"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

Welcome to the middle of September! 

In terms of energies, the last 1 week was quite intense, that is, what I experienced, i.e. I hardly managed to sleep restfully. But not only I experienced this, my father too and we discussed over the morning coffee that "we slept so strangely", as if we were in an in-between state, i.e. we were both asleep and not. We woke up very often during the night and if we had slept maybe 1-2 hours. We slept, but were fully alert to our surroundings. It was like this for about 1 week. I had no other symptoms. It probably has something to do with the approaching Eclipse and the fact that the weather produced anomalies, but I'll get back to that in a moment.

There was also a large X4.54 solar flare yesterday.

Yesterday I successfully returned home from my one-week stay in Hungary. On the way home, we had to be very careful, as there were stormy winds and heavy rains in many sections and we could hardly see forward.

This one week went by very quickly and Mama Gaia refuted my statement that it always rains when I'm on "vacation", because it rained a lot on the first day of our trip, but the sun shone on the other two days and we were drenched in sweat. But by the time we got home from the trip, the weather had turned cold and rainy, and it's been like that ever since. I will write a separate post about the trip with pictures, since there has not yet been a post about Hungary holidays.

I was very happy that I could spend some time with my parents and my brother and his "new" family, we had some time to play board games, and I finally got to meet my nephew. The boy is very cute, he is developing very fast, and his mom was also surprised by this. These newly arrived souls - children already represent the next milestone in human evolution and vibrate even higher, that is, according to my experience, they are much "cleaner" energetically and during the time spent with them they "cleanse and heal" those around them. You could almost feel that they were vibrating at a different frequency, like, for example, more distant generation babies. When my little brother was born (25 years ago), energetically I didn't feel like that when I held him for the first time.

Well, I just hold a child for the second time in my life, this is a very big step out of my comfort zone and at first I stayed away, but my brother's wife is "funny women" - "we'll just hand over fast the child so I don't have time to think". The 8-kilo little package didn't start crying on me, which I was very happy about, so a few days later, when we visited them at their home, I agreed again to hold him. Again, he didn't cry, but he was moving, and I got a little scared about how to hold him "this child is moving", and everyone burst out laughing "yeah, babies are moving". Well, if a cat is handed to me, I will accept it without hesitation, and if I drop it, it will fall on their feet...but not a child...so I´m careful in this case.

The Hungarian reality is always a bit of a slap in the face, the abundance of propaganda, corruption, the constant medicine ads on TV, the prices, and the quality. Similar to Germany, in Hungary you already have to pay extra for pet bottles and soft drinks in aluminium cans, but the exchange points are often not working, so there is chaos. The quality of the roads between villages and towns is terrible. I joked that in Austria there are notched lanes on the expressway and on the highway to warn the driver if drive out of the way, but in my country in this case already designed so naturally, as it is so potholed, patchy, and cracked that it is definitely impossible to fall asleep while driving. While Austrians used to come to Hungary to shop, nowadays it's the other way around, as many products are cheaper abroad and better quality, but the difference between the salary is huge.


Middle-Europe was hit by a huge cyclone that caused late autumn weather with significant cooling and lots of rain. In August, there was a long heatwave and unusually drought here, and now several months of rain have poured down here within some days. This Cyclone Boris has created a catastrophic situation in Austria at the moment, as the heavy rain flooded the rivers and brought snow to the higher areas. I was reminded of Pam Gregory's Eclipse Astrology, as Pisces is a water sign, and water is currently the lord here.

Residents have been evacuated in several settlements, firefighters are working hard to pump out water in the cities. Trains and subways are not working in several places, and several highway sections have been closed because of standing water.

There are areas at higher places where the fresh snow has fallen - even in the lowest altitude of 600m too. In Obertauern now the snow has reached up to 80cm.

 We have water leaking from the walls in the basement, and now also where it never was before, but because there is a water collector in front of our basement that is almost full, it flows there, so the water does not flooding our basement. It is currently 3-4 degrees here, and the heating had to be turned on, as it was barely 16 degrees inside.

According to the weather report, the rainy weather will continue today and tomorrow, then sunny weather will return with 20 degrees. The level of the Danube is rising, the quays have been closed both here and in Hungary, and the competent authorities protect it with sandbags if the water level reaches the embankment. We have a very small river here where the water level is always very low, but now it is high, but it has not yet reached the top of the earth embankment (yesterday afternoon at least, today I don´t know).

New situation - in my village the water rises - at the moment only around the industrial area (yesterday they already pumped out the water from a building) but it is concerning. Our village´s firefighters work on it. If the water level goes high then will reach the highway too.

Is this a natural phenomenon or the result of the influence of the weather manipulation, or is it a by-product of both? I don't know, but one thing is for sure: lives are at stake and many people's life's work (life/house/car/belongings) will be washed away by the water. Many people especially who rule the world - turn their back on Mother Nature because "Everybody wants to rule the world".

I wish for you a very good week and stay safe!

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