"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - It comes from the silence - 03.08.2024


Perhaps the hardest human daily action to sustain, can be to commit to THE DIVINE SILENCE. Return to it again and again. At increasing frequency octaves, to keep ENERGETICALLY ‘building’ of the silence within; sustain it more and more as THAT consciousness state. A consciousness state we then exist from as we go about our daily activities.

Does this mean you stay in physical silence all day, every day? No. The STAGE, of Embodying ‘THE SILENCE’ truly means we can be in multiple STATES of CONSCIOUSNESS, AT the very SAME time. This is such a hard ‘teaching’ to explain but I will try .
As you listen to another, whilst you hear the words, you also feel and hear THE SILENCE beyond the words.

Whilst you view anything with your eyes, you feel and exist in, THE SILENCE.
Whilst you hear a dog barking or a loud sound of any kind, you hear and exist in The Divine Silence beyond all sounds.
As you speak or do, you feel and are simultaneously IN The Divine Silence.

As you breathe, you feel and KNOW the sacredness of the in breath and the out breath, yet you KNOW and experience THE DIVINE (The Holy Spirit/Prana/Chi/Chit) of THE SILENCE is inbetween the in and out breath. It is THIS ‘no breath’ inbetween the Divine inhale and exhale, that magnetises you and deepens YOUR living STATE of consciousness.
THE SILENCE calls you. It becomes INCREASING MAGNETIC. It washes over you akin to energetic ‘Holy Waters’. It becomes you. You become IT.


It’s an absence of ALL phenomena. Consciousness aware of ITSelf, prior to all of It’s Creations. Prior to all dimensions (complex playing fields made of light, frequencies & vibrations). It’s prior to all sound, all images, and all doing. There is the absence of the human ‘Doer’. A state of BEING where nothing has yet been created to see or hear. And yet, it is far from empty. It is infinitely FILLED with the Presence of The Holy Spirit (Prana, Chi, Chit, Life Force), prior to all of God/Source Creations. It is ALIVE. It is of no micro or macro creation. And in that state, there is no ‘you’, no personality, no human, no identity of any kind. For the state is prior to any identity, of human or any species created. Minus the human are you less? No, you become everything. Do you miss anything of phenomena creation? No, you are the All, you are prior to all manifestations. Yet there is no ‘you’. Is there ‘One’? No, you are prior to the concept of numbering systems being created. Is there an ‘I am’ or ‘I am that I am’? No, you are prior to language and human concepts seeking The Creator. Can you truly in the purest of intended ways explain the state? No, for to even try, is to step into a manifested linear human language of words, which by doing so, creates the experience of the observer of ItSelf. And so, there becomes, the ability to be THE SILENCE PRESENCE and the speaker and the ‘doer’, simultaneously, all in the same moment.


On the human path of the ‘seeker’ seeking God Realisation, there are many stages not only within the path, but many stages within the Silence. Just as, there are MANY OCTAVES of Love to feel, be, give of. Similarly, within the many stages of the path, are the many perceptions (consciousness states) of The Silence. Until, THE SILENCE becomes your State of Being. And the voice, that is not of human personality, mind or thinking, nor of ego or identity, speaks FROM the Divine Silence. The voice comes from The Silence ITSelf. Yet for the human body within a holographic paradigm, it is an INNER simultaneous experience. Where the one doing/speaking/being, is simultaneously in the Silence and OF The Presence. There is only God/Source/The Creator to Self Realise ITSelf, where simultaneously a character in a holographic illusion made of light, frequencies and vibrations, self realises God. In that state there is no seeking, only the being of IT. The beauty of IT, in IT’s feeling, It’s Light and active, alive vibrations within IT’s ‘DREAMING’ that dance and play in IT’s pure innocence, that is IT’s wonder, of Being.
The simplicity of the journeying out of temporary forgetfulness is that ONLY LOVE expands us unto IT’s Beingness. It is IT’s LOVE, that called you. In IT’s beauty, personified, IN…’you’.

Always with love for you,
3 August 2024

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