"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - listening nature & higher heart opens - 25.09.2024

As much as the shift accelerators are pushing us to the next levels, let us remember that one single step forwards, into the New Earth, is worth nine.

We need to learn to take more time to envision, to dream, to meditate, to listen, to go for long walks in nature and to just allow our innate creative centers to be fully activated now.

I am finding that listening to bird songs lately brings a great stirring in my soul. Their songs have risen in frequency and they are angelic in nature. The same applies to songs of the waters and seas. The whisper of the wind, the beautiful of synchronized natural sound and colours will lift you in a much high state.

So will listening to high frequency music in the different Solveggio frequencies, singing bowls, gongs, while certain human voices carry high frequency over and undertones now, which activate our tuning forks within our spines.

Start to close your eyes when in nature. Learn to listen, listen, listen. Your own soul songs will rise, as will have sudden inspiration, messages, insight, visions.

I do this, touching the rocks, tuning into them as they are event recorders and store energy records of all life and life forms. Here in Africa you find rock gongs which chime and they are all tuned in and communicate with each other.

Trees are wisdom keepers and are constantly in communication with each other. When elephants or other animals eat too much leaves and break off too many branches, the tree will signal to other tree, and their leaves will get so bitter that the elephants will move on.
Life and the life forces are present everywhere, visible and invisible.

Add to this the ekementals: AS a child I was playing and communicating with them and the angels and I always invite them to tend to my plants and thank them and bless them as well as Mother Earth and all the elements as well.

When you tune in, your intuitive and psychic centers are fully activated and you can then see, hear, sense and feel what you could not before.

We are being tuned in on so many levels now, so that we become as one again with All That Is, from the heart and soul.


I am being brought since yesterday to the greater vision which has been given to me, in renewed fashion, in the last 24 hours, and it has truly spoken into my heart and soul. It fills me with love and joy!

This is the time when the true heart, the higher heart opens, even more, and when kindness, compassion, caring, and the knowing of Oneness and unity, in a much deeper and profound way, brings in the knowing, that we always have been ONE.

It is a deep healing of all our relationships, the relationship with ourselves, and then others, and more than this our relationship with all life and life forms, on earth and beyond.

When we truly “see” ourselves, as we in truth are, as SOULS, then we cannot shrink ourselves to fit the norms of others, nor those we often have imposed upon ourselves, to fit into a society which had values which we were never our own. Rules and restrictions, so often breaking us down, instead of lifting us up and showing us the greatness that is there within all of us.

When consciousness rises within, it expands into the cosmic whole. Now you start the process of familiarizing yourself with the immortal aspects of your true soul, and this becomes a Parzival’s journey, a quest for the Holy Grail. For the Holy Grail, has never been an object, nor a treasure, it has always been that deep inner soul self, showing itself, and fully finding the Kingdom of Heaven within, where it always has been.

Love expands now, to embrace the whole Universe and all which is beyond our ken, yet which our souls remember.

It is the illumined Suns now igniting in our heart and soul, and with it the highest state of consciousness, which is so deeply experienced, felt and known, that words fail. Every soul will have its own experiences of such moments, yet this always expands into the greater Whole, the Eternal One.

In German, the cosmos is known as DAS ALL. The All. One.
Ain Soph. EIN. (One). ALL.
We are now transcending duality, separation, and in the process of reuniting with the AIN the ALL. The ONE.
And through it all, love shines through.
Love and inner Joy.
For love and joy are soul companions.

One cannot experience the greatest Oneness, the ALL, without experiencing ecstasy, as one expands into the vastness of fields of consciousness which again, defies description.
All the great Mystics who ever resided here for an eyewink in eternity knew this.
And it is this consciousness state which indeed opens the cosmic doors to all the different spirals and tiers of Creation: visible and invisible. Known and unknown.
We are returning to our true soul state, and to the All Seeing, All Hearing. All Knowing.
And we can only do so through our hearts and souls, and the holy Grail of Higher States of Consciousness, where all is ONE.

Judith Kusel

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