"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - The energy is accelerating & deepening your relationship to spirit guidance and intuition & sobering truth - 04.09.2024

The old way of tracking energy and knowing how things were going to show up has been thrown in the air, which is part of the disorientation and the confusion that everyone is feeling, as well as all of the changes in the grounded world.

But this is important to understand because sometimes your fear or anxiety can lead you to tell yourself a story about what's going to happen. And we know that when we get locked in anxiety or fear of the future, we come away from our true senses, our intuition. Fear will make us back away from our intuition and our senses. It sends us into a spin, which is why this past couple of years have been so tumultuous as well; the temptation into fear has been higher than ever before. So, we have to work doubly hard to, even if not in ourselves, be mindful of the fact that it's out there in other people. So really tune in on what you feel to be true, but equally, pay attention to what actually happens.


There's going to be a wave of you deepening your relationship to spirit guidance and intuition. I know I was like many people when I first really encountered intuition and guidance. When I was much younger, there was a period where I gave it more power than my own knowing. My truth around intuition, or anything to do with guidance, channeling, or any of it, is best applied as part of a well-rounded diet. It's one aspect of our human life. And for me, humanity has so much information and knowledge within it, but so does spirit, and so does guidance. So, if you can live in a balanced way, that's great. But it sounds like there's going to be a real wave of people having a maturation process around intuition and spirit guidance.


I think of a sobering truth as something that slightly hits you between the eyes, or there's usually an element of shock to it, or surprise; it's quite strong or impactful, but the kind of truth that brings about change. So, you learn something about somebody that's a little bit shocking at the time that you learn it, but it's going to lead you to a changed dynamic with that person that will ultimately be for the better; ultimately be healthier for both of you. Might be impactful on that Wednesday that you hear about it, but the following Tuesday and the weeks after that, you'll begin to start to reshape yourself around this initially sobering truth that actually is freeing both of you to have a higher level of relationship.

-Lee Harris

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