"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - New Moon in Leo August 4th 2024

We have a New Moon at 12°34' Leo tomorrow at 4.13am PST and 12.13pm UK time. See where this falls in your chart and don't forget to set a new intention, plant a new seed, for what you want to manifest in your life.

Leo is the sign most associated with the heart, with creativity, joy, and together with Aries is an energy that stands naturally and strongly in its sovereignty. This is a sense of owning your own power, and creating your reality from the inside out on a daily basis. Decide to avoid the news if it makes you feel fearful and anxious, and instead focus on simple things in your day that bring you joy, laughing with a friend, hugging a child or a pet. Drop into stillness as often as you can; the beautiful symbolism of Chariklo is tightly opposing this New Moon, encouraging us to fall into that increasingly familiar Buddhist sense of our permanent silent ground of loving being. Operate from love through your days and see how it changes the dynamics of relationships all around you.

This New Moon is also tightly trine to dwarf planet Salacia at 11° Aries. She is linked to the shimmering sunlight and moonlight on the seas, and I also believe she represents the very high frequency photonic light that the Earth is moving through and will surge to a higher level as we move through the Lions Gate portal. Salacia represents the lightbody that we are increasingly stepping into over the coming months and years. We are merely gravitationally organised light on our individual frequency.

There are two very obvious collective timelines available to us. One is the increasingly loud drums of war, and yes the charts for the US, Israel, Lebanon, and Iran are all very highlighted right now. We are going to see some dramatic developments as the astrology begins to become more dynamic from mid-August and ongoing for the rest of the year. Mars becomes very activated from mid-month with a sesquiquadrate to Pluto (brutal power), conjunct Jupiter (expansion of aggression) and square to Saturn (military action, possibly at sea as Saturn is in Pisces). The apparently increased power and control of the old order will be louder, whilst at the same time experiencing a dramatic inner structural collapse.

This will be felt particularly through September through November when Pluto will. make its final transit through the last degree of Capricorn in its 248 year cycle. Anything not born of love, not for our highest good, will collapse as any corruption comes to light during this period.
There will be some very significant changes in our financial systems this year. We had a taste of this in the last couple of days. In the chart for the New Moon, Venus at the anaretic (crisis) degree of Leo is squaring Uranus (sudden changes) in Taurus. Both Venus and Taurus are linked to money, wealth and currencies, and there were major drops in stock markets yesterday as US jobs growth was weaker. However yesterday as I suggested in the New Moon video (Leo is linked to gold) we might see big changes in precious metals' prices - and indeed yesterday gold achieved its highest ever price at $2470. We will see even more dramatic financial changes in the coming months, perhaps beginning with the Full SuperMoon in Aquarius on August 19th.

The second timeline is very different. Here we can be aware of the drama playing out in the world (and there will be a LOT of that) but rather than scatter our energy and becoming fearful we can stay on our Eagle's perch, observe, but decide not to become emotionally engaged. We can decide to use our energy entirely to create a more loving world. So through imagination but also focusing on the simple joys in life, finding stillness, being in nature, linking with like-minded others, suddenly we find that through synchronicities we are finding the right people, circumstances and opportunities to allow us to move forwards into a very different more peaceful, compassionate and loving future.
Our focus is our superpower.

So which are you choosing? Start to become very conscious of where your are putting your energy and attention as in every moment you are creating your future, and your choice of timeline. Start now as once events become much more dynamic you already want to have established a habit of loving sovereignty. This is the most empowering thing you can do for yourself at this time as everything cascades from your frequency.
Many blessings to you all.

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