"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - Golden Sun & The White winged lions - 05.08.2024

The White winged lions have returned with the Golden Ones and fully activating the huge Golden Sun temples again, and igniting the New Golden Age, and full anchoring in of the highest Christ Consciousness. 
There is so much more but this I will only share after the Lion's Gate, for it goes beyond the beyond, the Suns behind Suns.
The sacred golden-white fires. 


This is indeed a very surrealistic year when all is happening on multiple levels, and every time you think, you have all your ducks in a row, suddenly everything changes in an eyewink!
I am learning to be like water and just flow with the riptides, instead of trying to swim against them. It can be exhilirating at times as much as it is a journey into the as yet unknown, unchartered and unexplored, yet the soul remembers.
It is a daily surrendering, so that Divine will and mine, is one and the same!
All is Love!

The higher keys and codes of higher, all cosmic Divine Love and Purity are now pouring in from the Cosmic Heart, as held in Andromeda. 
It is purple and pink, and is activating the higher Love consciousness in our higher heart, to expand unconditional love to all forms of life and expressions thereof, visible and invisible. Thus, a unified cosmic heart field of all-embracing love. 
Love loving. 
Boundless love.
Self and others.
It breaking through the last remnants of heart closure, unforgiveness, separation, duality, and fears and dissolving it in deepest levels. The unconscious emotional and mental charges, past patterns of relationships will surface now, and like volcanoes burst open, so that all can be released and dissolved now and heart-soul lovingly healed.
It is the greater healing into wholeness and oneness.
A sublime Divine gift of love!
For it brings healing in all our relationship with the earth, the animal, plant, tree, mineral and all other kingdoms, the elementals, and the elements as well.  Indeed all of life, visible and invisible.


Dear Precious Soul

Thank you for being here on this planet earth at this exact time as new Golden Sun which is being anchored in and brings in the golden and pure white illumination from the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.
You are now asked to step into the greater purpose, as your inner Suns now are being fully activated and deepest knowing within your own soul. 
With it, clarity and purity of intent, arises from the depths of your soul.
Open yourself to greater visions, greater knowledge, greater wisdom.
More than this, greater love, unity and peace, with inner joy!
This is the great arising of the new humanity, even as the highly evolved super Sun children are now being born.  
You will feel every word here in your higher heart, your deepest inner knowing.
You are being called by your soul name, Beloved One, to step fully now into the truth of your soul, as you now gain access in much higher degrees to your own ineffable soul knowledge, gifts, talents, abilities, wisdom from the first birth of your soul and throughout all its cosmic and universal existences, with love and through love.
Rejoice! The cosmic hour has arrived!

Judith Kusel 
Photo: All credit to the artist: Josh K. Art.

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