"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - Stocks sink & Bangladesh's prime minister resign - 05.08.2024

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina as resigned after protestors stormed her palace. The chart for Bangladesh is set for April 17th 1971, 12.00 Dacca. Transiting Pluto is opposing the Ascendant at 1° Leo and squaring the Midheaven (leadership, government) right now. Apparently the country is now under military control.
This is a time when leaders will fall from power as we are beginning to see. At the 3D level this may appear chaotic, but from the higher perspective of the large astrological cycles playing out it is as expected and that is reassuring. The old world has to collapse and it may appear messy and loud. However everything that is unfolding is coming from the underlying energy shifts that are moving so rapidly now, taking us into an accelerated evolution.
It's like that analogy of the New York street at rush hour; at the street level it can feel completely chaotic and overwhelming, but from a higher level, say a drone, with slightly speeded up film, you can clearly see the ebb and flow of the day in the city. What is chaotic at the lower level has pattern and order at the higher level.
Astrology can help us make sense of things when they seem to be crazy. Keep dropping into you heart, your breath, and stillness.
Much love to you all.


As you may be aware, there is great volatility on stock markets today. The Japanese Nikkei index fell by almost 13%, its biggest drop since October 1987, and other UK, European and US markets are also falling.

As I've mentioned in recent videos this kind of volatility was expected and is likely to continue in various forms. At the Leo New Moon of yesterday Venus was tightly square to Uranus in Taurus, suggesting sudden radical moves in markets, currencies and wealth. Mid-August is another 'peak probability' period for this with the Full SuperMoon in Aquarius, ruled by Uranus (sudden radical shocks) and being squared by Uranus in the sign of Taurus=money, wealth, currencies etc.

What reinforces this is that the US is going through its Pluto Return which is in the 2nd house of the country's economy and wealth, using the chart set for the 4th July 1776 17.10 Philadelphia. I have been talking about this for the last two years. Pluto is currently at 0° Aquarius but will retrograde back into Capricorn from September 2nd to November 19th, for the last time in its 248 year cycle. It will then be at the 'anaretic' or crisis degree of 29° Capricorn. You may remember that Pluto entered Capricorn (sign of big money, banking, and stock markets, institutional wealth) in 2008 and this was the time we had the financial crisis of September of that year. So any corruption or anything that is not for our highest good will be clearly 'deconstructed' this year in order that a new financial system can be born, promised by Uranus in Taurus.

In addition to this, it is interesting to note that the chart for the New York Stock Exchange is set for May 17th 1792, 12.00 New York, and has its Sun at 27° and Midheaven at 28° Taurus. Transiting Uranus, planet of sudden shocks, surprises and truths coming to light, is exactly at these degrees until next June, returning in the early months of 2026 for the last time in its 84 year cycle.

Interestingly, the chart for the Wall Street Crash of October 29th 1929 17.32 New York has its Midheaven (status, reputation, visibility in the world) at 29° Capricorn. Transiting Pluto is already tightly conjunct this, and will be exact at this degree from September 2nd til November 19th.

Capricorn as a sign very much represents the old order, the traditional structure that has endured that favours elitism with wealth held by a few at the top. So it is a vertical socio-economic structure that by definition encourages inequality.

The astrological direction of travel is that society will become more horizontal, more equitable, fairer, with innovations that care for the Earth coming from communities, collaborations and maybe even people's assemblies and councils in future. People who are innovators, visionaries and entrepreneurs will step forward to create a much better world for us all.

However just as we saw before with the last Pluto in Aquarius cycle with the French revolution in 1789, this energy is very rebellious, revolutionary and urgent. We are seeing this play out in many parts of the world. So astrology can help put so much of this seemingly random chaos into a bigger picture.

Stay on your Eagle's Perch, stay out of fear, and watch the inevitable play out, although for a time with Pluto's retrograde as I have mentioned it may look as if things are going backwards. This is temporary. What is really causing this collapse of the old world is that anything not born of love will no longer go forward. A much higher frequency, the physics of love, is propelling us ultimately to a much more loving, peaceful and compassionate world. Every single one of this is part of creating that. Make our first layers of paint on our blank canvas for the future born of love, not fear.
Blessings to you all.

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