"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pam Gregory - October is a power-packed month astrologically and astronomically - 22.09.2024

October is a power-packed month astrologically and astronomically. Around the Equinoxes we always have something called the 'Russell-McPherron Effect' which I've mentioned in the past, and this is where at Equinox times cracks form in the Earth's magnetic field and allow more solar winds to enter the Earth's field. What this means that yes, we could see more colourful auroras, but also it increases the potential for geomagnetic storms, especially as we are at the peak of Solar Cycle 25.
August saw a record month for sunspots, and October is likely to be extremely active too.

We also have Comet Atlas coming close to Earth, and Comets bring new information for us that can accelerate the change we are currently experiencing. This will be brightest around October 12th, able to be seen with the naked eye. The reason that is so interesting is that Pluto is stationary direct on that day, and when outer planets in particular become stationary their symbolism is magnified a few days to either side.

Pluto is the planet linked to power. So around the 12th we are likely to see an assertion of power in the world. As Pluto is still in Capricorn then, we may see greater attempts at more top down control, or as this is so close to a Full SuperMoon in Aries on the 17th October which has a Cardinal Grand Cross involving Mars and Pluto (wow!) this could be some form of astronomical power, or 'brute force' of some kind emerging in the world.

This is all part of the collapse of the old order, the old world, so please see it in that context.
Increasingly as Pluto moves into Aquarius on November 19th for almost the next 20 years, as Aquarius is ruled by Uranus the sky god in myth, we are likely to see a lot more from 'out there' that will dramatically influence our evolution of the Earth itself and of humanity.

Stay in love, peace, joy, compassion and gratitude as we move through all of this!
Much love to you all.

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