"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - The power of the collective is rising & Feeling need to move through us & Creative Impulses - 11.09.2024

The tide is turning versus the fear template of the last three and a half years that we've been living in. A few years ago, a lot of people understandably got scared and were asked to be scared and shrank. People power was not very evident for a while, even though there were subgroups who were trying to move us forward as a society.

There's a real shift now, and this is just the beginning. 2024 is the beginning of people power rising; we're going to see this through the next few years. It involves humanity standing for humanity, even in the face of us being blocked from doing that, potentially. It's interesting; this makes me think of what we've just seen play out globally a little bit with people standing up for other subgroups and saying, "No, this is not what we want. This is not the world we want. This is not what we believe in. This is not what we want to create."

This is a time when we, as a people, are about to rise in our true power. Not necessarily power that's trying to overthrow or enslave others - we certainly see enough of that playing out on the planet - but really, people speaking from their hearts and from their humanity about how we want this world to be in the future and what we're here to help usher in.

Watch the full September 2024 Energy Update here: https://www.leeharrisenergy.com/sept-2024-energy-update


Releasing our feelings rather than turning them into a story really pertains to recognizing that feelings are feelings and they need to move through us, otherwise, they get stuck. And when our feelings get stuck, we tend to take them to the mind and play out a story. So, for example, any despair that you are feeling right now about collective issues - things that you're seeing in the world and collective confusion - is despair. So, you have to feel it as despair to release it. 

What we can tend to do, and we do this as a group (all of us do it and we hand it to each other), we will try and release small pieces of emotion through densely woven stories. So, we'll tell each other stories of the terrible thing that has happened to us or that is happening in the world. Whereas, the fastest way for us to change the story and to be present to the story is if we really feel our despair. I know that many of you might be feeling, "I don't want to feel any more despair," but that will tend to be that the story that you were running in your mind about what's going on, or more importantly, what's going to happen in the future, is holding you in a place of despair. Whereas actually, this is a time where all of us need to grieve, feel despair, not like what we're seeing, but have that experience for a series of minutes or hours at most - not for weeks at a time because then we're locked in the story and the emotion cycle. 


You are healing at an ancestral level. You are letting go of past lifetimes, and you are becoming a new level of freedom and consciousness on the planet. You will see that the rise for you will be around truth and heart. For many of you, the truth will mean, you will become more aligned in relationships, more aligned in the way you speak and what you say, more aligned with living in what is your truth and less pulled into the truths of others for healing relationships. Many of you will graduate from using others to heal or contact yourself, you will now be sovereign in your consciousness. 

-Lee's Guides the Z's


Because we are through a little more of the adrenalized fight or flight energy, you're going to be able to actually create things in the world; whether it's changing your circumstances or whether it's acts of creation, whether it is writing a book or whatever it is that feels important to you. And it's very easy in times like this, to wonder, “What's the point of your act of creation?” Especially when you see a lot going on in the world.
But the one thing that my guides are always saying is that each of us are a puzzle piece in the hive that we live in and we have to take care of our puzzle piece. And if we follow what it is that we want to create, it's going to add something, not just to our lives, but to the lives of others around us. So we need to listen deeply to that creative impulse in order to get to that state.

-Lee Harris

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