We are not only between the two Eclipses this month, where we may feel that we are 'walking between worlds', and this happens twice (at least) a year, we are walking between worlds in a much bigger way astrologically. It isn't just the wild card and often permanent changes signalled by the Eclipses, we have have the line up of planets in Pisces (last sign of the zodiac) and Aries (first sign of the zodiac) also reinforcing that message.
We also have all the outer planets changing signs in the next 13 months, with Neptune entering Aries for the first time since April 1861 on March 30th. It is not the end of THE world, but most certainly signalling the end of A world, the continued collapse of the old order.
So it can feel as if we are in the cocoon stage, and there is astrological support for that. We are on the precipice of co-creating a new episode for humanity, a New Earth with an expanded consciousness.
It will be most helpful for you to stay on your Eagle's perch through these times. Particularly observe your inner shifts. What new dream are you birthing at this time, as Neptune transits into Aries? Who are you already becoming? See where 0° Aries falls in your chart, which house area. What have you already outgrown? What feels stale, old, and routine? What messages are you receiving in your dreams and meditations (Neptune) as soul prompts for you? Several times in your day expand your consciousness, feel a sense of spaciousness and blending (Neptune) with All That Is. Where are you being led?
Ask a question of your dreams as you fall asleep, 'show me my next step' in my dreams tonight, and keep a dream diary by your bed. As I suggested in my recent update, ask the Universe to 'show me some magic today' and see what comes. Is this in nature, or an unexpected act of kindness from someone, or a nudge to meditate more?
Despite the Neptunian fog that may prevail at this time, try to live with a simple focus and greater intentionality; that you are setting intentions throughout your day to more beautifully enable your co-creations. Remember to always state these in the present tense using the energy of 'they have already arrived'. For instance, 'I am already loving my new home' and step into that energy as if it is already here; that is what will magnetise it to you. Have no doubt or wobbles.
Equally, step into the New You who is being birthed at this time. Dare to dream a new dream. This isn't just a regular once a year Equinox, as because the astrology is so big and we are in a year of great transition, your opportunity to make a jump is much greater. We are already in the energy of the Total Lunar Eclipse of last Thursday and the upcoming Solar Eclipse on the 29th at 9° Aries. See where that falls in your chart too. Eclipses remember very often bring permanent changes in your life, to jog you back onto your soul's path of growth. Aries is the sign linked to action, so can you initiate something in the direction of your new dream?
The Solar Eclipse at 9° Aries is also conjunct the Sun of Iran at 11° Aries, which is also the chart ruler for the country (chart set for April 1st 1979 15.00 Tehran). It is in the 9th house of foreign relations. The Total Lunar Eclipse at 23° Virgo has just opposed Iran's Mars at 25° Pisces, which rules this 9th house. So observe what may be playing out with Iran in terms of aggression towards it or from it in the coming weeks. Don't engage, just observe.
Blessings to you all.
Aries Equinox March 20th 2025
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