving into Aries, signaling the closure of old cycles and the birth of a new astrological era of transformation that will have the following collective effects: Saturn in Aries: A New Chapter in Leadership and Responsibility

Saturn (structure, discipline, karma) enters Aries for the first time since 1996. Aries, ruled by Mars, is about courage, action, and individual willpower.
Collectively, Saturn in Aries brings a shift in leadership styles, personal accountability, and new challenges in self-identity.

We may see a greater focus on self-reliance, direct action, and innovation, but also power struggles around authority and independence.

On a global level, this could manifest as new policies around personal freedom, stricter rules around individuality, and a rise in self-starters and trailblazers.

During this period, cosmic influences encourage all zodiac signs to take initiative, assert their intentions, and step into a fresh chapter. However, balancing Aries’ fiery energy with patience is crucial, otherwise, you may feel overwhelmed. For example, if Mercury or other planets are retrograde near the equinox (which it is this year), the pace of change may be tempered, urging reflection alongside action.

On a galactic level, this equinox will activate a Galactic Activation Portal, triggering days and even weeks of intensified cosmic energy as Earth aligns with galactic harmonics. This creates a moment when a surge of galactic energy flows in, supporting a leap in consciousness and an upgrade in planetary vibration. During this time, lightworkers may begin channeling or spontaneously speaking Light Language for the first time, an indication of profound energy shifts occurring across the planet. This can be a powerful period for spiritual downloads, heightened intuition, and multidimensional awareness. From a scientific perspective, we know that around the equinoxes, the Earth's magnetic field aligns in a way that allows more solar wind particles to interact with our atmosphere, leading to heightened geomagnetic activity, also known as the equinox effect. With these heightened energies, it is essential to prioritize rest, hydration, and self-care around this time. Use your energy economically.

Much Love

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